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Everything posted by Helpmenow

  1. Were screwed! Its getting closer to the end my friends.
  2. Iron city beer
  3. Give her a big protein shake
  4. . Perfect!
  5. Kinda of an outdoor cat who comes in to use the litterbox. Also love yogurt. Uses his paw. Funny as ****
  6. . Like National city
  7. I wouldn't go there. I was there once. Didn't go too far in TJ.
  8. Either did ted nolan and dan blysma
  9. Lived out there for six yrs. you won't wanna leave. Were trying to get back there. My wife's family all from buffalo live out there.
  10. Use to be able to bring a beer ball into the place
  11. Remember darcy built this pos team. One small soft team. Their collecting their checks. It must be yhe holiday inn over there. Pegula built that huge lockeroom for his players . How sad they are!
  12. The only hockey player on the team who is crazy and gives a crap.
  13. . I just moved from there. Hated it there. Sixteen months to sell my house.
  14. The taxes suck in nj and ny. Living in the south sucks as well, couldnt wait to leave there and the taxes were low.
  15. Living in western ny for yrs and moving here to nj i see nothing but rentals. I'd rather move back to san diego
  16. Come to NJ you wanna **** your pants, renting here cause i cannot afford the dam taxes here. . I had a house in east aurora on three acres, here in nj i cant afford ****!
  17. Met van at the old tennis facility on transit rd in west seneca. He just complete his match. Spoke briefly with Van
  18. **** i gave away my all brick house with a three car garage.
  19. Must be making a boatload of $$$$
  20. Dudley meredith
  21. Has left the building. Seem like a nice guy too. If we can get rid of jackie walker and don paul and postles. Already posted that!
  22. Get the golf clubs ready guys, your done!
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