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Everything posted by Juror#8

  1. Nicki Minaj, Iggy Azalea, or Eminem? Male or female, it’s 2018 so I try not to judge.
  2. Or you could look at it like the hottest chick in the bar is in fact an escort whom you’d have to give cash to in order to get some lay. Also, you’re out of prophylactics and there is at least a 50% chance that the hottest chick in the bar has that clap. So you could stick with the non-beast chick and get some perfectly good ass that perhaps provides decades of enjoyment at no additional cost and with no concomitant risk of vd’n it up ... .... or you could endeavor to turn a hooker into a housewife while hoping to avoid getting gonorrhea in the process - the latter of which is becoming increasingly difficult since you’ve used all your prophylactic money for the next three years on the chick’s escort bill and her burgeoning meth habit. Good luck.
  3. So you're done sulking and feeling sorry for yourself? Good. There aren't many a lower scoundrel on this planet than the yellow-bellied opportunist. My uncle Carl said that often when he would drink those "Mickey" beers. It's interesting because my wife has a Pomeranian named "Palin." Kelly (my wife) was a huge Sarah Palin fan despite the fact that I told her that Palin was a political bubble-head. Kelly also voted for McCain in 08 though I voted for Obama. I couldn't talk her into seeing things clearly which sucked and affected our short-term sex life. Funny thing is she voted for Obama in 12 though I voted for Romney. I hear about that flip to this day. She hears about the name "Palin" nearly as often. Needless to say, our household is obviously all over the place politically but we're unaligned "issues" voters, rather than ideogolical purists, or blind party nutswingers, so we vote accordingly. Anyway, "Palin" (Kelly's pup) hides behind us and barks at anyone who knocks on the door or comes into our home. No teeth. No presence. Just bark. And despite the incredible acoustics where our front door is, that tends to amplify his bark, there's no denying the feebleness of this little thing. He's just a little faggot puppy that barks annoyingly but runs and hides anytime you take a meaningful step in his direction. Just a scared little wimp that barks with the best of em but tucks tail when you bark back. I just wanted to share that with you, homie. Because you told me once that you're a small canine owner so I'm sure you can relate. And I tend to get tangential after midnight. 3rd, brother 3rd; be easy brougham.
  4. Interesting article and worth the read. With that said, I’m sure you realize, don’t you, that Bman does copyright infringement better than you? His brand of thought plagiarism more convincingly suggests that others give a flying **** about his slanted opinions. What you lack, my friend, is testicular heft. Bman has it and you don’t. You need longer, and more poorly written editorials than him to make this a contest.
  5. Fun exercise: go through the Trump threads and count how many people who almost pathologically try to exculpate Trump for any and everything, but who also wanted a fiftieth investigation (forty-fifth by Repubs) into Benghazi. Start with people who who have posted in the last two pages. Report back while I sip whiskey.
  6. Bwahahahahahaha!!! Tmoney keep all these good vibrations going with those happy tweets of yours!! You’re making my semi-conductor stocks smile today. Down 5 figs one day. Up 4 figs a couple days later. This crap is crazy-making but when it’s good, it’s good. I want to thank Warren Buffett for talking me out of doing something crazy. I had to read the quote fourteen or so times but eventually the mother!@#$er appeared like Yoda in my kitchen and said ... “The stock market is the best device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient.” -Warren Buffett
  7. Because I just finished taking a dump and I’m hungry for Snyder’s pretzels and a ginger beer. Primarily at least. Also, I’m in Virginia. So ask me again at 2 cst and I may reconsider at least a part of that rationale.
  8. Deez nuts. Hope you’re well, bro. Much appreciated. Awesome. Thanks.
  9. I know we don’t need another article or another thread frankly. And I debated posting this because I’ve become a part of the frenzy. However, this is an interesting article. Josh takes on a lot of the perceptions and criticisms surrounding him. It’s worth the read and you can formulate your own opinion. I tried to to see if this was linked in the [license to paraphrase for a moment] “Bills don’t like Rosen” thread, “Bills do like Rosen” thread, “Eric Gal-somebody said something about Josh Rosen if the Bills trade with cleveland at 4 because the Giants won’t trade out of 2” thread, or the “per somebody, the Bills will trade with the Giants at 2” thread, et al. Needless to say, forgive me if I missed it but I tried to go back 24 hours with any Josh Rosen related thread to find it so as to avoid cluttering up the board. If it’s already linked, mods please delete this ****. Thanks. Enjoy. or don’t. http://www.espn.com/nfl/draft2018/story/_/id/23041561/josh-rosen-answers-nfl-critics-ucla-quarterback-tom-brady-ncaa-2018-draft
  10. I think there have been stronger flows but weirdly timed, volatile, and more frequent ebbs than under O. That’s to say that O’s markets were more stable. He rehabilitated the mess that was left at the end of w. Bush’s administration. After that I don’t recall a lot of volatility. There were some healthy corrections when the market was starting to get overbought. But nothing like this. Seriously trump will tweet, and then look at futures. They tank. It happened last night. Trump tweeted about another tariff and I watched some of my positions lose 5% in the aftermarket and they got worse today. That’s the issue that I have.
  11. If you don’t mind me asking, gold shares or coins? Been thinking about jumping into metals as a hedge against this craziness and unpredictability. I’m down five figures over the last week. Low five figures but five figures just the same. One of those days when I just don’t log into etrade. Needless to say, I’m considering some strategic reappraisal. Shopify, I think, may pay for my kids’ college tuition and first house. I’ll stop there because I don’t want this to come off as stock pumping because that’s not what I’m trying to do.
  12. Again, I don’t have any problem with trump save for what I’ve said around how his unpredictability affects my pockets. I don’t think he is an exceptional president. He probably never will be. But I don’t think he has to be either. I don’t think he’s a bad president. He’s different. Keep us safe, protect the borders, minimize scandals, keep the economy afloat. That’s been my threshold expectation for presidential competency for every potus and it’s what I expect from him. Obama did just those things and he was a good president. W had some challenges; I categorize him as low to middling. Clinton was a very good president. Hw was an ok president. Reagan was a very good president. Carter was low to middling. Ford was incomplete. Nixon was a bad president (though I’ve had conversations with a guy named Dino Brugioni and he told great stories about Nixon and thought he was a brilliant president just at the wrong time). Lbj was a bad president. Kennedy was a good president. Blah blah blah ... Anyway, my idea of good economy may differ from yours. I don’t see the economy any differently from the standpoint of my mother!@#$in pockets. And that’s how I look at the economy ... what keeps more money in my bank account. I make six-figures a year. I don’t see any more benefit now than I did before. The tax cuts didn’t do a damn thing for me. My 401k is diversified enough where it seems to be resilient - administration notwithstanding. My play money brokerage account is a **** show every time trump gets on the twitter box. I used to have a position in baba and bsti and jd (ticker symbols). With all the China stuff, I pulled clear because trump is making a mess of those relations. I ate the loss and moved on. Gas is still cheap. Groceries have gone up. I have friends who are working and those who arent. **** happens, right? Sure, some hoe nigga who runs some huge Corp and sits in an cherrywood appointed office and sips some !@#$in Inglenook while they get head under their desk might be living that bountiful life because of trump. Im just a nigga making an ok paycheck and focused on buying vacation property in South Carolina so I can rent it out to spring breakers. My personal economy aint seen no bump from trump. But keep trumpeting those numbers and data points. A lot of that was questionable when the big o was in office but now it’s the ****. Anyway, y’all focus your attention there; I’ll keep my eyes and ears in the streets. Not a diss either. Just an understanding of a different paradigm of what constitutes “better.”
  13. Oh for the record my 401k is up as well. Nicely. But so too was it under the big O’s leadership. The issue is with the market ebbs and flows under trump. He is instilling so much volatility and uncertainty into the market because of his unpredictability, that any comfortable swing trading philosophy is nearly out the door. The market is always volatile and it’s tough to time it. But before there was never the variable of presidential jackassery to make your long money menstruate.
  14. I really hope there isn’t some issue with your family that my post inadvertently related to. Any fun little personas on tsw notwithstanding, I’m trying to be on some real human interest **** for a minute. No bs, personally addressing someone’s family is just not part of my shtick. I even prefaced the message to avoid any attribution conundrums. I’m hoping your dad isn’t in the hospital or something. Even though I wasn’t going at your fam, I’d still feel like **** on principle. Whatever is is going on (which I hope is nothing and I’m just misunderstanding your post), my sincerest well-wishes. And that’s Jason talking, not Juror. My dick isn’t racist though. It has one good eye and only sees kitty. That’s really what matters.
  15. Man I'm still not sure if I feel comfortable shorting the market. My long plays (specifically Shopify since $55, Netflix since $104, and nvda since $81) have paid off handsomely. But it’s days when my swing plays are so far in the red that I wish that I had more confidence to establish short positions.
  16. No it’s really not. And that’s coming from someone who doesn’t necessarily mind trump. Its not really better or worse. It just is. You can point to some **** that’s better and I can point to some **** that worse. And then vice versa. What I do know is that because of trump, the freakin futures are down again and so swing trading my usually reliable retail and tech stocks is becoming an exercise in Euclidean geometry. I made a good amount of money a year and a half ago with my brokerage account and doing the undoable - timing the market. Now, because trump can’t stay off the twitter box, the market is an unpredictable mess half the time. I seriously am about to take up shorting stocks because it seems easy to establish a short position, and just wait patiently for trump to get on Twitter, the market to tank, and then profit. That sucks. Oh and then he’s paying off porn stars (of course he’s not), and **** talking our biggest trade partners (of corse he’s not), and going golfing every other !@#$ing moment at his own resorts on tax payer dollars (of course he’s not). I want the economy to be relatively stable, the job market to not be the tank, domestic tranquility, minimal government scandals, and a sense that we aren’t on the brink of war with a nuclearized sovereign nation. Not asking a lot. Obama provided that (on the surface) and Trump is too for the most part. All the ‘trump is great and Obama was _______,’ is hyperbole and hypocritical. Cant people just call a spade a spade instead of dick licking one political party or another on a !@#$ing football forum. Or is that asking too much? Not directed at any one in particular, but I seriously wonder is Barbara Boxter or Walter Mondale or Michael Dukakis booty-gooned your dad at some pivotal point in your personal and political development and forced you to watch while your mother made everyone lambskin moccasins in the adjoining room. You !@#$ing oppressively partisan dolts.
  17. Clayton Bigsby. Class of 2011. Pleasure to meet you. And of of course people don’t want to touch this topic. But it doesn’t make it any less relevant or important. This one is for the initiated. And people are certainly reading it. That’s what matters. Anyway, back to my thesis: Black qbs suck. They don’t have the mental acuity enough to competently captain the ship. They defer to running and that’s probably a proclivity learned in the hood. There is science and supportable fact behind all of this.
  18. It seems as if you’ve characterized a lot of posts and posters with a broad brush, friend. Not everyone goes about their efforts to inspire dialog and generate conversations and make [arguably] salient points in the same way. There are are quite a few ways to make a point. Not everyone fits neatly into your boxes. But I’m just the racist because I think black quarterbacks suck. Right? Right? Or I’m just trying to close the thread down with incendiary comments, right? Right? Man there are just too many new posters who don’t grasp the ebb and flow of the way these socially substantive posts are all supposed to work. Damn newbs.
  19. Hey wait a second, I'm the poster above. Is that meant as a dig on me? And here I thought we were in ideological alignment. I took the thumb thingy back.
  20. Right on man. I think the topic is a good one for discussion. I think black qbs are trash but not from racism, it's from experience and sample size. But it's good that you're calling out those who are just throwing around hate based on the color of someone's skin as opposed to us who don't like black qbs because they've proven to be ineffectual with low ceilings and hard to understand speaking cadences. I prefer science and facts to bias. I gave you the thumb thing by the way.
  21. Tyrod Taylor was a black qb. Lamar Jackson is a Black qb. I’d prefer not to have a black qb quarterbacking my team. They’re comparatively dim-witted (using the Wunderwhatever test as our guide), and they lean on quickness and athleticism more than they do moving the ball through the air and utilizing skill position players to make plays on the ball that they expertly throw. Black qbs run far too much for my liking. I’m fairly certain that they probably developed that tendency in the hood running from the man. Either way, that is not what I want representing this team. Black people’s ceilings should be as wide receivers and running backs doing what they’re (admittedly) very good at - which is running away from things and elusiveness ... as they’re accustomed to doing both whether it be from child support, academic pursuits, or other financial responsibilities. As far as for our qb, we can do better. Just my opinion. With sincerity, I remain, j8
  22. People are joking about this but it happened. It happened with Al Davis on the field while he was warming up on his pro day or during the combine. I was watching Nfl network or espn 2 and he threw it about 60 yards (a little short if I recall) on a knee. The pundits talked about it for the next 5 minutes. One even juxtaposed his raw physical skill with Brian Bosworth which brought jeers from all the other empaneled talking heads. Turns out he was spot on. Anyone who says “easily ______,” or “easily ______,” that doesn’t involve JaMarcus Russell is more focused on him being a bust than they are his arm strength. Not sure anyone ever had a more powerful throwing arm.
  23. Hey ... I edited my response and added more laced gems. It wasn’t your wives. It was the other guy’s. Always the other guy’s.
  24. Of course it only goes one way. At least you admit your partisan paralysis. Your political one-sidedness is a shame and devalues what is an otherwise thoughtful conversationalist. No political party has a claim to right or wrong. Democrats are corrupt losers, and Republicans are corrupt bitches. Ideologically they’re all corrupt and maladjusted too. If you think otherwise, something went wrong somewhere. Or you’re Cypher enjoying the steak irrespective of whether or not it’s real. 2 dicks. One grew just above the knee and one’s traditionally mounted. Can’t really talk about it more than that. My brother’s in politics. I’m sure you understand.
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