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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Jauronimo, just look at the evidence. Kraft probably agreed to it for spygate but wasn’t happy about Deflategate crap. The NFL has always had a “bad guy”. It was the Raiders for decades.. they need it it helps sell tickets but more importantly people watch the bad guy.. Now I better be careful because some here are easily agitated by someone defending their team in a thread about their team lol.
  2. Maybe, but NFL fans could be shown video proof of the NFL lying and if the NFL or ESPN didn’t validate it they claim it’s a lie. (Proof? Goodell “Brady lied and said he and the equipment manager never discussed Deflategate” transcripts from actual interview Brady “ I don’t know, we were probably discussing things for the upcoming game but I am sure this came up as well”. But hey.. the commish doesn’t lie..
  3. He trademarked like 20-30 different things to make sure no one profits from him without him getting his cut.. that’s called being smart.
  4. Classy.. no one knows what he did or didn’t do nor does anyone really care. That was between him and his wife. OMG so BB had an affair with a married woman.. so scandalous such a bad guy thing. (Eye roll) Roflmao, see an uninformed “fan” He found out Bridgett Moynihan was pregnant AFTER. They broke up, she says so herself. So what? He should marry her because she was pregnant? What are you living in 1950! They actually have co parented wel and Moynihan and Giselle actual like eachother. (Go figure) NONE of what you point out makes someone a bad guy. Oh no he used a prostitute , my friend we all pay for it one way or another. That way is just more up front. Lol oh look he dated a married woman.. so? He didn’t force her and they were adults who cares! the last one was as Deadpool would put it.. “Lazy writing” anyone even half butt searched that knew you were grasping at nothing.
  5. Ok first Kraft fought a charge that would have given him just probation for soliciting a prostitute nothing more. the Lie about them videotaping practices before the Rams SB was proven to be a lie and the paper was forced to print a retraction. (Amazing how no one knows this) The Bengals sideline thing had nothing to do with football operations and the NFL proved that. (Mind you any idiot would know that since the guy was dressed in full pats gear) deflategate, please do some of your own homework stop believing the NFL. 1 football was below the level of natural gas law. The one intercepted by the Colts. No proof connected Brady to it but the commish can suspend you for eating Ham on rye instead of white if he wishes. So umm how did. Easy win last year? Or when he was on the road. Also anyone looks into that rumor finds out that is also done by the NFL not the team when it shuts off. the fact is they tainted it for only the to lazy to realize the NFL needed a new villain since the Raiders stink.. sadly most NFL to lazy to see they are buying a storyline.
  6. BB wasn’t calling the plays last year, it was considered his son was doing that. He took over after a couple games this year and well the difference has really shown.
  7. I agree with you. The only elites that would motivate them would be from the other team OR if they heard constantly “they are done” which the Bills haven’t. Imo the pressure is squarely on the Bills. NO ONE expected the Pats be fighting for the division and a loss just prove they need a couple more pieces. (Like a #1 WR or a another good CB) meanwhile if the Pats win, then the talk of “what happened to the Bills” starts. Your at home with the better WR and QB on Monday night.. of the two QBs who would be roasted harder for having an off night? Allen or Jones? If Diggs ends the night with 2 20 yards 0 TDs or Bourne has the same which one is called out on message boards and ESPN? exactly and the Bills know it thus the pressure. The Bills are the more talented team. Now will the more disciplined team (Pats among fewest penalties in 12 games) beat the other who is less disciplined (Bills top 4 when you take only 11 games played). We don’t know, hopefully it’s a stub and good game.
  8. Lol he went and copy writes a lot of things not jus MJ10. He just doesn’t want people profiting off him without him getting his money. That’s just being smart.
  9. 😂 you know that was always going on? Teams were stealing signals for years it’s where they stole it that got them in trouble.. mind you why the NFL didn’t give the D a microphone to call plays in like the O years ago was just silly.
  10. Totally different strengths coming in. Mayfield knock was he was to small and QBs from spread O Don’t tend to succeed in the NFL. Jones knocks were he came from a stacked team with amazing WR, and his arm strength may not be elite, also isn’t mobile. His strengths were his football smarts and the fact he came from a Pro style program in Alabama. We don’t know about Jones yet, but I’ll take the smart kid with the quick release who can read D every time. Again he IMO went to the right team make him as good as he can be. Did he play any other years in NE with BB and McDaniels? If not that proves the other teams stunk and didn’t know how to use him. Also forget he was traded because NE at the time had the GOAT.
  11. Your assuming they win in OT. They could easily have lost both as well.
  12. They were undefeated in the regular season the year before Cassell took the team to an 11-5 season. Why?
  13. I can get plain tickets now for $200 round trip to Buffalo. That’s cheap.what could keep people home is it’s a Monday instead of a Sunday.
  14. That isn’t true. The Patriot fans have travelled very well this year and Buffalo tickets are a hell of a lot cheaper than Gillette tickets.
  15. Bills are UPSTATE NY so they rather have Giants or Jets… but preferably an LA team to get that city excited about football.
  16. That wasn’t the point the DVOE is based on all games wins and losses. Hell I’d say those were the 3 worst D games….
  17. As a fan of course I do! But if I am honest it is still way to soon to tell. The first 5-6 games they didn’t let Jones really do much more than dink and dunk as he learned.. Since they have opened up the playbook but I feel they are still taking it slow with him so he doesn’t make that big dumb rookie mistake. Yup the dark side still went 11-5 with Matt Cassell at QB. Probably been undefeated again if Lord Brady had not gone down.. lmao
  18. lol did you see the bit NFL good morning football did? It was hilarious about BB being the emperor and Mac the young apprentice.. I died laughing it was so funny..
  19. 2nd easiest? How is facing Dallas and TB and NO before they got decimated with injuries.. 2nd easiest? The rest I can see but 1/4 games against pretty tough O’s.
  20. Aikman is the biggest Cowboy homer EVER! He cheers for them every time he does one of their games it’s disgusting. What’s worse is he is a color commentator.. so we get him all game.. Bruschi and and McGinist is maybe halftime for a few minutes.
  21. Don’t forget anyone under 30 doesn’t know anything but BB and Brady and the success.. Heck most under 40 don’t really remember the dark days so their glasses really really dark.. (I mean we been lucky going from Bledsoe to Brady)
  22. Bills are the more talented team, does that make them the BEST team? I mean in 2007 the Patriots were the most talented team but the Giants won the SB.. thus they were the best team.. so I guess that goes day to day then.
  23. I knew after I wrote that I should have specified.. I meant in bad weather and windy conditions his accuracy would be off. Not that he is an inaccurate thrower. I do believe I quoted a guy saying bad weather make it easy to defend Jones, I was pointing out bad weather makes most QBs easier to defend as all their accuracies go down.
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