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Everything posted by formerharvardquarterback

  1. I'm thinking about going next week, but I might not if the Eagles fans are just horrible to visiting fans...would rather be on my couch than deal with that crap. I've been to away games against the Jets and Pats, so if they're only at that level of irritating, that's fine with me. Anyone ever been?
  2. I've been a Bills fan for 20 years, but I'm thinking of quitting football fandom all together after this season. Every time I see some awful-looking concussion or hit to the head....Corey Graham's eyes rolling back in Week 1 this year, AJ Green getting clobbered tonight, etc. etc. etc. etc.....or read an article like this one on Torell Troup and his pain and pill-popping to stay on the field http://bills.buffalonews.com/2015/11/21/torell-troup-one-pick-ahead-of-gronk/, I think, "How can I justify giving money to this institution?" Even if I argue, "Well, these are pretty well-compensated adults doing it because they want to," the existence of big-time football helps maintain the existence of little kid football, where thousands of minors are getting brain injuries before they're mature enough to make their own decisions. I love the game, tailgates, the Ralph crowd, all of it, but I just don't think I can do it any more. So real sincere question - how do you justify it?
  3. I don't mind it in general - it's scheme, whatever - but they give up the easiest 3rd-and-long conversions I've ever seen because of how deep the CBs are playing. Their theory on 3rd-and-9 seems to be "let them catch it seven yards downfield and we'll tackle them there." That is confusing.
  4. The punter was one of the Bills' best players for most of the game. Reminded me of the Peak Moorman years. Huge field-flipping plays when the O wasn't doing anything.
  5. I'm driving from out of town to an upcoming home game. Two non-Bills-fan buddies want to come tailgate in the stadium lots and then go spend the day in Buffalo proper. I want to keep the car in the stadium lot, so I'm wondering if this makes any sense. My question: how much of a pain in the ass would it be to get a taxi around the stadium at like 1230 on game day, and about how much do you think it'd cost? Thanks a lot!
  6. As a Torontonian Bills die-hard, I can say this: George Wilson is right, though I strongly don't think it's my fellow residents' fault for not paying to see a team they can easily see in a far better environment for one-third the price. BUT: my two brothers, my dad and I will be doing our best to bring tha noise this afternoon! Goooo Bills.
  7. As another Bills fan in Toronto, I agree - it's terrible that they're coming here for an important game. Bad bad bad. My dad and I will try to make some noise. I'll defend Toronto in one respect: it's not a bad sports town. The Raptors have a big and extremely devoted following - some of you, I'm sure, have read Bill Simmons making fun of the "Raptors Truthers" who email him rants - and the Jays had a great fan base when they were last a contender, which was a long time ago. People don't go to games because of the awful stadium and the mediocrity.
  8. I live in Toronto and hate that the Bills play regular season here - horrible atmosphere and truly ludicrous prices. But this is gonna be a meaningful game, and I can't miss a meaningful Bills game taking place 10 minutes from my apartment! I'll try to bring some third down noise. (I won't be successful, but I'll try.)
  9. I think I understand the game somewhat well, but I've never gotten this question answered: how do they all know the play during no-huddle two-minute drills? During slow-ish no-huddle, early in games, I see the quarterback shouting and signaling for a while at the line. But at the end of games, I don't see that communication - it's rapid-fire snap after snap. Thanks for your help!
  10. Long-time lurker, first-time poster. Two questions about the Pats game, which I was lucky enough to be at. 1) Was the pass interference penalty Nelson drew in the end zone legit, questionable, or a bad call? It was at my end, but the ball was so far away from him that I barely even looked at him as the ball was in the air. 2) Did Fitzpatrick actually fumble during the kneel-down sequence at the end, or were the Pats just being idiots when they started motioning like it was their ball? Thanks for your help!
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