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Everything posted by Helpmenow

  1. Kelsey has done what in nine years here, i'd rather see lights out than #90
  2. They feel really good!
  3. Just got the stones fifty book today for 29 dollars from amazon, nice book. Another printed chinese book.
  4. That is your opinion. I defer
  5. Duff's in op sucks! Go to the original one. The one op is just using their name. If you know duffs it is not a sports bar
  6. I guess it all depends where you sat. We sat on the visitors side on the 45 yardline.
  7. Sunnysides on transit and clinton was our ride.
  8. Age has nothing to do with the blues or roc n roll!
  9. We respected our fellow fans, it seems everybody wants to get into fights out there.
  10. . I think the the two new songs are good, one more shot is all keith and the greatest hits is a joke at this time, where is sta!@#$er Good interview with the guys with matt laurer on the today show. Keith lose the shades! Good interview with the guys with matt laurer on the today show. Keith lose the shades! . Don't care for bob's vocals on this cd, to raspy for me
  11. . Never felt that way when we had seasons.
  12. . My buddy would pick me up and we would park at the california lot walk that hill and stop for a watered down beer and slide into our seats. Those were the days
  13. Why would byrd re sign here? Go where you have a chance to be in the playoffs
  14. . It was such fun for me back then. I remember alot of couples and of course OJ.
  15. How about the PA announcers there stan robertts danny nevereth
  16. When can you arrived at the ralph to tailgate. I know in my days you could get into the lot on saturday.
  17. . Not really living the southtowns it sucked
  18. i think your right,the old days had chuck healy and dick rifenburg
  19. . Right on, i remember if we swore in our section e10 row 13 the folks would turn around and give us the evil eye.
  20. . How old are you? Stay home dude
  21. totally agree. We went for the game and only care about the game. Tailgaiting was secondary
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