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Everything posted by Juror#8

  1. Over/under on how many times B-man would link an article about this if this involved Obama ... Obama golf - 4 Trump golf - 5789y687t56976686544vhhfhmt5785 You slanted, cold-hearted, mfers. We're in the vortex of something not-quite Nixonian here and you punk bitches decide to go all ostrich. Cheers bitches.
  2. As many of you know, I started my career in legislative politics. I was a glorified mail reader and summarizer for a U.s. senator whose politics I mostly didn't agree with but strategic name-dropping was a snatch driver early on so it all evened out. Also, my brother was a speech writer for an administration that doesn't matter anymore. Politics can sucka dick. Ok anyway ... Through those contacts and some great conversations with people who have reason to know, while drunk at cap lounge and hawk n dove, I'm decidedly confident in the following: 1. Clinton thought trump was a cakewalk but feared kasich or a Romney intervention. 2. The dems always thought Romney would enter the fray and prepared for it more than they ever took trump seriously. 3. Sanders shook up the establishment more than anyone realized. If not for Sanders' involvement late in the game, Clinton would have been tough to beat. 4. The establishment vs. liberalism will fight it out again in 2020 because Sanders is leaning towards running again (I drink with one of his grunt Strategists), E. Warren will run, and on the establishment side, Gilibrand will likely run as well as O'Malley, Warner and McAuliffe. And ... since the dems are allergic to the concept of coalescing philosophically, they'll !@#$ it up in '20 too. 5. Rs and Ds like each other behind the scenes a lot more than people realize. That they've created this weird macro-level struggle of existential politics that people debate about on sports messages boards, and that poor 9-5 bastards have defined themselves by political allegiances that no one in Washington actually cares about, is an interesting case study for which I'd pay to hear Milgram and Pavlov opine. Eh, whatever ... I'm just a humble bastard with a big dick so what the !@#$ do I know?
  3. This is incredible. Didn’t think that we would get any compensation much less a high third. Me thinks that we have something tradey-like brewin with the instate team to the south.
  4. There are two primary qb silhouettes in today's Nfl. There is the qb who stands in the pocket and is cerebral and can read defenses and analyze schemes. They use that prowess to move the ball down the field. This is the traditional qb that the game has embraced for decades. Then there is the qb who through athletic improvisation and gimmicks devised by the coaches, gets the ball down the field. They rely on their legs and their "jukin" in order to compensate for what they fundamentally lack between their ears. These qbs are one-read and run guys who represent the qb template of the last fifteen or so years. They can't stand up to the mental rigor of quarterbacking complexity so they default to what they learned in whatever woebegone place that raised them and taught them football without fundamentals. It's all about mental rigor. For my money, I want a qb who stands in the pocket and has the aptitude to analyze a play and a defense and pass the ball to others (type a) instead of a guy (type b) who just inherently doesn't have those talents and has to improvise with athleticism. I see Lamar Jackson, Tyrod Taylor and Deshaun Watson as type b guys. So they're all comparable in that regard.
  5. He's a black qb. He is a cross between Jamarcus Russell and Antwaan Randle El until he categorically proves otherwise. Peace.
  6. Not necessarily exciting info but I don't see it posted elsewhere ... http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/21991656/new-england-patriots-reject-houston-texans-request-interview-top-executives-gm-job
  7. If this has been posted elsewhere, then mods please merge or delete:
  8. For the first time in two decades, in January, that's not out of the question.
  9. What's the eta on coming back from that?
  10. This is amazing!! Congrats gents. We are playing meaningful games in January.
  11. Gentleman ... We're in the playoffs.
  12. Your first paragraph read like a twenty year old Master P song. I needed that tonight, bro. Yep, they are all over. The common denominator is indeed cultural differences - but they admit themselves through racial distinction. And that is not something that is uniquely white or uniquely black. There are racist institutions in the south just as they are present in the majority black urban megatropolis'. Racism, to the extent that it exists, does so for two reasons 1. Because we historically see racial archetypes largely through stereotypical lenses and we psychologically separate out individuals, with whom we interact and like, as the exception to those stereotypes. To you, Boyst, brothers in the aggregate might always be what you remember from an nwa video - failures of the broken black family's ability to inculcate a sense of moral responsibility into their progeny and the strongest evidence yet for a slam dunk Charles Murray acquittal. Maybe. If I'm in the south and I see a white cat with leaves and **** on his jacket, sporting a mullet, wrangler jeans, and a fish hook on his hat, I might think he's trying to get his James Byrd on, Maybe. It's along the margins of those "maybes" where thinkings can be changed. Maybe. 2. Most people who haven't had exposure to anything different continue to not have enough exposure to anything different in order that they might meaningfully care to change or challenge their own existing paradigms. That leaves exposure to different groups in the care of celebrity personalities and the ever-present-football-player-rapists. i see both of those changing because that outmoded thinking is being outpaced by the ubiquitousness of social media. I see it being a couple of generations away. Maybe. Anyway, I went to to an Ivy League graduate school. It it doesn't matter which one. What does matter is that, (other than my pale skin brothers) it was me, another brother, few sisters, and a rack of Asians there in the early 2000s. Anyway, I was asked by an L1 that I was mentoring whether or not I felt a unique pressure to perform well in order to avoid the appearance that I was there to fill out a quota. "Bruh ... I'm 'order of the [mother!@#$ing] coif.' What's this pressure of which you speak?" Then I was asked when I was a student panelist discussing the Bakke decision whether or not I felt that the African-American experience in higher education was adversely impacted or otherwise trivialized by the reality of an admissions architecture that wasn't entirely meritocratic. "Sister girl, I'm in the 170+ club, get the fack outta my face with that dumb ****." The point? We all see too much color. Its even a underlying theme in some of the qb posts on the main board. We rely too much on soft stereotypes in how we view people. And then we qualify people based on those. You do. I do. We all do. When we're ready to stop that ****, we can move on to that colorless society that people blab on about.
  13. What's up Levi. Hope you're well brother. Happy Holidays to you and yours.
  14. Yea I'm with you. Seems like she could do it without leveraging too much. Especially if (note "if") the 1.5 billion valuation is correct. But I think I was mistaken as to the depths of #23s pockets.
  15. Bro. Wow. Where ya been? Pot calling the kettle black I know but still ...I hadn't seen a post from you in a grip. Hope you're doing well my friend. I see your point. I'm more so saying that there are little towns down south or even big towns in urban areas that have proceduralized individual intolerance. You won't see my black ass in certain little towns in Mississippi just like there are certain areas of Detroit or Baltimore that you wouldn't go and expect to be treated even-handedly vis a vis the locals in a situation where law enforcement needed to, let's just say, intercede. To to me that's all institutionalized racism.
  16. Why are people dismissing Oprah? She is a multi-billionaire last I heard. She could stroke a check and buy the team on her lonesome. Jordan could too I think. Isn't he worth a couple billion? I dont keep up with these mfers money. But every so often Forbes talks about celebrity bank accounts and I get my yearly update. If if you're talking hip hop folks, a conversation without Jay z and his 3/4 of a billion seems incomplete.
  17. There are likely small local municipalities that have institutionally countenanced individual's racist behavior. Those understandings are so pervasive within that organization that they color the way they operate in their official capacity. In other words ... multi-generational bias that's made its way into the administrative or procedural operation of some officialized (read: "governmental") happening. It's not some modal thing, but it's just how **** flows behaviorally in that context of workplace homogeneity. And, owing to size (read: "small") and relative weights of individual influence, racism becomes, by extension, the acceptable institutional practice. I'm assuming that by "institutionalized" you're referring to official organizations, operating under the color of authority, countenancing racist practices as opposed to just a group of drunk cats, loosely affiliated, calling folks racial epithets. This isn't an indictment of anyone. It's equally appicable in the context of Charm City as it is in small sundowner towns in the Deep South. Im too lazy and drunk to read this whole thread. What does my nigga Boyst say on this shiznit?
  18. Be blessed this holiday season, friends. http://abcnews.go.com/US/1st-grader-asks-food-blanket-heartbreaking-letter-santa/story?id=51832337
  19. I agree brother. It's straight up tribalism at this point. Survival mathematics at its finest. You get to that point where you have to step off the sidelines and intervene. About every six months or so for me.
  20. Where did you grow up? !@#$ it, don't answer that. I already know. But it's a place where real !@#$ed up **** can be explained with rhetoricals and cherry-picked statistics. They're protesting what they believe is a material level of disparate treatment. You may not see it or agree with it. Maybe you're one of the lucky niggas(ers) who've never felt harassment or weird vibes from someone with less melanin in their skin because you have more in yours. Maybe you're white and just have never felt harassment solely based on skin color. Racism is real. It's mostly marginalized and overstated in the media. But the **** is real brother. Don't agree with them; that's cool and it's ultimately your prerogative. But don't trivialize their experiences as if their sense of frustration and grievance can or should be rectified by your hand-picked statistics.
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