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Everything posted by GoBills!

  1. EJs deep ball is better than tyrods tonight wowzers !!
  2. Tyrod still hasn't thrown a deep ball looking like Trent Edwards with legs..
  3. Whaley is the least of our problems... how many guys did we dodge signing ? Byrd ? levitre ? big money losses.... there are few Qb's he could of done something about ... the list includes McCown , and Carr.... how many other teams passed on them as well or offered less then the browns... Cassel sucks cleary was a the backup plan... EJ is a bottom 10 starter currently and Tyrod is probably around a bottom 15 QB with potential to reach 10-15 top QB. The options are limited and our D was setup for success and now we have the Rex effect which involves a passive D and me drinking 6 beers a game to calm me down...Id cut bait with Rex before Whaley....think of his gems... Karlos, converting williams, preston brown, incognito deal, tyrod, Darby draft.. thats pretty solid when compared to other GMs drafting and letting players walk...only guy better at letting them walk is Bellicheat...
  4. Matches the color of the rate of return Terry is making on his Rex hire and D line...
  5. So0o0 now that cassel preformed worse can we move on from the thought he would of done better...Ej is a back up Cassel is a back up but maybe a little worse..and tyrod is a unknown back up to bottom 15 QB...Is rivers available yet ?
  6. I see him as a upgrade between the Jay Cutler - Philip Rivers level... I would rather have rivers but going below that line of talent I think stafford is next...he never really had a solid running game, again he has had Johnson his whole career....
  7. for all the talk about the Tyrod almost comeback attempt how about his lack of first half performance all year that gets us in those positions ? EJ has 3 Game winning drives in his few starts... I'm not saying he is the answer but to say he can't be a desired backup or fitz type guy isn't out of the question....Tyrod cant see over the line and scrambles to throw down field. EJ can stay in the pocket which is a plus...neither guy screams franchise QB they are a space holder...which makes the watkins move look silly...
  8. God Damnit EJ...he probably sent freddie a text and freddie was texting and driving he is lucky he didn't break his ankle. Cut EJ...
  9. I think it was a higher grade concussion then the term getting your bell rung...hope we can go this week but if not shady and Boom should be fine against Poz and the Jags.
  10. I agree you keep this not being a controversy by allowing taylor 3 weeks off and pressure on EJ to perform against a bottom 10 D with a banged up lineup....If we lose they will say we need our starters healthy if we win they say we knew we could win this game with our guys we always had faith....you put Tyrod in and he blows it now people open the flood gates and the leash gets shorter....
  11. Ryan was handed the keys to a lambo, then took it to pep boys for some performance parts and gas additives now it runs like crap....thats our D...
  12. Will Tyrod get a pass this week when we suck out against the Jags...? People will say he had no talent to work with....others will say bring back EJ....Bengals D is a top 5 this year...EJ played second half with woods, moore, hogan, clay and shady.... Tyrod will have the same group this week against a terrible defense...I think its scary for tyrod not to perform with that group on a higher level or its opens the questions to who is the starter especailly against a weak D like the Jags... EJ had 4 practices with the #1's I think he did what we was suppose to do...keep them close and have the D give him chances to win, unfortunately they didnt.
  13. I dont think it was his idea.. I'm sure Rex thought this D he was walking into for this season would make him look like a god and was foaming at the mouth but I thought Jim was the right hire and was mad he left...as other have said having consistency is something to build on... this D has been good for a several years and now they just dont work right doesnt make sense... AW is a big loss but sacks, pressure and turnovers were the name of the game last year...
  14. Tyrod over threw him a ball and he hyper extended his hip flexor.... Damn your TT, and EJ hurt Sammy....we screwed watch out clay !!
  15. I wouldn't say Whaley failed at QB, the market has been bad for Qb's Free agent Qb's that are top 10 haven't been available... who is the best draft pick Qb we could of got in the last two years ? David Carr, mariota, winston, hoyer, fitz.... let be real its hard to get a top guy I don't doubt he didn't try but theres no market....
  16. Per Schefter on espn SC Watkins, Harvin and williams ( no brainer ) all out this sunday... I can't believe harvin is out ..... Did he hurt his hip on a Tyrod throw if so its Tryods fault !! ( I kid, I kid )
  17. They do love to embellish on plays... I used to play AAA hockey and hated those guys that would dive all over to get penalties....I feel they do that alot and set lots of picks...
  18. He is sitting pretty after his last run here...sometimes time away makes people forget some of the Lions days... Id still take him over Rex...
  19. Dont think you will hear much disagreement.... This D is paid to be Elite....yet Rex is playing like a bottom 5 and I dont care what system you say works...with talent like this mulitple years in a row if yours doesnt work switch to what did....field position can change a game...look at today....
  20. I agree they take advantage in the small things going on in the game and the situations almost like smart calculated odds...I dont understand why we dont do the same... Im not a NFL guru but I watch enough to see these details and how they execute the basics to win the big prize..
  21. I know the patriots are hated and cheaters but after following them closely this year. Offensively they are smart......With 2 mins left on the clock in the first half Brady lead them down the field to get points before halftime. They drive like its the final mins of the game, getting out of bounds are much as possible while using the middle when open. But with under 50 seconds to go Brady throw a pass to the corner of the endzone only his WR would ever be able to get, of-course he gets a flag as its the endzone heavily watched and the pass sails out of bounds. They only end up getting 3 points but you can see when they take the timeouts they planning. They are smart with the ball and put the D in positions to commit fouls or mistakes to their advantage. We dont seem to use there times to be smart and gain yards or test the D with a non-catchable ball that may draw a flag to move them down the field. Basically watching them more the ball with a game plan and throws that 30% or more of the time will draw flags they achieve success. also when the DB's are pushed back taking advantage of a simple 4 yard toss they are able to control the clock and work the field. We need to play smarter and with that we will be better....
  22. I dont like how far back the DB's play we are never pressed at the line ...guys like Brady and Rodgers will throw the 3 year pass all game and 2/3s of the time the guy will break a larger gain...
  23. If we IR goodwin we can sign him... Gay atleast stays healthy
  24. I don't think this is on Whaley....he added a explosive RB (neither spiller or Freddie are killing it ) plus his traded player is out again with an injury , kept all the D together and upgraded the WR.... he gave incognito a chance when no one else would and its working...we need more O line help but its not his fault he has done well drafting....and even trading... Rex has had a top D from day one with a pretty healthy squad and they dont fit what he wants or he is simply outplayed weekly (im going with outplayed/ coach )
  25. Miami D was questioned...and poof coach was gone then they blow out the titians and D plays hard ...amazing what player do for the right guy and system...
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