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Everything posted by Helpmenow

  1. I don't anymore the holiday inn is over
  2. Those guys should have been jail, perverts
  3. Love to listen to ted black. Sounds like a good salesman. Wish him luck here. This town wants a winner and is sick of losing.
  4. Eddie stohr and bud rider@iroquois. They must got their jollys off. They also hit us with kick boards.
  5. We had gym coaches who made all the guys swim naked. How screw up is that
  6. One day a coach like this is gonna get his butt kick with his behavior. How many other idiots are like him out there who haven't been caught.
  7. How are the sabres gonna keep the interest of the fans ted black? I would not pay to watch a team filled with rookies and misfits
  8. Their supposed to be teachers not maniacs
  9. The guy had tears in his eyes! Somebody should kick him his balls The guy is full of ****! Watch him on espn. Good move rutgers! Total hothead. Thank god i don't have a son there. One big POS!
  10. And stafford stays wow! This guy is one big stiff. 100% agree, seen enough here
  11. I think he surprised novak with that awesome shot.
  12. Burrito. Away from family.
  13. This team has no leaders. Another blown lead. What a joke this franchise is. Blow it up pegula.
  14. I'd take ruff as the gm instead regier.
  15. Superfund site that has groundwater contamination. That would be something the nysdec would have to give clean closure
  16. They have changed the genny taste. It had a different taste years ago.
  17. Hard to excited here about what their plan is. No alot of confidence right now. Might have something to do with the current owner and how they run the team
  18. She had rings on her fingers and bells on her shoes. Still nice to hear their music.
  19. I did over the weekend when i took out a 3.6 l passat after trading audi a6. Wishful thinking
  20. Second tier free agents
  21. The man with poka dot guitar
  22. The power play has sucked for along time.
  23. Looks like a group on auto pilot. Maybe stafford is The sabres look worse than the bills . Pretty sad indeed. I would have thought they would have somewhat competitive
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