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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Like I said later Kraft has grown smarter. When he first started he wanted be hands on like Jones in Dallas as time had passed he realized to get the right person you have to give up that power to win. I only have his word in numerous interviews up here saying he believes stability is one of the most important things needed to succeed and that starts with the HC. Could he change his mind? Ya it’s his team he could.. hell could the lucky sperm, aka Jonathan decide he wants be more hands on.. of course! What makes the Steelers great is the family decided to keep the philosophy I can only hope the Krafts do the same.
  2. Long post, first Tuna quit he was not fired he went to the Jets. He also was IMO the reason the Pats lost that SB since he coached so poorly. Pete Carroll was hired to soon and wasn’t ready.. BB was hired at the right time and no matter what anyone says he had to see something in a 6th round pick to move on from a Franchise QB like Bledsoe. So yes he gets credit for grooming Brady into who he is today because without BB Brady would have been out of the league in 2 or 3 years without ever really getting a shot. also did you HEAR the names you rattled off that Kraft has chosen as HC? Tuna was hired before he bought the team. Also it is something he learned as he got older l, when he first got the team he wanted be like Jerry Jones (this the friction with Tuna) after Carroll he realized he needed hire someone do the entire thing and just be a fan who pays the bills. Lol one year of not winning isn’t a trend. Also they came to NE to win a championship and that’s the only reason why. It isn’t like we have great weather or attractions here like NY or Miami or LA.. lol but you were way way wrong on the Steelers of the 70’s.
  3. Huh? They won 4 SB titles in the 70’s what are you talking about? Gone? Based off of what evidence? But if he is gone I suspect Jerod Mayo be the next HC. Sorry your last line didn’t make sense to me..
  4. unlike the Bills the Pats have better ownership in place and definitely have a better HC in place to see the transition. The Bills suffered for so long because the team was run poorly from top to bottom! Your see Kraft wants to emulate the way the Steelers do things, which is stability and short windows of rebuild threw it. Shocked more owners haven’t copycatted their way which has been successful for 50 years.
  5. First your team sucked for so long because you had terrible HC and terrible GM’s. BB went 7-9 with a QB EVERYONE knew couldn’t throw anymore.
  6. Wow so now comparing a full 16 game starter to an 8 game starter. Lmao… look man there is a reason why he is a BACKUP now… HE SUCKED!!
  7. Your hopeless. Anyone who watched the Chicago Bears knows he was not even an average QB. Why do you think they drafted Fields and let him go? Hell. They went out and tried replace him LAST YEAR! But no he’s definitely a winner when a team who drafted him 3rd overall didn’t even believe him after 3 years. Meanwhile Tua as a rookie looked average which is better than Trubisky ever looked.
  8. Tua was a rookie, he made less mistakes than Trabisky.. Tua also wasn’t the started at the beginning of the year, Trubisky was as a rookie and the next two years and last year he couldn’t keep it. Maybe talk to Chicago and see why they gave up on him if you think he is so good? Have you watched him play AT ALL? He sucks! Tua has what people who watch football call UPSIDE. While Trubisky is a proven loser and sucky QB. Also by the end of the year the starters in the AFCE will Be: Allen Wilson Tua Jones you give Newton stats as if he is the long term or even full season answer. Dude they aren’t even sure he starts week 1 yet. So what you have is Allen the best followed by Tua and two unproven QBs. With Backups of Trubisky and Stidham (and whoever Miami and NY have) if we go to backups we are all screwed… Trubisky by any measure sucks unless you live in a vacuum and see only stats.. stats are for losers and that’s what Trubisky is.
  9. Only value I SEE is the practicing against a different team and scrimmaging them.. gives the younger players that 4th unofficial game get up to speed..
  10. Cherry picking I see. He has NEVER thrown for more than 3300 yards, he reads Defenses badly, and just isn’t a good QB. Meanwhile you compare a 3rd or 4th year vet to a rookie and a QB whose shoulder is completely shot as an example that he is the 2nd best in the AFCE? Hell I’d take Tua every day and twice on Tuesday over him!! Hell if he was your starting QB I’d bet on the Pats to beat the Bills. You forget he had a WR just as great in Chicago as Diggs and again he never threw for even 3500 yards!
  11. I will bow to your Bills knowledge. I based mine off the fact Meyers did it with a very inaccurate QB in Cam … now Bills fans have to live with the rest of the NFL downgrading your WR not named Diggs because of how good Allen is. Lol I lived that truth for almost 20 years.
  12. Thanks! Damn he looks like he is 12! Damn I am getting old lol.. that said I am so sick of every stat getting broken down further and further… I watched him play he looks good and he didn’t panic under pressure.. still don’t know how good or bad he will be just glad we went QB and not something like RT or something else.. and it wasn’t a reach.
  13. Trubisky was a HUGE Bust! HUGE! Davis did that with 2 of the better WR in front of him especially Diggs and facing nickel corners. I’d take Meyers over him but that’s it on the Pats roster.. after all he got 700 yards and 3 TDs in 12 games w Newton throwing the ball facing top CBS. that’s a lot more impressive than 599 with Allen and nickel corners.
  14. No idea who Solak is, so I will take his work worth a grain of salt, especially since you can’t tell when someone goes to a second read right off the snap based on presnap reads..
  15. No one would be afraid of any of those WR or TE. They would make Allen Job very hard but if it was a year like say the 49ers had last year.. it would be a disaster. (AFCE has solid D everywhere if not too 10)
  16. Kinda shows why teams struggle so much. A 4 year HC is 8th on the list. Talk about a job with ZERO stability unless your part of the elite 6.
  17. Oh I am thinking tops be a 6th round pick. That’s why I said maybe swap disappointing picks. Give BB an underperforming CB and you get our underperforming WR.
  18. I only figured he hit 1000 or more based offf of what he did last year with 5 more game averaging 60 yards a game was doable. But hell I’ll be happy with 800 yards from him. Especially with the new TE in the mix. as far as Harry goes who would want him? Maybe trade with a team who has a badly underperforming first round pick?
  19. True, but I never thought Harry be this brittle or bad when they picked him. AJ Broen would been a hell of a pick too! As for being better I think any other WR been a better choice! Lol Hell I am high in Jacoby Meyers right now,a undrafted WR from the same class, I expect he will be the breakout WR for them this year with over 1000 yards receiving and 5 TDs. (He had over 700 yards and 3 TDs last year in 12 games.. so if healthy I don’t think my prediction is crazy)
  20. The thought process is (per talking heads up here at the time) he was a big body who Brady could throw to in the red zone and he could go up and get the ball. I myself didn’t know a lot about him at the time. I was so excited for that pick because I thought for sure they pick DK Metcalf since he was still there when they picked. I wasn’t happy with the pick but like any pats fan who is telling the truth, I trusted BB to know what he is doing.
  21. No, true translation “you can’t fire me I quit” this guy has been open 25% of the time he has been on the field which ranks 99th out of 100 . He is one of the worst receivers in the league in getting open and even worse he is never healthy. hell last year Newton called an audible and he was staring like a deer in the headlights till Edelman moved him off the line of scrimmage.. CAM KNEW THE PLAYBOOK BETTER THAN HIM! 🤦🏻‍♂️ I do believe the Pats roster was considered last year be ranked 29th or 30th? The talent level was horrid on the team but for the most part the competed almost every week.
  22. Pats went 7-9 and if they got AVERAGE QB play been easily 9-7 with one of the most untalented teams in the NFL. I dare say the talent level of last years team was probably 28th or 29th in the league. Good coaching almost had them to .500. I would be shocked if they had a losing season this year. Now am I expecting them to challenge for the division or SB? Nope but I see a 10 to 11 win season with MAYBE a playoff birth. Any true fan knows a rebuild takes time especially when you are replacing the most important position on O in QB. That said it does help to have one of the best HC of all time leading the team. (Oh and I firmly believe it took both Brady and BB for the dynasty. Brady doesn’t even make the NFL if BB doesn’t see something in him.)
  23. IMO Tua as big a question mark as Jones or Wilson. I say maybe even more so since he didn’t really impress last year at all. I mean Fitz looked lightyears better than him. Which is bad for your 1st round QB.
  24. Funny! But that would be Tony “The Turtle” Eason whose career IMO was destroyed by that game! What’s sad is the Pats had a HOFer in Hannah playing on the line that game.
  25. So you don’t expect growth with Allen and your WR core or any improvement in your running game?
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