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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. sigh another “averaging .5 yards more a carry” while forgetting you run 1/3 as much as the other team. Also forgetting that Allen has almost as many yards as your #1 RB. I mean you are smarter than everyone else (every talking head) who states the Bills are a one trick pony and rely way to much on Allen to bail them out. Does that mean you can’t run? No just that either Allen or your OC refuses to stick with it even when it was working. Don’t believe me look at the stats.. remove Allen scrambles and your team averages less than 10 carries a game.
  2. Had 2 punts blocked early this year, I do believe one went for a TD. DL — I as a Pats fan am nervous about the run after yesterday. They got gashed and if it wasn’t for TO the game is a lot closer. WR - hands down not even close Buffalo TE — Knox and Henry are a push and Jones is definitely better than your second TE.
  3. Dugger is a safety, I forget which one but his official position is that. Beasley will probably have Mills (Ugh) or the kid they promoted from practice squad when Jonathan Jones got hurt. hmm funny Pats have 3 Undrafted CB who are damn good but we drafted 2 CB in the second round who can’t get on the field.. lol makes no sense.. ( sorry thinking out loud lol)
  4. I would add a seven for Bills fans. 7. Must stop the run. if Stevenson and Harris are averagjngb5 yards a carry it will be a long day for the Bills. 8. RUN THE DAMN BALL! last year your O was so good because you had the ability do everything, this year, so far the Bills are a one trick pony. Thus why so many here feel it’s off.
  5. Dude! Who cares? They destroyed a NO team that beat us and picked off Jones 3 times and we destroyed TN that they lost to by going for it on 4th down. Neither TN or NO were anywhere near the same strength as the ones that won earlier in the year. It really doesn’t matter the East will be decided the next 3 weeks if either takes both it’s their division to lose, if it’s a split it all depends on how Buffalo did against TB. If they lost then they need Pats lose one, if they won they just need win out.
  6. No dude the Pats used it even the last time they won the SB. I remember Brady after beating Mahomes saying “Ya not bad for washed up team”. Any good team will use anything for motivation real or fake.
  7. Colts lost too. So they still have a 2 game lead and the head to head as well. So they need lose 3 and Colts win out.. I don’t see that happening the Titans are to well coached and some of their players will return.
  8. Tongue lashing? Reminding him of the rules is a tongue lashing? Dang! We come from different generations if someone being nice is a tongue lashing. Lol
  9. The early growing pains the Pats had coming together as a team very well may be the reason the Bills win the division again.
  10. Wow! Such an intelligent post. First yes obviously he played on Monday night since he won the National Title. Hate? Pfft that’s not hate that’s simple fear. Another fears is more? Probably the Jets, I know the Colts have an inferiority complex as well. Word of advise don’t attack posters personally it’s immature and can get you a time out by the mods. I won’t report you but please try to stay civil at least. I mean it is only a game.. I know win or lose my life doesn’t change any. FYI I am not saying they can’t stop the run, it’s they have to do that first.
  11. They change from game to game what they do. I doubt we see much man coverage and when you do they will try disguise it as zone. I know it was Jackson on both clips but game one it should have been Gilmore on him.
  12. Again with the crowd noise and big game? This isn’t a rookie from west Illinois state, this is a QB who won the national title with Alabama and went to extremely loud stadiums. Now you may be able to confuse him, but the Bills will have to stop the run first. Because if they don’t they will run it down the Bills throat all game.
  13. Maybe, but like I said you need them lose 1 more game in your scenario is all.
  14. Refs miss calls every game. Hell today BB was yelling at the refs first for 12 men in the huddle on O for the Titans. Then screaming at them when the Titans tried split Jones in two by going home and low..
  15. That’s wrong, because if you split with NE and lose to TB and NE wins out they win the division. So in that case you need NE lose one more game.
  16. Different year and much different team(s) for one the pats have a pass rush, another is I think they double Diggs all night and out Jackson on your #2 WR. Oh and round 1 was against our former top CB not Jackson.. unless he was out injured already.
  17. I’d still give the Pats the edge at LB.. especially when you add in Judon and with any luck Uche finally be back as well. A really top tier LB core top 3 in the league.. This is true for both teams, I dare say more true for the one playing a rookie QB. I think health play a key role in the game as well. Baremore and Judon a bit banged up and they are providing a lot of the pressure with Van Noy and Collins.
  18. RB? Brady has made many. RB look like a HOF with catches out of the backfield threw out his career.. WR your right but Moss loved Brady..
  19. Neither the Pats or Bills can assume anything an automatic W. Pats almost lose to Texans, Bills lose to Jags.. point is neither team is good enough to just look past anyone.
  20. 10 after today’s game.. he hit 5 FG missed 1. Thus 10 More FG and same amount of misses.. let’s be honest neither team be worried if the game came down to the leg of their kicker within 50 yards.
  21. Monday night? In Buffalo? My brain says Bills 60/40.. my heart says 75/25 Pats.. score? Bills 22 Pats 21 Pats miss a last minute FG. Monday night ratings threw the roof for a great game. See that’s why I thought LB to Bills was weird.. that’s what Judon is OLB
  22. If it comes down to kickers both teams are in trouble. Also if both are too 5 it’s a push IMO.. mind you I expect a good close game with either team having a chance to win at the end.
  23. He was destroyed in the Super Bowl. After they faced the bears he turtles anytime anyone even got semi close to him. The Bear broke him.
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