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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Well just look at KC they thought they never see a hiccup again… so remember to stay strong when that year happens as well.. because trust me KC is way way to talented not to rebound next year. (Unless Mahomes is really hurt and playing threw it) Mahomes hasn’t been himself all year. It could be the 2 straight long seasons he has had is taking a toll on him? Or maybe he is fighting threw some injury? All I know is he is not the Mahomes we are use to seeing.
  2. What crazy ass fans you talking to? I mean I like Jones and IMO he was the perfect fit for the Pats but dang we need another CB and WR to be truly competitive.. oh wait and maybe an o line that doesn’t get the kid hit 40times in 4 games lol. I had Cowboys and Carolina down as W before the year now Cowboys are an L unless the D stands on their heads.. and I am not anywhere as confident against Carolina. That just even take into account the 2 games against the Bills. Then we have the Chargers and Browns as well as Titans. That’s 6 very tough games and if they went 3-3 I would be very very happy.. but I wouldn’t be shocked by 0-6 either.
  3. Win yes, shut out? That’s hard to do twice to the same team in the same year especially a division for not matter how sad they are.
  4. He has looked “off” all season. What I mean by “off” is to his standards.. even off he is top 5 QB in the NFL.. makes you wonder if the SB gave him happy feet and he doesn’t trust his line.
  5. Exactly! Anything can happen! I still can’t figure out how NO ONE tackled that guy on the return… lol but proves anything can happen.
  6. Enjoy it! You never know how long it will last so enjoy every minute of it. Looks like the Bill, and Chargers are top dogs this year. I am still not sold on Baltimore, they won with a rabbits foot in their pocket, I don’t see that lasting into the playoffs. I don’t see much stopping the Bills, but the Bills and or injuries
  7. You mean 1-4 right? Because they are 2-3 lol. But exactly! I wasn’t giving excuses for my team was just an example like KC since they have the same record and I knew the Pats situation as well. (The only difference was expectations. KC Is considered a SB contender and the Pats were a fringe playoff team at best this year.)
  8. I don’t make those excuses for my own team. (Pats who were a fumble and a missed FG away from being 4-1 as well. I am a firm believer you are what your record says you are.) You are right last night was a beat down. I was just stating my opinion is all. I think the only other real test in the regular season will be TB if TB is healthy in the secondary it could be a really close game. in the playoffs you never know, one bad day ends it all.
  9. I can understand them being all upset. Oh have Mahomes, who doesn’t look right, and a loaded offense. They were expecting an easy trip back to the SB. Sadly they have been blindsided and unless they right the ship will be fighting hard for just a wild card spot. (I mean come on they have the same record as my Pats who are on year 1 of a rebuild!)
  10. Bills totally destroyed the Chiefs. Now sadly they aren’t that good so far this year sitting at 2-3 and in last place in their division. Now Buffalo is the big bad and the young upstart IMO is the Chargers. Matter fact if I had to pick an AFC Championship game that would be it right now.
  11. Most likely! But don’t get to cocky a long time till those games and so much can change between now and then.
  12. Ya the D looked Sergio minus Judon. But ya they were horrid today!! But I’ll take an ugly win over a pretty loss any day.
  13. Umm just No. he showed up big in all the playoff runs since year 1 making key plays ensure victory.. but that’s the past and he is 31 and well past his prime..
  14. For any other coach you be 100% correct. This is BB who is literally playing with house money and people here are happy with the shiny new QB and realize the Pats aren’t SB contenders and are a few pieces away. (If the D gels) BB last two drafts APPEAR be good with Dugger,Uche, Jones, Baremore, and probably Stevenson to name a few. in other words BB has job security he can play the medium to long game most other coaches can’t. (Gilmore wasn’t in the plans)
  15. Maybe, but unlike Bonds or Clemens he was never implicated in it. The one report they refused to tell him what he supposedly tested positive for. I’m a true believer in innocent till a preponderance of evidence shows otherwise.. like with Clemens (others say he did it) and Bonds (also others say and say they witness he did it)
  16. Sigh, there is a difference between stopping the run game from being effective and the run game getting -1 yards for the entire game. Aka they were blitzing him ALL night. Second the Pats O line should be a hell lot better than it has been, he has been hit more than almost any other QB over 4 games. Third is now the WB is responsible for drops and fumbles? Because that’s why they lost 2 of the 3 games this year. Lmao he isn’t a Pats fan. I also didn’t complain about it I SAID IT WAS HORRID but HORRID both ways. Meaning it didn’t effect the games outcome. Also anyone knows football tell ya the refs can call holding on every play if they wanted because there is always holding.
  17. I think Wynn was shocked too. I can’t explain how or why they missed it, maybe they were afraid getting back to their car later lol.. I think the play calling is an effect of lack of O line protection and allowing him go deep. Also it’s kinda been the Pats playbook for 20 years.
  18. The Refs were horrid last night, but thankfully both ways. The personal foul on Slater and fumble not a fumble.. the numerous times Judon was held and even the announcers saw it or when they did get away with PI with no call.. both sides got away with a few and got called on a few questionable as well.. so Imo there’s a wash. I mean he did break a record of most completions in a row by a rookie at 19 in the game so that was pretty amazing. I also meant “for a game winning drive” also he scored in the Saints game make it 21-13 with 9 minutes left but the D couldn’t make a stop. So we don’t know if he could have led a last minute drive.
  19. First, I don’t believe he is the BEST QB in the draft, just the one looks the best so far. I do believe, outside of Lawrence who is a generational talent, he is the best fit for the Patriots amongst all the QBs drafted. (If that makes sense.) Also he has done enough, IMO for the team to be 2-2 right now if not 3-1, it’s been sloppy play around him costing them games. (Fumbles against Miami and TB) Right now I see him as the bright spot on an Offense that is struggling in areas they are suppose to be elite. That is in O line play and the running game. (They got -1 yards running last night! That’s Lion type bad running!) I haven’t watched the other rookies just see stats TE they able to run the ball at all? Last night he looked really good. IMO he looked amazing because they couldn’t run and the Bucs were blitzing him like mad and he still made plays. Now is he a superstar? Pfft no but as a Pats fan he is not the problem on O but rather the fumbles, poor O line play, and the inability to run is.
  20. COST them 4 points? So basically a TD instead of a FG. (Mind you JJ fumbling on the 30 of TB we KNOW cost them a minimum of 3 points) His play has been the best of ANY QB drafted in this class and it’s not close. As for hype? Where we are saying it LOOKS like we have a QB but we have Xyz problems still. Did you see how he drove them down the field against Miami and TB for the game winning drives? One was stopped by a fumble by the RB, the other stopped because BB thought the kicker could hit the game winning FG from 56 yards out. Also how many rookies really show you they can just win a game this early? This is only week 4 and he has 4 TD passes which is only 3 less than Newton had all year! Lol His pocket presence will get better with time, I am more impressed with his calmness and ability to read the field. As for the deep ball that’s not really the Pats game plan but he can deliver it when needed he showed that in preseason and Alabama.
  21. I am more shocked how poised he is, and how he actually goes threw his reads and delivers a very accurate ball. I really haven’t noticed what you mentioned probably because the throw is usually on target unless he gets hit as he throws. (Like the INT he threw last night and even that should have been caught or at the very least made an incomplete by the receiver.) Lmao OMG you had be so disappointed as it was actually the opposite happened and it APPEARS him and BB patched things up after the game when they talked for like 20 minutes. Brady also said in his post game that his entire relationship with BB was not accurately portrayed. (A lie I am sure but not shocked)
  22. Lol I think you are just use to the effortlessness Allen shows throwing deep. Lol he can make the deeper throws he really hasn’t had time the first 4 games to show it.
  23. right now Allen is the stud QB in the division, absolutely ZERO question about that. Do I expect Mac pass Allen ANYTIME soon? Hell no, but I’d love their to be some epic games in the future between them. I do believe (under the extremely small sample size) he is the second best QB in the East.. a very distant second. I don’t ever expect see another Brady but if Jones can be atop 10-12 QB then I will be very happy. (Allen IMO top 6 at least) All I want is fun games again, last year watching Newton was painful! Off topic a bit did you laugh as hard as I did at Steve B faces? I almost died laughing on my couch! I still say they should have gone for it on 4th and 3, I mean the last time Folk hit one that far was in 2011 lol. I agree was fun to watch, and I honestly thought Jones was going to get that win. Every game (minus Saints) he drove down the field to put the team in a spot to win and something out of his control happens.
  24. First UGH on LeBron James. (I don’t like him at all lol) Again making that judgement based off of the protection he has been given so far isn’t fair. I mean that’s like saying what Allen would be based off of 4 pro games. Overall he isn’t getting 3 seconds back there. Mind you Jones makes dumb mistakes and holds on at times to much like any rookie, but overall the line has been inferior, to what is expected from such a talented group.
  25. Wait so a QB who had ZERO run game. (I mean -1 yards yikes!) blitzed on roughly 50% of his drop backs and hit at least 15 times but still completes over 70% of his passes is just a game manager? Mind you they win tonight if BB had the courage to go for it on 4th in 1 inside the TB 45. Mac wasn’t the reason for the loss, the lack of an offensive line (Again) and a running game ( again) was. You see he can’t hit those 20+ yard passes because he doesn’t have the time wait for them to open up. weird how people like you said the same thing about Brady, curious were you calling Allen a bust to his rookie year? Yikes.. and that one time he was hit as he threw making the ball come up a bit short. That’s the point he doesn’t have time with this O line to wait for them get open and tonight the run game was less than none existent.
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