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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Why should taxpayers have to pay for anything outside of updating the infrastructure around the new stadium? I am asking because the Patriots new stadium was built with all private funding and the state only had to pay for updating the infrastructure… which it failed to do. I don’t understand why Buffalo should be different?
  2. I believe the question is stupid because everyone comes partial one way or the other in those cases. For example up here the Boston Marathon bomber there is zero chance anyone answered that question honestly. Because everyone wanted blood after it happened and we ALL saw the victims faces. Also the OJ Case was perfect too for the other side, he was found not guilty because those jurors feared for their Lives and everyone else’s lives in LA if they convicted. All I am saying is just because you have a question doesn’t mean people will be honest, there is a very good chance in high profile cases they will lie for one way or the other.
  3. If you believe those jurors NEVER heard of those cases I have a bridge in Brooklyn I can sell to you cheap. Lol Also that question is stupid as anyone can lie one way or the other. (For defense or prosecution)
  4. Lmao hey I watch enough cop shows!! Lol seriously though I’ve seen it before.. there is zero chance to get an unpolluted jury.
  5. First the case would be in Houston where everyone knows who he is even non football fans. (My wife hates football still knows who Cam Newton is. ) Second the press and social media down there be 10X worse and the chances of getting 12 people who truly didn’t know anything about it is slimmer than winning the lotto. second as I said the reason. I charges are filed because there is no evidence he did anything. Unlike civil cases to get a conviction or heck even an a grand jury to endite you need SOME proof. Right now it’s all “he made me do this” with hi. Saying he didn’t. As for football they are tough when the player is either at the end of his career or sucks.. even then they usually get it wrong.
  6. Except there seems be no proof of what they said happening. Also he has still not been charged for that reason. What I hate about things now people are tried on social media and the damn press before they are even charged with a dang thing. Pretty much guaranteeing a polluted jury pool.
  7. I agree! I just don’t see Rogers side here? The Packers have bent over backwards for him even hiring the current coach keep him happy.. Also unlike Brady I don’t see him making steam go from 7-9 to SB champion with his leadership. I heard Brady only got offered a contract by Tampa Bay and no one else. (He was upset that SF didn’t offer him a contract I think he wanted to show Jimmy G how to WIN a SB again. Lol)
  8. Absolutely have to have a great QB! In the case of Brady needed BB see the greatness in him. I truly wonder how many HC would ever even have a 6th round QB even make the team never mind ever start. They needed each other to be what they are today. (IMO of course) I am also a firm believer Brady left because their egos couldn’t co exist anymore, I hope when they both retire they realize how much both their careers needed the other to reach the level they went to.
  9. Huh? Brady missed 1 year and the Pats went 11-5, BB first year they went 4-11 and the next Brady took over. In Cleveland the team went to the playoffs in his second year and fell off a cliff in year 3 when the idiot owner announced before the season they were moving.. (this is what brought out the no distractions BB moving forward) it amazes me how people forget how it went in Cleveland and how it was a poorly run organization that if they hadn’t moved probably makes a championship run with BB and their QB.
  10. Degrade? I just stated a fact, he had a Top 5 All Time QB (who most places ahead of Kelly) and he did absolutely nothing with him. He made 1 SB and that’s it. Maybe get your Shula loving glasses off and see he wasn’t all that with Marino! I would think a Bills fan would know this seeing as the Bills did a dang good job of ruining every year for them. also seeing how good the Bills fans record is with being armchair GMs I feel better you think he won’t be good seeing as how most on here stink at picking decent talent and call anyone with one bad year “they suck we need trade them” mentality. ( note.. this is not all but the GM wanna be on here usually suck most at least on here are smart enough to wait and see)
  11. The pic doesn’t prove if he be good bad or average. I had to point out the obvious since people even here it the two photos together. FYI it’s not the condition you come in that matters but the work you put in after that does. I’d think a Bills fan with your current QB know that.. he also had a lot people thinking he be a bust with his accuracy issues.. look now after he put in the work..
  12. Why I said great battles.. He could break threw he may not.. let’s not forget if Watson gets on a competent team he also is a great QB.. Point is the Bills are close but the Sabre’s are not. I think he meant when they finally broke threw after like 80 years without a championship.
  13. Lmao did you see Brady’s photo from the combine? It wasn’t much different. I dare say he makes most D even today pee themselves.. lol
  14. Absolutely, also helped he made it so others took discounts as well like Harrison, and Bruschi etc.. but a great QB isn’t all that’s needed, I mean see Shula with Marino.. they won nothing and Marino was a top 5 QB, and they made the SB once! Lmao in context I was just trying say how arm chair GMs are annoying for both sides. I am not saying how he will be till I see him throw ONE pass in the NFL. You do know Shula never won anything with Marino?
  15. ROFLMAO ya because all Shula did was messed up a HOF QB playing at a pro bowl level for well over a decade and never won a damn thing with him! No a desperate pick was the Texans pick of a QB. The Pats took the best available player at 15 in Jones. Also a “product of elite Talent” umm then why didn’t Hurst or Tua break records for completion percentage or get praised by their WR? Now Jones could be a bust or he could be an average or great player only time will tell us not arm chair GMs who base their opinion off of what they want and not what we saw on the field.
  16. The Bills are close, sadly Allen will be in his prime the same time Mahomes is which will make it tough to break threw but there should be some good battles. the Sabres, I am sorry to say are a hot mess in the NHL. Just look what Hall did with them for like 2/3 of the year he doubled in 8 games with the Bruins. Their only other star player also wants out.. The Sabres would be lucky be a 500 team.
  17. That’s so hard to answer. If the Bills O stays healthy.. Yes, but if Diggs or Allen miss like 4-5 games (combined) it may be hard to do. Or (god forbid) your O line gets riddled with injuries and Allen is running like Mahomes in the SB for a large portion of the season..
  18. I am going based off of who we face this year. A much easier schedule than last year and if we are honest they were horrid talent wise last year and won 7. I mean I see 3 wins against Jets and Miami, beat NO, beat Houston, beat Chargers, Beat Panthers, beat Falcons, and beat Jags. I know those should be wins maybe even sweep the Phins and Jets. I wouldn’t be shocked if they beat Dallas or Browns. heck the only teams I expect lose to (aka take a miracle to win)is Tampa and Buffalo. The schedule is much easier this year than last year. You had that many last year with a tougher schedule. Why do you expect the same this year?
  19. Ok first I as a Pats fan highly doubt the Pats win the Division! The Bills are still a better team. That said I expect them to win 10 to 11 games maybe more and be a wild card team and once your in anything can happen. (I agree about Cam passing ability why I am excited about Jones whose accuracy and smarts are his game.)
  20. Tuna was HC in 96. Also Brady was a game manager for the 2001 SB and dare say the D also won 2003 and 2004. Now the other 3 SB you can definitely say it was Brady and the O winning it. (I mean 2 we’re the biggest comebacks in SB history 10 against the legion of boom and 25 bs Atlanta.)
  21. Thank you, they report the “want to” but never update you when things change. (Outside of the area of course)
  22. So your saying from 95 till the current GM and HC you feel the Bills had good management in place? Your own Fanbase has bashed ownership for years and IMO I wouldn’t be shocked if they tried to move the Bills to Toronto.
  23. Lmao I have always been a Pats fan and a Bruins fan… I can’t stand Basketball to much a primadonna sport, and baseball like taking a sleeping pill. Pats been relevant since 1996, with only 2 losing seasons since then. So history under his ownership is against you and that was with 3 coaches. Unlike Buffalo we have every sport up here including Soccer so it makes them try harder stay relevant. also a question, how is the negotiating for a new stadium going in Buffalo?
  24. The story as written has him as the victim till I see anything saying he did something I will go with what I know.
  25. What has this incident to do with HIS character? HE was the victim of domestic abuse and she really wailed on him! He probably didn’t even try to defend himself. While I don’t think he is a good QB this here is horrible and I hope he can remove himself from the situation before he ends up dead.
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