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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. True, but all we have to go on are preseason games.. I think the Pats are probably a top WR and perhaps CB (if Gilmore doesn’t sign) from being a contender. He won’t trade him now but when a team is desperate and need a TE they will before the deadline for at least a 1st if not more.
  2. Folk is out with an “injury” which is BB talk for “I want give this kid a nice long look it’s your job week 1.”
  3. I’m not shocked.. that was a nasty injury he had I am sure a lot of stuff is off like timing and anticipation.
  4. Drop passes stink but happen! But let’s say the drops were average for the team i guess it raises theQBR to mid to upper 70’s? Another thing Allen didn’t have was a good line that year.. in the 4 games I watched him play he was running for his life a lot. (At least that’s what it looked like to me)
  5. I by no means was trying say Allen is not a very good QB. I think a few on here took my use of his first year QBR as an insult to him. I was just trying to point out rookie QBs rarely light it up. I hope for Bills fans you are right about Allen as everything only time will tell. The division is Buffalos for the near future at least, I don’t expect Jones be capable of hanging with Allen for at least a full year if he ever can. (That means a full year being a starter so be more like season 3)
  6. McNabb I never really considered mobile but he only played 4 complete seasons and was below average after 9 yrs. Young Didn’t start till 1992(When Montana left)and was done by 1999 (6 years) again his entire career 4 complete seasons played. Dang I didn’t know Cunningham was around 15 years, but again only 4 where he played every game. Of all the Mobile QBs I can think of, only John Elway and Steve Young ever won the SB before Mahomes and what all three have in common.. they were/are a pocket passer who can run. I don’t see enough of Allen to know what he is as a QB. Cam Newton had a cannon for an arm coming out of college! His knock was the same as Allen’s.. his accuracy was suspect if not awful! (Newton that is, I believe the word they use for Allen was RAWtalent)But his arm strength was never the issue..
  7. Ya my projections are just way off.. I mean Vegas has them at 9 wins so dang I am crazy thinking they could have 9 to 10 wins, just a total homer thing. But hey I am sure you and E are smarter than Vegas with the 7 prediction. I love how you compare a 5th round QB going to a club poorly run at the time to a 1st round QB going to a very well run organization. They are not even close to the same. what’s really funny is how scared Bills fans sound. Jones could be a stud, hell he could be a dud.. all we know from preseason game one is he makes quick reads and throws the ball extremely accurate.
  8. Ya because Allen in year one was seeing the field that well his first preseason game. (Sigh) but as usual you missed the entire point.. it is very very rare for a rookie QB to come in and light it up and have a high QBR. as for your video, let’s see how he looks after running around like that for 5 years.. so far Mobil QBs historically have a much shorter shelf life than pocket passers. (See Newton,Cam) Just because it’s the latest NFL craze doesn’t mean that will change.
  9. Unlike Josh, I don’t see Jones starting. Also the schedule is easier this year and they won 7 with Newton last year and a much harder schedule. Pshht I could be wrong and you could be right.. I am just going to cheer and have fun..
  10. What’s funnier I have been here longer than you a long time Bills fan. It’s football man smile enjoy it.. heck maybe see a game if they don’t lock our butts up again!
  11. Lol it’s the first preseason game! They have had like 4 padded practices. I don’t expect Cam to improve much between now and opening day, but Jones will and for his first live action against NFL caliber D he did pretty well with the second squad. also I find it funny a Bills fan makes fun of a rookie QB rating of a 78.2 when your now superstar QB had a 66 for his rookie year. Which should tell you WBR doesn’t tell you everything.
  12. He was drafted in 1993, and really became consistently good in 1996 for like 4 years.
  13. Lol it’s the first pre season game! No one looks awesome in those games and if Brady was still here he wouldn’t even have dressed for it. That said Jones looked the better of the two starting QBs and he had what would have been a TD dropped by Wilkerson. Heck he had like 3 passes dropped. He also showed quick decision making all night and actually had the Pats O the closest it has come to resembling when Brady was here. Oh and he did it with mostly the second group. Oh and the starting D had zero points scored on them.. Are the Pats challengers this year? Not unless Buffalo has injuries or your D is sub par. (I suspect neither) I again suspect the Pats win 10-12 games just based off of the schedule. They may be a wild card team but they need another reliable WR if not elite WR on O to have a chance contend and of course Jones would have to prove to be good. The D is going win most of the games this year. Lmao you do realize Zola’s is a former Patriot QB and backed up Bledsoe for years.. he is more a homer than anyone. He is the color guy for the radio announcers for games up here.. I am sure Buffalo has the same kind of homer announcers, that’s their job to rah rah the home crowd.. although Zola’s slammed Newton HARD last year. Actually having a Terrible QB for the first time since 1996 was what screwed us up. Lol
  14. Wilson will be a bust in NY then sign somewhere else cheap and become an average starter I believe. Lawrence will be the face of the NFL w Mahomes in a few years. Kid is P Manning kinda special. I think Fields is a bust in Chicago and has a shortened career. Lance will start and be good for a few years then fizzle out like Kap did as teams figure him out. I am biased on Jones so leaving him out.
  15. Wouldn’t it be just like the NFL to give say Austin the Bills and then give Buffalo an expansion team… just when the Bills got good again.
  16. I’ve been here for ages. As you can see not that many replies for the the years here
  17. Hmmm all signs point to that we did.. oh that make you so mad probably blame the Refs if Mac is damn good won’t ya.
  18. Wow! You really shouldn’t let the Patriots live in your head rent free like this!
  19. Judge MAY be a terrible HC! I don’t know but IMO the punishment definitely equals the crime. Like you said the players probably agreed, and couldn’t believe how stupid they were.. after all they are all brothers.
  20. Even as a Pats fan the hole thing made zero sense to me. He spent like 10X as much on lawyers than pleading guilty to the misdemeanor would have cost him. mind you I am also different because I believe we should legalize prostitution to get rid of the sex trafficking in the country and well under age and well criminals out of it.
  21. They are football players and since they were kids been ingrained in them to do whatever the coach says..
  22. I hear those talking heads as well picking the Pats. I don’t see how anyone with eyes could! They are at best the 2nd best team in the East and maybe even 3rd best but I believe Miami going take a step back with Tua. like you said it’s a new year and anything can happen. Maybe the Bills suffer the injury bug like the 49ers did last year making the East wide open.. Maybe Allen takes a step back for some odd reason (I doubt it), or maybe Jones is the second coming of Brady. We don’t have a clue.. so let’s just enjoy the season.
  23. Can I ask how you come buy your opinion? While I agree he will make rookie mistakes, all rookies do. I also think you are falling into the Cowherd trap of thinking.. which is “A QB has to have speed to be good”. I disagree a QB has to be able to make the. Throws and use the pocket well.. Mahomes is great because he makes ridiculous throws not because he can run. Watson is also great because he can make throws while on the run, and hard bring down. Allen is great because he makes amazing passes and occasionally runs Brady — can’t run but uses intelligence and smarts and accuracy to win. Jackson — runs first and a passer second, has won 1 playoff game. IMO over rated
  24. It hasn’t just been accuracy. He has shown better decision making a faster release, and even a better pocket presence. What everyone has said is that when Jones was under center there was no question what he was doing, the same can’t be said for Cam. Mind you all this could change when the pads go on for Tuesday’s practice. We will see.
  25. He has been very good. He was very decisive and made a lot of good throws on the run.. but until the pads go on it doesn’t mean much.
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