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Everything posted by Spanky46

  1. Sounds like maybe Windows Maginfier might be on. This is located in Accessibility Options in Accessories on the All Programs list. If this is not what is causing the problems then it coild be Video Driver related in which the screen resolution was set too low such as 640 x 480. She could try raising the screen resolution to say 1024 x 768 to see if that helps.
  2. Mike Heimerdinger signed on yesterday to be the Jets new offensive cooridinator accoring to ESPN and the NFL Network. To me that is a scoop for the Jets. What was Tennessee thinking. This guys was listed on many lists for head coaching oppurtunities. The AFC East coaching just gets better and better, making tougher for the Bills.
  3. The NFL Cap figure for all NFL teams to be under this year is 86 million dollars according to Gil Brandt on Sirius NFL Radio. I do not know where the Bills stand however.
  4. Todd sounds like something is wrong with the motherboard. Just make sure you are not doing a low level format because they can be tricky. I have the same exact board and a Seagate 120GB SATA Drive and the only problems I had was that I had to press F6 during the format and install of Windows XP to install the SATA drivers. The board supports SATA but not natively so the board thinks this is SCSI drive. You must hit F6 real quick to install the drivers or install will fail because the drive cannot be seen. Check with ASUS however, their tech support in my opinion was very good when I built my 2 pc's this year. Seems odd that both HD formats would fail during format considering that these drive types are on 2 different areas of the board. Merry Christmas to you and everybody on the Board!!! Ron
  5. That's Mark Campbell, Lawyer Milloy, & J.P. Losman.
  6. I am not sure what issues you have with IE or your OS but if you want to turn off error reporting then follow the following steps..... I am assuming you are using WinXP.... 1. Click Start 2. Click Control Panel 3. Double Click on Administrative Tools 4. Double Click on Services 5. Scroll down the list of services until you find Error Reporting Service 6. Double Click on Error Reporting Service 7. On the General Tab set the startup type to disabled 8. Click on STOP to stop the service from running 9. Click on Apply then OK From now on the error reporting will not come up.
  7. Just a little bit ago on Simoncast, Jeff Morrison said Steve Szabo (DB Coach) got after Nate Clements in the locker room after the game about his play on 4th down on the final drive. Morrison did not see the conversation first hand, but he heard from many of the other media in that area of the locker room that Nate was not happy after the conversation. He stated that Takeo Spikes came over to Nate and told him that the whole team lost the game, that it was not one individual player or play. A couple of things I think are that shows excellent leadership on Takeo's part and also it is nice to see coaches let the players know when they make bad plays.
  8. LINK???.........................
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