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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Every one of the Patriots wins was against an above .500 team.. Bills are yet to beat a team (outside of the 1-0 Dolphins) who have a winning record when they meet. That’s simple facts.. Jags was your ugh.. game. Lol it seems very common this year. Also the Steelers when you faced them had one of the toughest D in the league and still do. (I said O I meant D lol) The Bills could easily be 8-1… just like my Pats could easily be 9-1.. if anything they been weirdly similar this year with a weird bad lass. (Miami, Jags) a tough close loss (TN and Dallas and TB) and 1 loss they just didn’t deserve to win. (Pitt and NO)
  2. Trying to say you haven’t faced the tough part of your schedule! The Pats have 4 losses, 1 to the SB Champs TB (#3 O) One to Dallas ( #1 O) and One to NO (#7 D)We also loss an ugh game to Miami. Meanwhile the Bills loss to TN (middle pack every stat), Pitt (Top O) and an Ugh game to Jax. Pats have beaten Chargers, Cleveland, and Panthers.. all teams better than any you have beaten so far outside of KC.. and if we are honest KC was a mess when you faced them and not that good. So if you think your team had a tough schedule wait till the next 4 weeks done.. that’s the hard part of their schedule. They could easily go 4-0 or 0-4.. I am guessing more likely 2-2
  3. Ok they are better than any team not named Tennessee that the Bills have faced. They are all well coached and won’t beat themselves. Also their D fronts are scarier than any ones you have faced outside of Pittsburg.
  4. This is a rather old take. I mean just last week against a good Cleveland D he completed 6 out of 7 passes 20+ yards in the air. The one he missed Agalor stopped running or it been 7 for 7. Also in the last 4 games his percentage of completions deep has gone way up. You are right they do rely on the run game but that’s because you DON’T want a rookie to have to play hero ball but within themselves and minimize mistakes…
  5. If you read the post I quoted he was talking about 20 years of dominance.. it sure want the Bills winning then but the fans were still confident and cocky. Which is the way it should be no matter the outcome of the game.
  6. I remember very confident Bill fans saying THIS was the year and then getting demolished. Did it mean they were wrong in being confident? No because every team is different..
  7. The Pats are not “beasts” lol. Are they playing very good football? Yes! Have they looked dominant the last 4 games? Yes.. The fact for me is I know who my Pats team is. A good team with the potential be great in the near future. I based that on how well they have done against the true SB contenders in Dallas, and TB as well as a playoff team in Cleveland. As for your Bills, I don’t know what they are capable of yet because outside of the game against TN I have not seen them face any tough team. (KC was a mess when you faced them) I think we will have a good idea after the next 4 games who the Bills truly are.
  8. Easily.. as in it wouldn’t be shocking if you did. It also wouldn’t be shocking if you won 2 out of 3…
  9. Split with NE and you have 4 losses.. I can easily see you losing 2 of 3 to TB, Indy, and NO.
  10. What does LAST season have to do with this season? That’s like saying who has dominated who for 20 years.. it doesn’t matter!
  11. The funny thing is the Bills and Pats have both lost a game they should have won (Miami, Jax) lost close games against good/great teams. (TN, Dallas) the difference right now IMO is the Bills have more hard games left than NE (not counting the head to head). So it should be close to the end of the year.
  12. Yawn.. the fallback to every fan who hates the Pats. Mind you do any sort of research and you see how dumb Spygate and Deflategate were by the NFL.
  13. Oh dude! He was getting hit like a red headed step child the first six weeks. I mean he took a hit so hard against Dallas I was shocked he got up it hurt me watching it! Thankfully the O line has gotten better and Jones is still getting better. As I have said in many threads I think the Pats are at least one year away from being a true contender.. while Buffalo has all the pieces to win it.. that doesn’t mean I won’t cheer for them to prove me wrong.
  14. I respect bills fans.. they earned it way back when Jim Kelly was playing. I always had great conversations with them at the old Sullivan Stadium and basically they understood football. I came here hoping for the same type conversations, I sometimes get it, I sometimes get the “who cares what a Pats fan thinks”. I hate the Patriot boards because 90% of them don’t remember a time before Bledsoe and Brady and are well trollish.
  15. Ok I never compared him to Brady except in being a bit more mobile than him. I am guessing you haven’t seen many Pats games and just hear the talking heads? If so he is definitely a pocket passer who won’t burn your team for a 50 yard run but he is capable getting 10-15 yards if he gets open grass in front of him and has this year. of course I will cheer for him! He is my QB and so far he looks damn good and the team has improved drastically over last year with an accurate smart QB.
  16. Hmm Let’s see Rogers — puts up pretty numbers team is usually one and done in the playoffs. Most overrated QB in the NFL right now… he has zero clutch in him. Wilson — He is surrounded by talent on O and team still Meh.. they both have the ability run but they are much more pocket passers who occasionally run. Short career? You have a crystal ball or are you one of those silly people doesn’t see most “athletic” QBs fail because they can’t throw or are easily rattled.
  17. OT you could still have lost.. You mean Mike White that the Pats D allowed to score 6 points against? While our O rattled off 54? Your putting your take based off of the Jets!! Ugh.. The truth is The East is still up for grabs and of the two teams should be neck and neck come the showdown.
  18. That is inaccurate, he isn’t extremely mobile but he can move some.. he is probably a bit more mobile than Brady but not a ton more.. IMO the ability of a QB to run is way over rated. I have yet to see one have a long career or more importantly more than a few years of success.
  19. Your right it does limit the O, but I rather limit it and have Jones grow than have his development hurt.
  20. Unless it gets crazy the score they won’t make him either. If it’s a one score game they stay with the game plan. IMO they are a couple years ahead of schedule in the rebuild.
  21. I agree I think your D is a bit better. You owned the Pats last year?? You were a Newton fumble away from splitting… the second game you totally dominated yes! Again we have faced tougher teams so far with NO,TB, Dallas, Cleveland, and Chargers.. The Bills hit their tough stretch starting next week.
  22. Cupcake schedule? We faced Tampa,NO, Chargers, Dallas, and Browns. I dare say a much harder schedule than the Bills have faced so far. Even after facing them the Pats D is a top 5 scoring D with only the Bills O left that is truly scary to face. Now I think the Pats are a year away from competing for the AFCE and the SB. It will be interesting after this stretch for Buffalo where it all pans out.. because now you are facing the meat of your schedule with Indy, NO,NE, and Tampa.
  23. I mean the refs have tried hard to give them the game. I mean so many defensive holding calls just missed it’s awful! Meanwhile a Phin sneezes and a flags thrown lol.. but that said the Dolphins D is crushing them and Lamar and the Ravens are front runners.
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