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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Two areas they are better in than SF. Offensive line and RB. WR are a wash and they have the better TE, but the Pats have the better duo of TE (if that makes sense). Jimmy G only flaw is he is brittle as anything. I think he be a good stop gap between Brady and the next QB.
  2. It’s how they spent. They strengthened their O line and D line. They got a very Good LB to compliment Hightower.. on O they got 2 of the best TE available. The only question Mark really on the team is the most important position.. QB. They have been saying up here Jimmy G is plan A at QB.. so I expect a trade and then if Jones is gone at 15 they pick the best WR left to add to the toys Jimmy G has. If Jimmy G isn’t traded to the Pats expect them to bundle a lot of picks to move up and grab either Jones or Fields whichever one is left after the frenzy first few picks.
  3. Bruins are good, Celtics should be but god are they struggling.. Jets will be 4-12 this year.. Pats I see at 10-6 maybe even 12-4 depending on who is QB... (they were 7-9 with a sub par group playing a much harder schedule.)
  4. Not really they are giving Tua 2 years if he isn’t good they have 3 picks to move up and get a top notch rookie.. it’s actually kind of a brilliant move..
  5. (Scratching my head) you lost to NE for like 20 years.. hell Brady had more wins in Buffalo than Buffalo QBs before Allen. That said you had one game where you bet them down the other you needed a Newton fumble to claim victory.. mind you it make our division one of the toughest with Miami, Buffalo, and NE all being legit teams.
  6. He will get another shot after he restructured his deal in NE to prove he is a good QB.
  7. I’m a Pats fan and I am 95% sure the Bills repeat and the Pats finish second and Phins third.
  8. Not bad traded down got Mac Jones at 30 and also got Moore and another WR in the second round. I also landed Buffalo 2nd, Atlanta 2nd, in 2022 plus 2 more 3rds and 2 more 4th round picks for next year. Giving me enough draft capitol if I feel Jones isn’t the new franchise QB.
  9. Jets have bandwagon fans? How that team has been awful for decades!
  10. It all comes down to where Watson wants to go. He has a no trade clause so he dictates who he wants to go to. SUPPOSEDLY NY and Miami are out. He wants to go to SF or Denver now supposedly.
  11. The emperor is evil and powerful... but 6 woman accusing Watson.. that would make even Lucifer blush for overkill.
  12. I would say Detroit because it’s been so mismanaged for so long that they have had 2 HOF Superstars retire in their prime rather than still Play for them. (sanders, Megatron). I mean that has be scary for FA to see.
  13. Lol I doubt it now he is bad PR in a very WOKE NFL. Most teams won’t even touch him now IMO.
  14. Actually I expect the Panthers to get him IF he is traded, but now I see their offer being much much smaller
  15. Ok with 2 allegations of sexual misconduct and supposedly 4 more lawsuits being filed for similar reasons. Watson is now “damaged” goods. I say they can still get a first (not top 5)and maybe one other draft pick now. What do you think?
  16. Defend the Pats TE? Easy if it Newton just stand in front of them and you grab the short thrown pass otherwise watch for falling plane parts as he hits a passing 747 on an overthrow. Lol I as a pats fan want see what we do for WB because I don’t believe Cam has anything left but I will still cheer and yell at my tv for the Pats if he is our QB. (Note to self to set some stimulus money aside for new tv after I break old one watching Cam play)
  17. Hightower was the biggest opt out coming back who will make a difference. Cannon - traded for draft position Chung - Retired
  18. lol or he was going retire last year but got a paycheck to sit at home.. I was expecting it to be one of the Mccourty twins if I was being Honest.
  19. BB Smiling and calls the Texans “I’ll give you a 3rd and two 4ths for Watson” (evil laughs as they accept) In all seriousness if he assaulted them why didn’t they go to the police first and file charges? Was it because he turned over and exposed himself making them gasp!? Or did he physically touch them?
  20. I disagree about him moving the needle he was tied for 3rd for most pressures on the QB last year (28) non d line ranking (per bleacher report I didn’t double check them). Now put him opposite Judon and that’s a scary OLB duo that can also set the edge against the run. I can see BB offering them our next 10 first round picks and throw and three 3rds and Cam Newton.. I still doubt they accept lol It’s not bailing them out it’s getting more picks rebuild their team. Say like the Bengals get the Pats first this and next year and a 3rd this year.. hard say no.. they need as many cracks as they can get to improve.. and the Pats get in prime position to draft a top QB.
  21. Think about it though. They had I think 70 million cap space to use THIS year. Now we all know next years cap will explode much higher and guess what these deals don’t look bad and most are easy to get out of after year 1 with little to no cap issue. Also on D he has built a decent front 7 that should make our secondary (who are elite right now) jobs much easier.
  22. 2 years worth up to 13.6 million.. I doubt any other team was offering that even with incentives.
  23. Michel on the last year of his co tract and Fornette is just a brute runner mix him in with Harris and we have a great one two punch.. As for Jimmy G I see a better chance BB trading up in the draft and getting the QB he feels be the best fit for NE. (I say Mac Jones or Trey Lance)
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