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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. I don’t I was going by the eye test.. ive watched every game. But let me see if I can. (It may take me awhile so I didn’t want you thinking I was ignoring your reasonable request)
  2. The second part is kind of wrong. The first five games they kept it as simple as possible for him.. since I say the Dallas game he been throws deep a lot more and I’d say has average completion percentage for long balls.
  3. Ridley is a huge loss. I wasn’t worried about Patterson he is ok but hardly a game changer.
  4. Yawn.. another baseless claim not made with any sort of facts.. I’ll do it to Allen will be done in 2 years after he gets hurt running and not sliding. ( No I don’t mean it.. but it’s almost as stupid as his claim.
  5. OMG your that kind of fan. Believe what you see 1 throw or two it’s what he is. That be me saying Allen would lose every time to the Pats because he gets happy feet when pressured.. because I saw him do it against the Steelers a couple times.. ugh. (The Allen thing is sarcasm so no one loses their minds)
  6. How is he anything like Tua? The Phins were good last year because of Fitzmagic not Tua. While this year the Pats are good because Jones is playing well. Something I don’t believe Tua did at all last year. I just don’t see the comparison. Ok it probably was with me. Did you tell me Iwas wearing rose colored glasses because I thought 10-11 wins was possible for them? (I think they could still get there as well.) Mind you my predictions were off for the Dolphins and the Jets already have 1 more win than I expected lol.
  7. I am asking so please don’t take this as an attack.. my question is can he still be fooled by the better D’s in the league? I know P Mannin and Brady for like the last 10 years they can have off games but rarely are fooled by a D. Has Allen elevated there yet? As for Jones I see a long career for him as long as he keeps the quick release and reads going, and improving. That’s the one way he is very Brady like is the fast release. (No he isn’t Brady or as good as Brady but has that trait)
  8. First that’s hilarious! Second we Bruins fans chant Canadiens suck lol.. As for this thread of course the Pats are “back” did anyone think BB would have two losing seasons in a row? That doesn’t mean they win it all just they are very much improved.
  9. Hmm let’s look at your three: Joe Burrow — has a true #1 WR. (I think he is up for Rookie of the year?) Justin Herbert — Also has a #1 WR that’s damn good in Allen as well as an elite RB. Kyler Murray - Has probably the best WR in football. Jones is a rookie with no true top WR and has performed extremely well. Hell to all the people saying he can’t throw deep the Pats rank 2nd in the NFL with 41 passes 20+ yards.
  10. Question.. is learning to read defenses taught or something a QB just learns threw time? (Via game film and personal knowledge.). Also I called Jones elite, but elite in the area of being a rookie and processing, (not that he is better than say Allen or Brady or many vets) I heard a few talking heads say he was the best at this skill than any other rookie QB as well. this season is definitely a two team race for the East. I expect the Bills pull it off because they have the experience but I’ll still cheer hard for my Pats prove me wrong.
  11. IMO the reason so many “great” College QBs fail is because they go to a terrible team and usually a rookie or inexperience HC. I agree with you that Jones is succeeding here because of BB and McDaniels and dare say any of the other 5 minus Wilson probably would look ok. The one thing IMO Jones is better at than any of them is processing what he sees on the field fast. You can’t teach or coach that.
  12. Great post! I think the games will come down to the Bills stopping the Pats from running, and forcing Jones to pass. I also think it will come down to the Bills sticking with the run game and not allowing Judon, Baremore etc to just purely pass rush. IMO that be a recipe for disaster for the Bills. Dude imagine this board if the last time your team was truly horrible happened almost 30 years ago. So our boards filled with spoiled fans who have never ever even seen tough times never mind truly horrid times like the early 90’s where we would chant for Zolak to start! Lol
  13. A loaded Bucs team that was loaded the year before but didn’t have aField General to lead them.. funny thing is they were imploding till.. Brady took over and implemented everything he learned in NE.
  14. Hmmm see I always felt that Carr be a top end QB if he ever got quality coaching. I always felt Gruden was super over rated.
  15. Speaking as a Pats fan, I am excited because he gets better every week but more importantly he doesn’t have to do it on his own. They got 2 other very good draft picks in Baremore and Stevenson add in Bourne, Judon, and Henry in FA and the Pats look like a Good team. SB Team? I think they are a few players away from that. As for Jones I think he will be the second best QB from this draft. I see Wilson, Lance being busts with Lawrence as the stud QB and Fields being an OK starter IF they get a real HC in Chicago.
  16. You haven’t faced it yet either. Both teams lost games they should have won. (Miami, Jags). Unlike Bills fans I wasn’t expecting the Pats to beat Dallas, TB what I got was the best possible IMO they were competitive and had a chance to win both games. If I was a Bills fan I’d expect a win in those games since your team has SB aspirations. i said in the beginning of the year I expected the Pats be a fringe playoff team with about 10-11 wins.. a total easily doable with their schedule. I also said I expected Buffalo to win the devision. Now that doesn’t mean I won’t cheer for my team to surprise me but I expect the Bills win the division and the Pats be a wildcard. My point was and still is I know what my team is.. we will Know who the Bills are after the next 4 weeks. If they take care of business they are who we thought they were if they fall flat on their face then we were dead wrong. Make sense? Ahh did you read the person I quoted? No you didn’t I was referencing the wins he stated in his response. I’m sorry that confused you, again it amazes me you hung your hat on that but still can’t wrap your head around the fact your Bills have not beaten a team over .500 when they played them.. Again as I stated numerous times we won’t know if the Bills are as good as they are suppose to be till the end of this 4 game stretch.
  17. Wait so the browns missing Chubb is injury riddled? They were also at full health on their D which failed to stop the Pats O all game. Ok let’s look at schedule for first nine weeks: Pats: Miami, Jets (2X), NO, TB, Dallas, Carolina, Chargers, Browns, Texans Bills Pitt, Miami (2X), KC, TN, Jets, Jags, WSH. Now me saying the Pats have faced the meat of their schedule and the Bills haven’t is wrong how? Maybe stop looking for insults to your team and realize the tough part your schedule is still to come.
  18. Why am I not shocked you either misunderstood or just blatantly misquoted me!? But again for the people in the back.. the wins against Cleveland, Carolina, and the Chargers were against above .500 teams and teams with actual playoff aspirations. I never said ALL their wins. I have also said repeatedly we don’t know who the Bills are because they haven’t faced many teams like that.. outside of TN and Pitt. Which is to small a size make a decision either way. the Falcons NOW are a weak opponent but someone facing them healthy in say week 3 faced a tough team who had the potential make the playoffs. Injury has dismantled that team.
  19. Whose thumping their chest? I think it just spiraled out of control. I originally said I know what my Pats are because of who they have faced. (They have faced two top 3 O’s and 2 Top 10 D)That is a good team with the potential be great in the near future. I then said we don’t know who Buffalo is because they haven’t faced a truly rough stretch yet. Now tough means teams they are facing not losses.. Hell even in a loss if the team looked good and it was just bad luck can tell you something. (For example the AZ game last year.) I have said all year the Pats are a fringe playoff team and the Bills should be SB contenders. That could change depending on these next 4 weeks where the Bills face playoff contenders.. Bills could be who we thought they were or prove us wrong in which case the Pats would be AFCE champs again. now are you saying the Bills have truly been tested by any true metal of the league in regards to Offense? They have faced a tough D in Pitt but that’s it..
  20. “Butt Fumble” boy! Please there was never a need to do anything extra with him! That just proves it’s not a team thing. Again the NFL is in charge of all equipment.
  21. Ahh a rewrite of history.. the fact people picked the Browns beat the pats outright even on game day.. your response “pfft they were trash” when they faced the Chargers people were saying “The Pats will be rolled the Chargers O can’t be stopped” Heck even the Panthers the expert thought they would win. I know your a scared Bills fan afraid say they were good wins.. I don’t know why, your team has only played 3 good teams and haven’t faced the gauntlet yet. The Bills could excel or fall flat we don’t know until they play. But the Pats gone threw their huge gauntlet and we know who they are.. we don’t know yet about the Bills.. we will soon. The only teams have “issues” in fox borough with equipment are Indy and Pitt. The funny thing is the Pats don’t do anything wrong equipment the NFL runs all of it. But for some reason basic fans never seem realize this or care.
  22. Umm they had Winston when we faced them! So no idea what your talking about there. Atlanta was 4-4 last week so hardly a terrible team. Umm name one team who is above .500 now that you have beaten so far? I’ll help you NONE. You have 3 losses and have faced 2 above .500 team. Now your going and facing 3 above .500 teams and playoff contenders in 4 weeks with the outlier being a team with a good D and an Average O in Indy. Meanwhile the Pats have already faced TB, NO, Dallas (I wish the Bills faced them). The only nome Buffalo game that’s dangerous right now is TN. So do you see how your team with 3 tough games left to go and mine with 1 gives the Pats a bit of an advantage? Or are the homer glasses so tight you can’t see that the Bills should be at least 8-1 with that schedule?
  23. I think they will be good games! Win or lose they are usually fun and the opposing fans usually not that bad.
  24. Better teams, I don’t care how you slice it those teams are better than every win in your schedule so far minus KC. Also Cleveland did we just eek out a win? No they were blown out, Carolina blow out, Jets a huge blow out, and SD was the only close one. so yes they faced Playoff caliber teams and blew 2 of them out. Now the Bills could do the same thing but again your tough schedule starts this week with Indy the equivalent of the Browns..
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