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Everything posted by NYFlava1

  1. Here is Part Two for Buffalo's Back, this is the Remix this video features appearances by Stevie Johnson, Chris Berman, BillsMafia, etc. If you like it, please spread the word and link to it on your Facebooks, Twitter, etc. Thanks! GO BILLS!
  2. Have you seen this new BILLS Anthem? Spread the word if you like it... GO BILLS..Revenge of SuperBowl 26 today vs. SKins! Lets go BUFFALO!
  3. If you like the Buffalo Bills, I bet you will like this song & video... BUFFALOs BACK!! Spread the word on this one please! GO BILLS! Also check out this Bills Anthem called "COLD" Do Ya Bills Dance!
  4. Spread the word on this one....Go BILLS!
  5. I'll let him know. Thanks for the support. Spread the word...
  6. If you are from Buffalo and are a Bills Fan, I think you'll love this one! Shout out to L.D.M. aka Mr.Masterpiece I'm gonna get you 1,000 views! -M.Diddy NY Flava
  7. If you like the Buffalo Sabres, you may like this Buffalo Sabres Blue-N-Yellow Anthem featuring my man Guany 4000 Support the Sabres by linking to this video on your Facebooks, Twitters, and tell your friends. Anyone know a good, popular Sabres Forum where I can post the video? Thanks for the support, spread the word, Go Sabres!
  8. If you like the Buffalo Bills, I think you might like this Buffalo's Back song & Video at the following link... We're almost at 2,000 views, please link to your Facebooks, Twitters, and tell your friends! Help bring BUFFALO Football back. Thanks! Go Bills!
  9. If you liked Buffalo's Back (BILLS ANTHEM)... You should also check out my BUFFALO SABRES Anthem titled "Blue-N-Yellow (Nuts About Buffalo NY Flava Remix)" Thanks for supporting Buffalo Sports and Local Hip-Hop. If you like any of these videos, please link the videos on your Facebooks & Twitter & Spread the word. Thanks!
  10. Help support the Bills by watching BuffalosBack...approaching 2,000 views!
  11. Check out the Interview that #BillsMafia did with me in regards to the BUFFALO's BACK song & video... http://billsmafia.com/2011/09/30/special-interview-with-nyflava1-creator-of-buffalos-back/ Thanks, Help us out & show your support for the Bills by linking the video on your twitters & facebooks
  12. All Buffalo Bills fans, I made a new Bills Anthem called "BUFFALO's BACK" along with a Video on youtube. I think you guys will like it. Please check it out. We are almost at 1,000 Views already! Thanks for the support, Here's the link to the video... Thanks!
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