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Everything posted by Helpmenow

  1. Rick always had that laugh.
  2. I’ll take the Arkansas rifle over the polish rifle anyday
  3. Was a kicker here. Wore number 5.
  4. Worst playing conditions especially latter in the year. Muddy field.
  5. Went to a lot of games there. Stood on the sidelines with bills photographer.
  6. Outstanding one
  7. Dennis Shaw. Rookie of the year Greg Cook
  8. Drove by them at 10:00 and saw folks.” Lol
  9. McCartney having Bob weir on stage was strange to see.
  10. Saw the dead few times. Used to see Max Creek who played the dead tribute
  11. Always liked dear prudence and Eleanor rigby by Jerry.
  12. Sat on the raiders side upper deck. Cold was under statement.
  13. Your great governor from New York is gonna F all of us now. Can’t wait to leave this F up state
  14. Nice piece from the news on my distant cuz #67 from UB.
  15. Why so he can get hurt or cut
  16. Who is left? From that bills team #44 is gone too. better get #42 on the wall.
  17. And the iconic photo that was taken by Robert l Smith who passed away as well.
  18. The bills need to win one for all the old timers.
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