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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Exactly! I would also point out, he was with the Jets, a very dysfunctional organization with poor ownership and GM and terrible coaching.. which did not help him in any way succeed. Where IMO BB will do everything he can to help Jones be successful. (I also think everyone thought Smith was a huge reach at the time, but I could be wrong.) I dare say BB is better than ANYONE the Jets have ever had as HC. I agree College states and wins don’t translate well to pros, As I have said I believe coaching and a strong organization can help make a QB better while others doom them. (How many top QBs got destroyed in Cleveland?)
  2. I’d agree KC has the edge at QB but more because the man can make a throw in almost any position. I would also say their running game LAST year was also a lot more reliable. I disagree about HC, sorry but Reid always pees down his leg in big games when facing an equal to better HC. I mean they should have lost to a piss poor NE team last year but they lucked out and got the worse QB since 1989 in a Pats uniform starting. (Face palm taking a sack with no time outs and 6 seconds on the clock in range for a tying FG) this year should be interesting, will Buffalo be able get pressure on the revamped O line of KC? Will KC be able to stop all the firepower the Bills have? my gutt says Bills win the game in the regular season because I see McDermott fixing the D more than I see Reid fixing his D which has been mediocre for years.
  3. I could be wrong about Jones as well. He is a rookie and it’s pure guessing game right now. I agree on 9 to 11 wins this year maybe more depending on how good or bad the QB play is. I think the Pats D can get them 9 or 10 wins this year base off of who we are playing. It’s kind of exciting right now the unknown. Haven’t felt like this since well Bledsoe was drafted way back in 94 I think. Mind you back then we had sucked for so long it could only get better lol
  4. My bad, you are correct, but I think the way you state it makes an even better case for Mac Jones. Like I said all speculation till he gets to play.
  5. Allen is a known commodity, plain and simple we know he is good and will be top 5 in the league. Jones all we have is what talking heads say and his game tapes. Yes he was surrounded by talent but he had the smarts step up in the pocket and he read Defenses well and delivered the ball on target and on time, he also broke NCAA record for accuracy. We won’t know if he be a boom or bust till he plays in the NFL. I think BB brought back Cam for a few reasons. First being that no QB was left at 15 and we ended up with the second tier QBs who definitely wouldn’t be ready to year 2. Second to give Jones time to learn the playbook and get use to NFL game speed. I wouldn’t be surprised if Jones sat the year even if Cam stinks because another high draft picks give us hopefully a #1 WR for him to throw to.
  6. I agree on easier process in Alabama. As for his smarts, everyone is saying how super intelligent he is because he graduated from Alabama in 3 years. Will that intelligence translate to football and reading D in the NFL? Only time will tell, I do know his teammates said they would choose him over Tua who everyone was gushing over before he got hurt. IMO he was the best fit for what the Patriots like to do on O. That being mostly short to intermediate throws and making decisions quickly in the pocket. Outside of Lawrence I don’t think any of the other 5 would fit into the Patriots system as well. (Again just my opinion)
  7. Lmao on the Dad bod… you know who else supposedly had a dad bod was Brady. (I think someone on here put Brady combine photo and Macs photo together on here) As for velocity that is IMO the most overrated thing people talk about. “Oh what great velocity on that throw” meanwhile it was high and wide. Accuracy IMO is far more important with occasional zip fit it into a tight window.
  8. I feel bad for Rosen, talk about a QB who truly got a bum deal. Lol. Also if I remember correctly even the experts said Allen a hiGH Boom or bust potential and could go either way. IMO good coaching made it more Boom or just an average QB range.. he was never going be a bust but that’s MY OPINION. (Before someone attacks lol) for example this years class of of QBs (1st round) I see Wilson, and Fields as being Busts based on their coaches and or dysfunctional organization. I expect Lance be a huge star but never wins a SB, (i kid a dig on the HC choking twice in SB) Lawrence being to talented to fail but I am not sure on the HC and organization.. Jones I am biased on but he landed in the perfect spot for him anywhere else he be a sure fire bust.
  9. That wasn’t what I was trying to imply. I was laughing because I didn’t think I’d ever see the day a Bills fan would say nice things about Fitz period! I remember how he was disposed on this very board back in the day. It was more a laugh of shock than anything else.
  10. Right now it’s all a guessing game. I am high on Jones because he supposedly comes with an extremely high Football IQ and that’s what I am told is needed for the Pats playbook. As I said before I like Jones chances better just because he isn’t in a dysfunctional organization. But hell I could be wrong. See I feel that way about Wilson. He is already being blackballed by fans for being a Trump supporter. Meanwhile there is zero pressure on Jones as he isn’t right after Brady but after probably 1 1/2 years of broken down Cam Newton.
  11. Look at Big Ben how many years taken off of his career by bad O lines? Newton IMO doesn’t seem to read Ds well this he holds the ball longer. Brady helps his Oline look better because like P Manning he gets rid of the ball in less than 3 seconds usually, hard for anyone get pressure that fast lol. Hey great football discussion! Enjoy the Bills success for HOWEVER long it lasts, trust me even after 20 years you miss it when it’s gone. Lol (although I don’t have as many annoying bandwagon pats fans anymore. Lol)
  12. We won’t know till he plays and bombs or does well. I am also a firm believer that coaching makes a big difference if a QB is good or bad. IMO the Bills failed at QB for so long because you didn’t have a good HC to work with him. You get that good HC and Bam you immediately hit on Allen. I don’t think that was luck. Pennington had average arm strength till he hurt his shoulder.. after that his arm was noodle arm. Jones has an average arm strength. As for Cam Newton I don’t believe he was ever been an overly accurate QB even when he was MVP. He did have a canon arm coming out but the beating he took in Carolina destroyed his career. It was criminal how they never got him a decent o line.
  13. Huh? His accuracy is actually BETTER than Pennington and while he doesn’t have a cannon for an arm he is capable making any throw.. His weakness supposedly is the fact he isn’t a running threat. I will laugh if he plays and beats Buffalo in year one. Cam you are right his arm is shot which is sad he has so much heart!
  14. Lmao I never thought I see the day a Bills fan would say Fitz was good and better than a first round QB! Lol I want talk much about the others but last year the Pats had probably one of the worst (in talent) rosters in the NFL and were in cap hell. They still went 7-9 and have upgraded the front 7 and IF Gilmore stays still has a top end secondary. On O they upgraded the O line and more importantly got depth there, they also added the two best TE available in FA and drafted a top 5 QB. IMO Jones was the perfect fit outside of Lawrence for the Pats system and style of play. So while you may think he is mediocre, which he may, a lot of people also thought Allen was a bust in the making. Now you said our QB sucked but you needed a fumble by said QB to seal the win in Buffalo otherwise you lose. Point is Pats will be a lot better especially on D, and that the Bills aren’t world beaters yet..
  15. I see Stidham being traded before the season starts… not for much maybe a 5th rounder. He has a strong arm but isn’t very accurate it seems, and let’s face it he has next to zero chance of winning the starting role from Jones or Newton. I am more concerned about Gilmore and if they resign him and have a good CB for 2 years the. Stuck with him for the rest when he declines. But if they trade him it tells me they are looking to next year and more young players to help. What do you think of Tua? I myself see good and bad last year.. doesn’t help that the Phins were willing trade the farm for Watson.. makes me think they aren’t sure about him.
  16. They are deep in OL probably the deepest group on the team. I am HOPING by the end of the year I am either shocked at how well Newton has played, or am seeing positive movement from Jones.. I don’t expect to win the East this year it will still be the Bills division.. I am hoping they improve enough be #2 and maybe a wildcard team. Team still has holes on O, like they don’t have a true #1 receiver, and no real elite WR, I still think Jacoby Meyers is the best of the lot.
  17. Correction— he is NOT wanting Jones to face Brady and have the kid hear the hype all week of “Brady v Jones” crap. You are right he built the D to lead the team and IF Jones wins the competition expect a playbook similar to 2001 Pats. Safe throws, lots of running.. just don’t make mistakes and let the D win games.. will it work? I think they win 10 to 11 games that way… I think the D be that good as long as the O doesn’t screw up
  18. You can’t judge anyone off the first few practices. Cams arm is shot IMO, but Jones looked good most of camp and more importantly shows the fire as he got mad at himself when he screwed up, which all rookies do.. (screw up that is) I will hold judgement on Jones till at least next year… he has the smarts to play QB and well he will have one of the best O lines protecting him when he finally does start. They actually built this team to his strengths and not Cam’s. but weird you judge QBs based off of work done in shorts.. FYI Hoyer looked like a God in shorts when he first started.. Weird thing is ALL of the WR played with Jones and Tua have said Jones was better.. ive watched Jones videos now and he has good pocket presence, he makes quick reads, and always seems to make the right decision where to go with the ball.. now will it translate to the pros? No idea, but I like his chances better than say the Jets QB, heck I think he has a better chance than the Chicago rookie just because he is going to a coach that made bad QBs look good. (Jimmy G, etc)
  19. You should feel that way! Bills are a damn good team! I think the fact the East is tough D wise is going make it harder for the Bills get Home field threw out the playoffs.
  20. Oh he is a good coach! He just fairs poorly against other good to great coaches.. I swear he PEDs himself every time he faces BB lol… I think the AFC East is loaded with good to great coaches. I mean outside of the Jets HC the other 3 have shown they are damn good… East should be fun this year.
  21. Steelers really need a young QB to take over for Big Ben, their D is scary good, I also think they are the best coached team in the North. So I see the Steelers winning the division again this year as their D wins them a lot of games and Tomlin will help them win 1 or 2 they shouldn’t.
  22. I am not sold on Baker Mayfield at QB and think he keeps them from being a true contender. I feel the same way about the Ravens, except I feel Jackson is wildly overrated as a QB. They also have a good D but not scary at all on O with Jackson, teams have figured his style out.
  23. IMO Ravens are way overrated. Browns are well the browns… So that leaves the Chiefs and Bills and the Chiefs are 1 and the Bills 2. The Dolphins COULD be 3 but I am not sold on Tua, Chargers should have a good O but not sold on their D, Raiders suck, Jets Suck.. Steelers have a damn good D, but a very shaky O. Bengals are a couple years at least away, Broncos are a mess. Titans and Colts could be 3 and 4 especially the Titans but their D still very shaky, Colts have to fix their QB. Jaguars in full rebuild And the Texans are a train wreck. finally my team, Patriots will have a top D, and a rebuilt O weapons but at best am unproven rookie QB or worse a broken down Cam Newton. so point is only Chiefs and Bills are true SB contenders in the AFC. The rest have obvious and possibly big flaws.
  24. Till this year. He has a sick D and a decent run game and some decent WR
  25. Lol I was just thinking a fair deal a 2nd and a WR who supposedly had a high upside and is cheap for them.
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