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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Oh so in order to be a constant champion you need a wifey be just as rich. Hmm seems off I’d rather make 12 mill and have a great team around me rather than 26 mil and running for my life all the time. Heck may make my career longer this make more later.
  2. Lol didn’t read my entire post did you? “They had less than 1 Million until all the opt outs” which happened just before the season and all the good FA were gone. The Patriots had the highest number of opt outs in the NFL. Thus opening space up. oh and FYI the Pats had over $20 million locked up in QB, most of it for Brady and the Bonus he got the year before.
  3. What does that have to do with him taking less from TB? So the fact his wife is also successful and he makes money from ads makes him different? Well then when is Mahomes going to renegotiate since he has State Farm money? Heck Mayfield should be playing for free!
  4. You may want take Brady off that list. He literally renegotiated his contract in the offseason so the Bucs have more cap spaces Typical Brady. The Pats were in Cap Jail last year. I think they had 1 million or less left before the opt outs happened. Even as a Pats fan I don’t expect them go undefeated but I see 2 maybe 3 losses left.. I don’t see a 4th, and 3 only happens if the Bills sweep.
  5. Only thing Irvin said that Stephen A. “Memory” forgets as true was the fact most if not all the talking heads had written off BB after last year. Stephen A get betrayed that people would say that. Lol
  6. One of those three was a bad drop 2 were meh throws.. again why are they throwing all three downs? Dumbest thing ever.. hell the next drive they run all the way down the on 2nd and 5 they try throwing it then in 3rd and 5 as well.. settle for a missed 40 us FG.. what’s sad is the run blocking seemed fine.. but they stopped themselves from running..
  7. Wow. Ok Colts score 7-0, Bills first Drive a pick and Excellent field position at the 40 for another TD. Then in the TD Drive, he gets LUCKY the officials change the call from INT to incomplete as there was not enough evidence to overturn an INT Call. (Only a homer doesn’t think that play is way to close to change.). So basically in the first 2 drives he gets LUCKY to be 1 and 1 instead of 0-2 with 2 picks. 3rd drive settle for a 57 yard FG try.. (half) 2nd half a 3 and out to start, then a missed 49 yard FG, then another INT, finally another TD but garbage time, then another INT, then game.. Ok so looking over the entire game breakdown.. Allen didn’t play well and was a reason they lossed. So is the fact the Bills D couldn’t stop Taylor if the entire stands yelled TAYLOR IS RUNNING IT.. which I am sure they did. the truth is, the first INT set the tone for the game, and again was very lucky the refs went back and changed the next one from an INT to an incomplete pass otherwise it’s 24-0 at half.
  8. Not really, they were ina lot of games the only hard part was watching Newton either sale the ball 5 ft over the receivers head or put it into the ground 2 yards in front of them.. that was frustrating.. but nothing will ever be as bad as 1992 and 1993 when we thought we actually may lose the team to of all places St Louis.
  9. That’s right, because they stopped running. If (as Steven A says) come back and get another TD ITS STILL 24-14.. the point is the O was just as bad as the D and most of the money is spent on the O.
  10. His point was about Allen only scoring 7 points and the fact the O turned it over 3 times. Making it easy for the Colts to just keep running the ball. for example when he led them down make it 14-7 the Colts temporarily lost their minds and stopped running the ball.
  11. Lol he says he will wear his 1970 Giants Frank Tarkenton Jersey to the game.. lol I will just wear a normal T-shirt lol. again though all fans should respect eachother, it’s all for fun.
  12. Lol we get the seats with handicap access lol. My dads literally in the wheelchair but can walk and stand but for extremely short distances.. (I mean the mans pushing 80 lol)
  13. 😂 it was my home crowd but I figured evenJets fans wouldn’t be jerks to someone who is elderly with Parkinson’s like my dad. (And well Giant fans were good lol) So expecting the Bills be just as nice isn’t unreasonable.
  14. I usually ask the people if they would mind sitting. Since I only go with my dad who has Parkinson’s him standing a lot is all but impossible. Most are cool about it, if that doesn’t work, (or they are total tools) if there are open seats, I’d ask security if it was ok for us to move to a spot for my dad. IF they have a spot they will usually help me with my dad to the new spot. That’s how Gillette is, I am hoping Buffalo be very similar.
  15. I don’t disagree with you at all, but how can you know if you have a tying game or not when your top RB in singletary has less than 20 more carries than your QB. I mean I’d get it if this was the Ravens with Jackson but IMO does anyone even KNOW if your team could run? They don’t seem to even try in a game to do it.
  16. I’m just saying run enough so teams have to respect it. Right now they don’t because even in close games your RB average about 9 carries total.
  17. Oh come on Gugny! You know ya love me.. lol
  18. For the people who only see my sign in name and won’t answer the question unless it’s loud.. lol
  19. Ok if you were the HC Right now what would YOU do to fix the issues you see with the team? Now As an outsider the one thing I’d change is running more and not being such a one deme soon also offense. Yes you have great WR and a great QB, but when your QB runs for almost as many yards as your RB and is not named Lamar Jackson IMO that’s wrong. You need keep teams honest so things like PA work.
  20. I didn’t report anything you said. So whoever reported you had the issue not me my friend. Also what button was I pushing saying the Rams were trying to buy a championship? We’re you hurt because I used the Yankees as an example?
  21. Huh? Ok first I hate baseball.. it’s so boring.. I knew I should have used the Dodgers instead as an example. Knew someone get their undies in a twist and miss the point.
  22. How is Rousoue doing? I ask because Baremore has excelled for the Pats and keeps getting better.
  23. Ok how did you put Arians in the same breath as those other coaches. Also Carroll is the biggest damn cheerleader on the team! You don’t get much more player friendly than him. So that disproves your theory they can’t win the big ones. but Arians only got a championship because Brady took over last year and led the team like it was NE South and with that talent they never loss again. If Arians stayed calling plays they still be waiting for a championship.
  24. Brady took complete control from that week on. Supposedly a lot of animosity between him and dumb dumb Arians. They didn’t get hot they played football the way Brady wanted to play.
  25. Well the Chiefs are just getting hot now, and if they somehow learned how play D they be scary good. Rams I just want to fail they are trying be the Yankees of football this year. Titans loss the best Player on their team and perhaps the NFL in Henry and are still staying afloat. Bills - Lost one game badly at home and their fans act as if this was 2005. They are still good and will easily make the playoffs
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