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Everything posted by Juror#8
I'm all for lowering gas prices. In fact (and despite what Magox says) I think that gas prices don't necessarily match demand and there is a lot of "artificial-ness" and price fixing (at least on a retail level). If an administrative agency said that at 150% profit point, a penalty would be assessed, I'm not sure that I'd disagree.
2003 Pullied Terminator. Just bought a Nissan Titan too. I'm trying to consume as much fossil fuel as I can and subsidize the UAE single-handedly. If you want to join me in that effort, you'll have to sell your Fiat.
Heck, it was just a thought.
I know that I haven't been here that long but I'm still going to nominate this for most tangential thread ever.
Again, respectfully, I don't care about their memories. This conversation got off-topic for a multiplicity of reasons. Those are being ignored, so too is the snarkiness directed at me, but my posts are being highlighted. Have I been uncivil? Absolutely. Did I precipitate it? No. Again, look back at the posts. That is what happens when you have many people of the exact same ideological persuasion infiltrated by other thoughts and opinions. The "same-ness" gets a pass, and other opinions get accentuated as if "other" is "bad." Instead of discussing it, folks just demonize, characterize, and categorize. In fact this message will receive the same treatment. It's par for the course. This is not about comments against LA. I've said numerous times that that is between him and me. I didn't address you in my comments about LA so your involvement is entirely unneccessary. This is about marginalization and differing opinions. This is about a desire to maintain the status quo ante. It was evident from "go" and hasn't relented. So I don't know who "woke up frisky." It wasn't me.
Baaaaad influences you all have been. Rye, please. I don't eat white bread, don't use white sugar, and won't use white flour. But I'm not racist. I'm happy that you're happy, sweet cheeks.
Yep, because this conversation follows the formula of every other debate that we've had. Weak. Thanks for contributing.
The Official Mitt Romney thread
Juror#8 replied to Dave_In_Norfolk's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
He is a smart guy who earned his money and knows the tax loopholes. Big deal. The problem is the perception amongst middle-America. -
Ok, willing suspension of disbelief for a second... That **** is funny. Alright, going back... It's an exhibit of you making my !@#$ing sandwich slut. Get on it. Exactly.
Exhibit D
Exhibit C
Oh I love the shitstorm sweetie pie. Now where is my !@#$ing sandwich? Get back in the kitchen where you belong and make me my !@#$ing food. Exhibit A Exhibit B
I'm a grown man; you're the B word. And if LA can "take care of himself," get his rooster out of your hand. Lastly, you queers are doing a pathetic job of closing ranks. I'm one guy handling you all....solo. This is all you got. You best to come with a bit more umph. You, Chef Jim, GG, and Jauronimo are a bunch of pre-pubescent teens getting excited cause you're developing a bit of peach fuzz. !@#$ing homos. Come with it, or stop wasting my time. You all can't even insult with any degree of certitude.
Thanks for contributing.
He knows what he wrote, I know what he wrote. Notice the conspicuous silence on that point too...well at least until now when I'm sure this will be addressed because I'm calling attention to it. I'm just asking you to remember it going forward. Huh? What does this have to do with what I wrote? I guess you're on the tapeworm thing too. Seriously, make your point and move on. You're not getting style points. I have no beef with you. Let's keep it that way.
Posts #6,10,11. Again, read them in a natural, obejective way. If you still feel that I initiated the off-topic conversation, then ok. I really wouldn't understand how, but I'll accept your opinion. I'm not accusing him of anything. That is my opinion of him. When someone earlier said that I was "anal retentive," they weren't making an accusation. He stated an opinion. And he was even saying it pejoratively. Y'all are desperate to close ranks around this guy.
1. So if you were proved wrong, what would you do? You'd ignore it. Or better, you'd continue denying. That comment was related to my on-going joke about Grundy, VA moonshiners that I've referenced in other posts. They're a bunch of "hill billys" and in an episode of the show on A&E, they discuss having to operate at night, with only the moon to see. I was making the point that LA is an unsophisticated hill billy. I've referenced Grundy, VA moonshiners and "potato moonshine" as insults to other folks as well (as recently as yesterday). So let me guess, now you'll ignore the explanation or express disbelief. Gotcha. 3. So I took my post off-topic by mentioning (in the first post) that I'd like to hear from the opinions of others who don't share the same political beliefs as me? People could have just accepted my statement and not turned the post into a referendum on my political views. But that's ok. Gotcha. You're clutching at straws because you DO NOT WANT TO ADMIT THAT I DIDN'T INITIATE THE OFF-TOPIC CONVERSATION. Seriously man, let go of the protectionism and just read the first few posts in a natural and objective way. The off-topic conversation didn't begin with me. If you can look at this entirely fairly, and not go into this with an established conclusion, and try to make facts fit the conclusion, you'll see it too. Now imagine the view from within the shitstorm. What did I accuse him of? That makes no sense but that is not without reason.
We'll have to agree to disagree on this one. It's not cheap, because I know that he knows what he wrote. I'm not asking anyone to side with me and I don't want any one to change their opinion of him. If he was a good guy before then he should remain a good guy now.I have my opinion of him and it's predicated on something conspicuous. I'm saying this respectfully 3rdnlng, but I don't owe anyone here anything since I'm sure that he knows. Everything else is just salaciousness. It's unfortunate that you feel that way. It appears that people here don't like divergent opinions. Some folks here don't like to be challenged. I'm not going to be a monolith. Sometimes you think that welfare is ok but that the stimulus sucked. Sometimes you feel that a flat tax is a great idea for everyone else but those making under a basic subsistence income level. They can use the help. Sometimes your opinions just can't be broadly categorized into an "ism," but the candidate that you most identify with when everything is out of the table has an "R" behind their name. That's me. Here, it's seemingly the case that conservatives must follow this path, everyone else is marginalized as something else. Any discussions around the perimeter are seen as liberal propaganda. I very much respect you and your posts 3rdnlng so I'm not going to go further than that. I'll leave it there and hope that there is enough common ground to maintain a healthy dialog going forward with you.
Do you think I give a !@#$ about your tenure? More importantly, do you think I give a !@#$ about his tenure? Why, pray tell, am I "out of line when it comes to LA"? Ok, is this where you discuss with me his distinguished TSW history or how you've agreed with him in posts before? You can learn a lot about a person in the 45 minutes that you spend a day posting on message boards. I know he appreciates you going to bat for him....being as though y'all go back so far. That's deep. Thanks for your contribution.
1. I dont know where you're getting "klan rallies" from. 2. Yes, I mentioned the "Turner Diaries" with respect to LA. That is between him and me. 3. The conversation got off topic when people began referencing my personal politics. Go back and read the first 20 posts yourself and make your own assessment. Did I have to dignify those posts with responses? No. Did my responses to their posts take the conversation further off-topic? Yes. But did I initiate those lines of discussions? No. But keep denying the obvious and carrying LA's water. You play good B word too. Out of the three points above, tell me exactly, with support, where I'm wrong. And don't forget the bolded point.
I'm not accusing him of anything. Repeat: I'm not accusing him of anything. An "accusation" suggests a "wrong." He is a grown man and he can say what he pleases when he pleases. He can feel what he wants about whomever. I'm all kinds of 1st Amendment on that. I just informed him that I wouldn't respond to him (for reasons that I know he knows). He knows what he wrote. I know what he wrote. If you don't believe that he wrote something odious, I'm fine with that. But there is really nothing to believe or disbelieve - considering the subjectivity of this moment. My dissatisfaction for what he wrote is the reason that I won't communicate with him. Look at my post history. My debates with folks have been intense and have contained more than a few strong and piquant insults. But there are a few things that I find personally and fundamentally unacceptable. He crossed a line with me. So you do the math. I'm not Tim Graham'n here. Cause I'm not going anywhere. But there are certain people, who have certain belief systems, for whatever reason, and those beliefs are in such diametric opposition that there is absolutely no point in communicating. That's where I'm at with LA. He is a repugnant and reprehensible piece of ****. He is a respected member of this community though and I'm not - much of that has to do with senority, much of it has to do with ideology. I'm not here to call him out and put him on the spot. I mentioned to him that I would not communicate with him. Bitches "ignore-button"; I tell people straight out. Big deal. At least people know where they stand with me. Everyone else is making it into a spectacle. I'm just trying to get to "Rob's House's" post.
That's all you have? How about this cook, get in the kitchen and make me a !@#$ing sandwich. I'm tired of smelling you. Your lady gap smells like a bunch of "B word." No onions on the sandwich either cupcake.
Wow, you and Chef Jim are such !@#$ing posers. Neither of you add anything substantive, ever. The only thing you two do is swoop in, mid-conversation, piggy-back insult style, and then leave as quickly as you arrived. You're a !@#$ing tapeworm, feeding on LABillzfan's excrement. How does that **** taste? I've been meaning to ask you, are you as effeminate as your posts suggest? Or has riding other poster's cocks entirely emasculated you over time? I got an idea that can help us both out. I'm looking to buy a GT500 without selling my 03. You like rooster. You pick a corner on 14th or M street, turn a trick, and get me my money. I'll toss you a couple of coins for your services. At least then you can realize a financial benefit from your hoaring.
Now you're just playing the race card; that's pathetic. I've disagreed with just about everyone in here. I've had some decidedly uncivil debates with OCinBuffalo and others. Heck, I've even bullshitted and joked with you about racial stereotypes. Where were the claims of bigotry? Can anyone find any, ever? *Patiently Waiting* Exactly. You can't, because I haven't. You're playing the race card...unabashedly. And in fact, I never called LABillzfan a "bigot." You can play around with the innuendo, but shouldn't that be equally applicable. Hmmmm..... Give it some thought, you'll get there. At the end of the day though, LABillzfan is a despicable and reprehensible creature. He knows what he wrote. I know what he wrote. You must not have caught it. Ok, that's fine; but don't defend the indefensible on grounds that you're not fully cognizant of. This is not about a simple disagreement or difference of opinion. I wish it were. If it were, I wouldn't feel compelled to spit in LABillzfan's face in the presence of his family. I wouldn't do that, of course, because I like to think that I have, at least, a modicum of class. However that represents my level of contempt for him. And trust me, it's very well founded. Of course words on a forum can be edited, and meaning adjusted, but I read what I read. And we'll leave it that. I just hope that you don't continue trying to carry his water.
Since we're on the topic, please keep your "sic" in brackets. Example: [sic]. Maybe the "groups" that you frequent, at night, and illuminated by the moon, can discuss that amongst yourselves, so as not to confuse other folks. For a variety of reasons unrelated to anything that you've displayed intellectually, I think it's best that you don't respond to my posts. You can, of course, as it's your right; I just don't want you to waste your time addressing me since I won't respond to you. That will allow 15-20 minutes that you can more valuably utilize doing many other things - like reading the "Turner Diaries."