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Everything posted by davspo

  1. So what happened to "he'll be out a few weeks" since that statement from its been 2 weeks and now its another 4 to 6. So the total is 6 to 8 weeks not a "few weeks". Dude just tell us the truth.
  2. Well we dont have one and we are not
  3. The years change, the faces change and the names change. Beyond that, its the same old, same old. The Bills are a B rate organization. There could really be no arguments. This QB situation is jsut the latest in a series of jokes. Tuel is great, he's the back up, no he is not the back up, we are getting someone outside the organization, no we are not, maybe we are but the PS player is good. Botton line is these guys running the show are amateurs. There is simply no way to argue the point. Anyone who runs a business of any significants have people who are paid to determine what statements are released so that the paying customer is given information that is not detrimental to the organization. These folks are just plain clueless.
  4. dare i say injury prown- disappointing start to the NFL career. It does not bode well for the future.
  5. Bottom lines are bottom lines- a win is a win is a win. Sitting in that stadium yesterday at around 4 pm, I was waiting for the inevitable to happen and it didnt. That makes 2 out of 3 close games that they managed to win, WIth that being said, EJ did not look all that great yesterday. He did show poise, but nobody should be anointing him the franchise guy yet. I think we are just going to have to be paitient. Barring any major set backs, we are not going to find out if this is the guy until a year or two down the line. So far, I would grade him out as a "C plus" but with two wins you could put him in the "B" range. All in all, for the first time in many years there is hope. Now if they could only get the shitters fixed!
  6. I don't know who's to blame, if anyone, or whether it was clean water or not. From what I seen (section 132) it didn't "look" too bad, but it was vile to say the least. Walked into the bathrrom, there was about 3 inches of this stuff on the floor, compared to about an inch or so in the concourse. I left the can when it started to seep through my sneaker. All in all, bottom line is that the stadium only has to be ready for 7 real home games a year and it wasn't. I was pretty sure the health department was going to shut it down, but they didn't. I think the real question is, assuming it was just an unforeseeable problem, will the Bills (currently 22 minion under the cap which equals an extra 22 mil in RW's pocket) do anything to give back to the fans. Even a simple gesture like a $10 rebate- ticket was over $100, or something off an upcoming game. It would be be a good guesture to say, hey we're sorry for the digusting inconvenience. My guess- nothing will be done, we will be told to suck it up and we should be thanking them for keeping the team here. btw I would guess about 15- 20 thousand fans effected. Half probably do not have there stub. So you are looking at total cost to RW and the bills of about $100,00 to $150,000. An alturnative that all the fans would perfer is to make Jarius Byrd clean it up. Since he is an employee and cannot perform the task he is paid to do, perhaps a job reassignment would be in order. We could only dream, but I think that would heal his feet very quickly, and he would be back to "100%".
  7. Regarding Byrd. I have never seen a tagged player act so juvile since the inception of this system. Whether he is hurt or not, he is acting like a baby. Frankly, I think he could go and is choosing not to. IF that is the case, this francise should do whatever it can in its power to mininize his future income from playing. This would include the nucear option of tagging him again next year and benching him. I wound if a team would give him top five money if he hadn't played a down in two years. This guy, if you could call him that, is a baby. Remember, the system that got him tagged was agreed to by HIS union. His not abiding by the rules will be used as an example in the next CBA negiotiations as to why the system doesn't work thereby potentially hurting his fellow players. Tagging him next year and benching him really doesnt hurt the bills because I'm sure they will be well under the cap again next year.
  8. Very interesting- seems correctable- rookie doing what was pounded into him thus far- hot read and throw.
  9. did you see the remark after the article someone says he is writing a book "If I Did It: Confessions of a Cookie Monster"
  10. I agree. I think we should expect games like this our of a rookie. I think EJ is the future of this team, although yesterday -for the first time- made me seriously begin to question that. Let us see what the rest of the season brings. Hopefully this is a bump in the road. I think a major portion of the blame goes to the o line and play calling. Even so, EJ was totally off all day. What I don't understand is why he was not pulled in the late 3rd quarter early 4th quarter. I know most will say that they don't want him to lose confidence or that he gave us the best chance to win. Frankly, I do not buy either argument. He learned nothing by being in there at that point in the game. Indeed, you could argue that staying in shook his confidence more. Even so, if the guy can't handle taking a seat for a quarter, he is not the kind of guy that is the future of the team. In addition, he did not give us the best chance to win, His passed were wildly inaccurate. The defense, although not great, kept us in the game as did the Jets stupid mistakes, I just think a change of pace with Tuel may (not definate) have given the team a better chance. There will be bumps in the road with rookies, we all get that, but when there are bumps, the coaches must manage the situation, just letting him faulter in there helps nobody. With that - let the criticism of this post begin!
  11. Does anyone know how much Marrone is making- I can' find any references to it anywhere.
  12. Just the fact here- Chip Kelly signed a 5 year 32.5 millon dollar contact with Philly. I can't seem to find the numbers on Marrone- we interviewed Chip and he wasn't for us. I am wondering if that is because of the numbers or if he really wasn't our guy. I like Marrone and will give him the benefit of the doubt, but one has to wonder are we getting shorted so old Ralphie can keep his coin?? Again, dont shoot the messenger, just wondering what everyone thinks.
  13. I really don't care what they wear. JUST WIN. I am so sick of losing. We always seem to be on the short end. Bills blow it this week and within 2 mins of the loss our veteran ex kicker kicks a game winner than within a minute of that Gino Smith leads his team to victory, then last night the only other rookie head coach glides to victory againt a division foe. God when does it stop- take your free time and go screw with another team.
  14. His official position is "it was tougher than it looked"- interesting- in other words- rookie qb threw a bad pass.
  15. Stevie's tweet- Keep calm, we are good- Really? The facts: 0-1 0-1n the division loss in division home game Better tweet for Stevie "made critial errors yesterday, we all did- including me. Promise to work to get better, please keep the faith" Oh yeah- I fogot one stat: 3 catchs for 39 yards- how could we possibly live without those numbers. Did he really leave without talking to reporters?? Real leader, very mature- I'm glad the young guys are learning from him. That has to mark the only time this guy has kept his mouth shut.
  16. The facts are the fact- he is the "leader", the big money guy, the loud mouth- and he booted it.
  17. seriously- how does anyone defend this guy- did you see the look on EJ's face- talk about hurting a rookie-
  18. this is on you buddy- let's hear from all your supporters- you had a first down with room to run to fg position- umm that's why we are so serious. Let's hear from all your lovers.
  19. Sure- he is ready, but how do you get ready for 5 months of relaxation?
  20. I am not in the Tuel Camp, EJ Camp or Kolb Camp. I was hoping the Bills would draft EJ since February. I have not been to every camp session and have no coaching expericece. However I have been to camp several times, including the scrimmage and saw the pre season game. I have also read every camp report from Astro, WGR and BB.com. I really dont think anyone can argue that Tuel is having one hell of a camp, and has preformed better on the field then the others. Again, this is not a knock on EJ, he too has exceeded expectations. Bottom line is it's the coaches decision and we have to trust them. However, we must also believe what we see, and that is the Tuel is outperforming them at this point. It doesn't mean he will get the shot or that he will be the best in 5 years, but it is what it is.
  21. The term "skill set" seems to be the new in thing. I think the skill set of a quarterback needs to include only the following control of the game, reading defenses and moving the ball down field. To date, it cannot be argued that Teul and EJ have done that. Tuel has just done it more frequently.
  22. Great point Micro- the players in the locker room need to play for each other. They do not care where you played in college or where you were drafted. If this were truly an open competition it would be a battle between Tuel and EJ, with Tuel being ahead. He was outstanding in the team scrimmage (I was there) and in game one. This is not a knock on EJ who preformed well, just not as good as Tuel. However, there is not a coaching staff in the NFL who would do that because the feel it will reflect badly on the orgainzation and/or mentally injury the 1st round pick. I get that. However, truly good coachs find a way to put the best player on the field and deflect what "everyone else" thinks. Marrone is in a tough spot and appears to be handling it well. All in all, for a guy who generally sees the glass half empty, I really like what I see this year. Guys competing and a staff that seems to be building something that could be special. Time will tell.
  23. I've got no problem with Kolb starting. We need to find out what exactly this guy can do, and no better place to do it then in game 2 of the pre-season. With that being said, I agree that EJ needs reps. Frankly, given the Kolb injury he has probably gotten more reps with the first team then expected at this point. I also think the Tuel has earned first team reps, however there are only so many to go around. Bottom line is its a competition, which is good for everyone. I say Kolb gets 1st quarted, EJ gets 2nd and perhaps part of 3rd then Tuel gets the rest. Depending on performance, game 3 EJ gets 1st half, Tuel 3rd quarter and Kolb- who will likely be fighting for his life- gets 4th quarter. I also think they will keep all three qbs. Depth chart being EJ, Tuel and Kolb. All in all, this competition is a good thing, not a bad one. Whether EJ gets the first quarter of the second preseason game is not going to make a big difference.
  24. Let the best man win. Whoever performs the best gets the job.
  25. Kudo's to the coaching staff- young guys are putting together a good group of men- I have been to camp a couple of times this year. It feels so different. The players are really working hard and playing for each other. I'm not thinking playoffs, but I am thinking this could be the start of something special.
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