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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Actually Clemons was caught so was Bonds. Ortiz never ever was mentioned again outside that one report.
  2. Two steroid users, a HOF DH and the GOAT… hmm were you trying to imply Ortiz used steroids even though he never tested positive? (Yes he was in a report but not once did he test positive before or after.)
  3. Also another question, at least I have, does BB have it in him to rebuild a team completely at age 69. When Brady was here there were 3 mini rebuilds. (The second one was getting Moss and Welker). Does BB have anything left in the tank do it a 4th time with a completely new QB? Only time knows,
  4. So true, that’s what men and woman who do it for a living mention them all the time. What you said doesn’t follow logic or human nature. Which is to look ahead to a tough assignment etc..
  5. He went 11-5 without Brady when he went down injured, he also went 3-1 when he was suspended with Jimmy G. And dang I forgot the other guys name that’s starting for Miami now. Then he goes 7-9 with steam whose talent was ranked 29Th or 30th depending on what expert you listen to. Now BB the GM isn’t that good the HC has made caviar with mince meat.
  6. What? 5-11 two years in a row with Bledsoe? He went 1 season with Bledsoe as a starter. in Cleveland he led them to the playoffs his second season then the wheels fell off when the owner announced they were moving. (Also most 1st time HC fail). BB was responsible for drafting Brady and giving him a chance. If Brady went to probably ANY other team he is out of the league in 3 years tops. BB and Brady MADE eachother!
  7. Actually Jones was responsible for 1 INT. 1 bounced Smith hands (after juggling it for what felt like 10 minutes) for a pick 6. The second he was throwing and got hammered as he was throwing. Truth-be told he is better than I expected, but the D can’t get a stop when needed (21-13 and the D lets the Saints eat the clock up for a TD) and the O line is just a plain mess. (They shouldn’t be should be a top 5 line) as for this thread. Since 2000 BB went 14-6 without Brady and last year went 7-9 with one of the worst rosters in the NFL. He isn’t a fraud he just may be coming to the end of his run like anyone who is 70 years old.
  8. Texans are a classic trap game with KC up next. I see a win but closer than it should be.
  9. I think Gronk retires again when Brady retires, if Brady ever retires man keeps going like the freaking energizer bunny.
  10. I wasn’t talking about all Bills fans.. only the ones promoting this crap about Allen. We had the “we should have kept Bledsoe” crowd in 2002 when the Pats failed make the playoffs.. they were equally as dumb.
  11. I wish I could put in the Meme of the Emperor saying “Yes, let the Hate flow threw you” . Lol Dude it’s a sport that makes us all forget about our lives for a few hours on Sunday while we cheer our favorite team on. After that we all have to go back to out regularly scheduled lives and work. Mind you I find myself enjoying my sons Pop Warner games and Nephews HS games more than the pros.. probably because it’s fun seeing people you know doing something they love.
  12. Wow! Bills are 1-1 and just came off a dominating 35-0 win of the Dolphins and you guys have THIS going on. Lmao Allen will be fine, he is probably just getting the rust off since he didn’t play much in the preseason. But damn I thought my fan base had a bunch of contrarians, Buffalo has us beat on that too.
  13. Wilson will be a BUST. Then go elsewhere and thrive, just like Darnold. The Jets are just dysfunctional. Jones has made some big deeper throws to, right now he is just doing his job well. Right now he is the best rookie QB in the NFL, but it’s still early.
  14. Isn’t that what you want from a rookie QB? I don’t want my rookie being out there wining it, I want him be a game manager as he learns. Also the Oline are suppose to be great, but Jones has been hit a lot and the O line been sub par for the Pats so far. Jets watching Darnold. They HAD him and totally messed it up.
  15. Lmao meanwhile in NE the fans are saying how horrid the Oline been. Also Jones came into the league as super accurate he broke an NCAA record.
  16. You should love hearing this! It means the Bills are now being mentioned in the championship category! I mean up here we have our talking heads being mad at fans for being happy even though the team lost. They call us all soft now lol all for the same reason.. get you talking about them.
  17. It will be a tough matchup. The Dolphins have decent CB and a couple really good WR. Will Allen and/or your OC be willing to take what they give them or will they force the ball. I think on D whoever White isn’t covering is going to be Tua favorite target will your CB step up? my prediction — Bills 21 phins 17
  18. The point is NO one has a great record when trailing by 10 or more of a guy in his 22 season and over 200 wins only has 37.
  19. Tell you how hard it is to win being down by 10 or more points, Brady holds the record with 37 comebacks from said score. (Including playoffs)
  20. Yes they do Pats did it all the time you still can get one lineman out there to block for him. It slows the pass rush down because the play is so quick. Also why you call quick slants etc. things designed get the ball out quickly.
  21. They should call for more screens when they see how the game is going. EhT you are telling me is it sounds like it’s on your OC more than anyone else for not modifying the game plan. (Same happened to my team when our dumb ass OC continued using Harris even though it was obvious to everyone he was spent. The fumble was on him not Harris IMO and as an example.)
  22. What? I thought that was Tampa Bay? Lol
  23. Can I ask why? Was he under a lot of pressure all game? Could these mistakes be caused because of an excellent front 7 that the Steelers have? Sadly QBs can be rattled and do some mentally dumb things when this happens.
  24. I think if nothing else, week 1 proves the Bills are going to have to earn it, there are very few cheap W on their list of teams this year.. that includes their divisional rivals.
  25. 1. True —- Brady did it most of his career, and Rogers has done it from time to time just to name two. 2. True —- Again Brady did it with Weis and he was average at best. 3. Mostly False — a QB can hide the D for a bit but when they come up against a good opponent they will be exposed. 4. Maybe, at worse Allen is top 7 (Rogers, Brady, Mahomes, Watson, Wilson, MAYBE Murray before him) 5. Diggs is the only Elite receiver the Bills have. 6. Mahomes is number 1 right now IMO. 7. Hill and Kelce are elite. the Patriots absolutely sucked last year but yet had a chance to beat them.. so maybe a better defensive scheme when facing then, like shutting down Kelsey.
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