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Everything posted by Bruce

  1. Well, for starters...they've been to the playoffs more than we have during the past decade
  2. Thank you for the input. This is very exciting, but I'm not currently enrolled in a college program- which is one of the key requisites to even apply for the internship.

    I plan on going for a 2nd masters here in DC in Film and Media, and could then do it...but its not easy finding time for school when you have a wife, child, and mortgage.

    I'm still trying to figu...

  3. Not a one. ILB, to some extent, if I really want to grasp. But position by position, I think we're getting stacked. I think my only concern going into this season is....can...the team...stay...HEALTHY?
  4. Yeah, I was thinking this very thought when I walked my dog this morning. Buffalo should offer a respite from any distractions that come from more marquee locations like NY, LA, Dallas, Miami, etc. Though Nashville is not necessarily a rocking city- it does have its fair share of transients looking to make it big in Country music. I think what did Young in was having to shoulder the burden of being "The Man". I don't know that he could handle it, psychologically. Now, some may scoff at that and suggest that he played on a National Title competing team in Texas, but I would argue that QB'ing an NFL team with the professional responsibilities is a different beast entirely. Let us not forget, that as I recall this is the same Vince Young that looked like an unbeatable, come-from-behind stud of a QB when he was playing for the Titans then was having the police have to come to his house as he was threatening to kill himself. This extremely strange and erratic behavior seems to have subsided, and hopefully for good. But I see these and similar tirades as the perfect reason why you DO sign him to a 1-year deal. The guy has a track record of being a malcontent in the locker room, so why take the chance and sign him to a multi-year deal so that he can be comfortable? Similar to our clownish T.O. signing a couple of years ago, offering anything more to a player with a history of causing egotistical distractions would seem to reinforce to said player that they don't have to be up to their behavioral best, since they have something of security providing they play up to their contract. Keeping them on a short leash, so to speak, with a 1 year deal, is the perfect way to minimize any potential meltdown while experimenting to improve your club.
  5. I will be more comfortable answering this question after we see how these draft picks, undrafteds, and invited players do once we get to Training Camp.
  6. Skip Bayless needs to retire.
  7. The Pats have been teetering for a couple of years now, and with LT Light retiring, and us getting Super Mario, Brady will need some serious coddling from Giselle after he plays us twice/ year. I think that the fins are sunk. I think that the Jets are stagnant and may actually be falling due to the antics of their coach and the whole locker room melee over Mark Sanchez being the starting QB. Those comments by a few players do not go away easily. Indeed, the others seem to be sinking while we are rising..now, if we can only stay healthy... GO BILLS!!
  8. I don't think it means that B. Smith will necessarily be cut...I think that it means that there will be more competition for the #2 QB and Wildcat option player. Young could very well be cut if his reported bad attitude resurfaces. But this certainly makes for a much more interesting training camp. Buddy is firing on all cylinders. We've got free agents, draft picks, undrafted players, and tryout players. Leave no stone unturned... The competition should be fierce, and may the cream rise to the top. Young is a better passer than Smith, and a better runner than Thigpen. If he can curtail his behavioral exploits, the Bills may have just gotten a ton better!
  9. I would gladly trade Vanek/ Roy and a 1st Round pick for the LA Kings Dustin Brown...
  10. My name is actually Paul, BTW. I chose Bruce in honor of the great Bruce Smith, the all-time greatest IMO.

  11. I would love to do the Redskins internship here in Ashburn, VA, where you are a camera and editing assistant for all of the shows...but it has to be for college credit. I currently volunteer at a local television studio as a studio camera operator, with the hopes of one day living this dream.

    But I never could figure out how to get into the NFL

    Thanks for your info. How would one do it?

  12. Thanks, that's cool info.

    I've got my Masters in Physical Education and Health, have got strength and conditioning cred, am a licensed teacher, have played a little football, and love the game! I also have a love of film and was looking to get my 2nd Masters in Film and Video, and would even love to work at NFL Films. I currently live outside DC, so I guess that the Reds...

  13. Dogma+, I am intrigued by your background.

    I have a pretty good education in sports and education, and I see how alot of GM's actually had a similar start as me.

    What I am wondering is how could I get started in the NFL? How does one even get a shot at an interview?

  14. I would have to agree. As much as I would love atleast a semi-resurgence of Merriman- if he does not get something together this year or ends up on the scrap heap of injuries again I would say he should be shed. Dwan Edwards, IMO, does not fit the bill anymore, and for his salary should be cut. I'd be surprised if he is still on the roster come September. Spencer Johnson still has some play left in him, and I don't think that he would be a total loss to keep on the roster as dependable depth for the next 1-2 seasons; but as you mentioned a pay-cut should be in order. Carrington I think has developmental upside, and I am interested to see which direction he goes. This year should be a crucial year for him, as he has now been in the league long enough to have learned and grown. Troupe looks like a bust at this point to me. If he can't put together an injury-free season with improved performance on the field, then he should be cut. Kelsay, as much as I like the effort, is not worth the contract. However, if the Bills shed Edwards and possibly Merriman while restructuring guys like Johnson and Troupe, I would not be against keeping Kelsay for another year or two.
  15. Florence was either hot or cold during his stay in Buffalo. When he was bad, he was oftentimes getting flagged for multiple pass interference calls in a single game; thus costing a practical football field in penalty yards. He would be abused with holding calls, hands to the face, etc. When he was good, he was returning INT's for TD's. There never seemed to be a middle ground. For the amount of his salary, and for the mercurial nature of Mr. Florence, I think that this is a wise move. Now if we could only shed Kelsay....
  16. Football?!??!? Heck, I would KILL to have this guy on my team in a snow ball fight. Yeah, and Losman did something like that, too. And Trent Edwards was featured on an episode of Sport Science for his football "physics". We all should know by now how those 2 turned out. And since I'm on the topic of Edwards, wasn't he bad-mouthing the Bills when he signed with Jacksonville? Something like he was going to show us, or something....? Would seem to me that it is Edwards that has been "shown"....the door yet again.
  17. Upon the initial read of the topic, I thought "Yep, Kelsay is a boner" But after reading the actual article, the poster and anyone ripping Kelsay is a real bonehead. Kelsay has often been a liability- especially since having been converted to a retarded LB (no offense to actual retards)- but Mario didn't even bring the issue up. Kelsay did. This isn't even an issue.
  18. I would have to second that comment. Brown was an extremely pleasant surprise for me last year; as I have so accustomed to Bills players being blown up when they first get on the field. He was a reminder for even me that Modrak and Co. are long gone, and Nix has this ship heading rapidly in the right direction. I don't see what everyone is shocked about on this post. Nix has been clear that one of the biggest things the Bills want to do this offseason was get bigger and stronger. I love this competition for positions! Should bring out the best in all of the players and carry over right into the season. It's about friggin' time!!! GO BILLS!!
  19. What the heck position is 'SAF'?
  20. Wow! This guy is a dominator at his position. The 'Fins would be foolish to allow him to drift off or to trade him...salary be darned. He is a top-tier LT, and he plays with some nastiness. As much as I hate the Dolphins, Jake Long is the only player on their roster that I respect and would love to have playing for the Bills. But I'll wake up now.
  21. I don't know how anybody can get excited about draft picks unless they are 1st round talent and until a.) training camp starts and the player drafted displays reasons why he deserves to make the opening day roster and b.) said player doesn't get hurt in camp. Also- everyone likes to dog Bills draft picks from Buddy's first year, but it takes time for draft picks to develop. 3-5 years. I don't see any sense in criticizing picks unless it 3+ years in; and I likewise don't see any sense in getting excited about players that basically, at this point, are unproven at the NFL level and just fill a position on the team. If these guys make the roster and contribute, then I'll be celebrating!
  22. "Patriots Entertaining". You know what's really going to be entertaining me this season from the Patriots? When we face them twice and Mario Williams and the rejuvenated Bills pass rush has Brady constantly on his keister because Light has retired and we are just plain better. Aw, Giselle. Please make little Towmy feel better. Lots of hugs and Kleenex. YEAH!! GO BILLS!!
  23. I will be extremely unpleased should the Bills draft CB at #10. I feel as though we successfully excised the spirit of Dick Jauron and his annual 1st round selections of DB's. On that premise alone, I'll be frustrated if they do anything other than LT, WR, or LB at #10- in that order.
  24. Thank you! Peters take notes, and McGahee too! Gotta love the guy. Wears his heart on his sleeve and bleeds his passion on the field. Go Freddy J!
  25. Well, that's not what Nix indicated. Nix stated that you draft a player at #10 in the first round and you want a contributor, a difference maker. You look for your development guys in the late rounds. I mean, look at Maybin. You don't take a project with your 1st pick. Or McGahee for that matter. That was a H-U-G-E gamble considering he blew his entire knee out and rehab was guaranteed to take a solid year and there was no guarantee McGahee would ever return to any field as a player. And I would argue that those decisions on those 2 players alone, and the time it took from playing actual players that could produce right away and make a difference (Oher or Orakpo, anyone?), cost the Bills development in several years of time. I tend to believe the professional "in the trenches" over any fan prognosticator, any day. Great point. You can't ignore the financials on these decisions, either. I don't see the Bills reaching- well, this Bills regime that finally has a clue and is getting it done- for an unknown. Granted, all draft picks are to a certain degree more or less an unknown- but some are more unknowns and especially with such an intricate position as that of QB you would like some certainties. I still think that the Bills go LT with #10, just as I don't believe there is much depth at the position this year. D-line is deep, WR is deep, Secondary is deep. QB at #10? You've got to pay that player at that slot, and I don't see these disciplined and intelligent Bills front office reps reaching and then having to pay for a gamble.
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