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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Harris got injured, before then he had the long run and 2 17 yard runs and one of those IMO he goes all the way if his Hammy didn’t hurt. Also getting 4+ per carry when you knew they were going to run is still impressive. Your are right in good weather you stack the box and Jones throws it.. you don’t stack the box I think they run all over the D.
  2. Don’t forget 7 of the Bills points came because N’Keal Harry was an idiot and didn’t get away from the dang punt. Why didn’t they go for 2 there to tie?
  3. They didn’t need him, they ran for over 200 yards and you stacked the box all night. Mind you the game been different if Harris didn’t hurt his Hammy in the 3rd quarter.
  4. Honest question.. it helped the Bills D as well. I mean if you put 10 in the box in normal weather Jones will complete the pass for 10-20 yards and if you don’t have 10 in would they be able to stop Harris and Stevenson? Oops quotes the wrong person my bad
  5. That wasn’t a pretty game to watch, but damn was it close to the end. IMO it came down to just a couple of things: 1. Buffalo D inability stop the run even with 10 in the box. 2. drops by Knox killed the Bills O a few times. If I am honest the next meeting could go either way! Don’t be to hard on your Bills they played hard just came up a couple plays short this time.
  6. As a fan, the game that scares me outside of Buffalo is Indy. I actually fear them more because if there is one area the Pats D has looked awful at times it’s against the run. Miami I expect a win, but again a close game. tonight? I think the pressure is on Buffalo. I say this because if the Pats lose (even badly) people just say “ learning experience for a rookie” or “hey it’s year 2 of a rebuild” meanwhile if the Bills loss I can only imagine what they would be saying. Also is there a chance the Bills come out flat after their mini bye week.?
  7. I can’t believe the Ravens lost. They got every break the refs could give them, phantom calls on Pitt, penalties that made you wonder what exactly happened… I am glad they lost makes the first seed very attainable..
  8. I don’t watch much TV. (I only stream stuff now and watching MNF on my phone.) So nationally I really don’t know what the talking heads say unless It makes FB like the “rise of the empire” from NFL Network. only comparison I see to Brady is the style the team is doing. That is they are doing the same thing for Mac that they did with Brady in 01. Asking him to only not LOSE the game and let the D win it. (Not saying he is Brady just that the style of play and the feel the team has to me feels like the old 2001 group.)
  9. It would make TB a must win for the Bills I believe.. I could be wrong but a loss to NE and TB and you need to win out and hope someone else beats NE as well.
  10. The biggest comparison I have heard Jones to Brady has been to 2001. In that respect the teams are very similar. That is to say it relies heavily on its D and Special Teams and the O is a run first and don’t make mistakes. Mind you I watch VERY little of ESPN and haven’t watched them for years.
  11. You clearly missed the TB and Dallas game where he was hit like a rented mule but still put up damn good numbers for a rookie. Oh and he also gave the Pats the lead against Dallas with less than a minute to go. red zone word how you determine Star QBs. So the facts that play calling for 4 straight runs or lack of a WR get open is on the QB? Oh wait if he could run that make the difference.. Ugh The truth is they call Plays to LIKIT the chance of a TO so they at least walk away with 3, why? Because with their D they are more than likely going be fine especially if the offense scores on almost every possession (they are averaging less than 3 punts a game and less than 2 in this winning streak). Jones isn’t overhyped up here our talking heads saying crap just get people listen.. the truth is he is doing amazing for a rookie and better than a lot of the vets out there.
  12. Also let’s not forget Mayfield went to a team that hadn’t been even mediocre for a long time! They went 0-16 to get him I believe. So he walks in and wins 7 games he is seen as the savior. Meanwhile Jones goes to NE where they were just mediocre for one year, and if we are honest he is filling perhaps the biggest shoes of any rookie QB with the Brady fresh in everyone’s mind. Slacking off here and demands here won’t work, there is only one sheriff in this town and he wears the hoodie. like you said I don’t have a clue how good Jones will be but reports are he is a film room junkie and is always wanting to learn more. I hope he ends up being great, but no one truly knows and Baker and him are vastly different QBs and NO ONE thought Baker was close to his ceiling. I never understood how draft “experts” know how close any kid who is 22 or 23 is to their ceiling?
  13. Excellent take. Right now Jones is the best anyone who is a Pats fan could hope for right now. What he is in 3-4 years only time will tell.
  14. The Ravens lost makes Monday night a battle for the #1 seeded eell as leader of the AFC East
  15. Hapless The Pats O line is healthy now, but when Big Trent Brown went down for like 5 games (week 2 to 7) Jones got hit a lot. The biggest topic up here was “How much punishment can Jones take before he is injured.” I mean Jones got hit so hard by Dallas Phillips?? That I was expecting him to stay down on the ground. (I’d say the first five weeks he was hit hard and a lot) since Brown has gotten healthy he doesn’t get hit as often and well if Wynn can learn to stop holding it be a great line. (Wynn gets called for holding at least once a game and usually after a big play.. drives me crazy. He IMO is a bust of a 1st round pick. )
  16. I think Mac10 is trademarked already by a rapper. (He wanted that one because that’s the LLC he has) I think he also trademarked MJones10 or at least The guys on the SportsHub said he did up here. Supposedly he wants to start a local clothing line. Good for him make the money while you can.
  17. He may not have a cannon but he can complete deep passes. I remember another thread I thought it was 40+ but they say it was like 32 in the air (perfectly) to Bourne in less than 3 seconds in the pocket. Now I know some can throw it 60+ but to complete that your QB going to have to have a ton of time, I mean how many get 4-5 seconds?
  18. JA was RAW coming out of college, I was shocked he played his rookie year. I didn’t see many games but he had that flash of someone who could be great. When I watch Jones, in 4 losses he led the team on drives that got derailed.. 1. Miami driving down the field and Harris fumbles (it happens but not his fault) 2. Saints - His Worst game as a rookie still in the 4th quarter drives the team down and gets them to with a TD. Then he doesn’t see the ball again. TB - drives the team down, and BB goes for a long FG instead of for it on 4th and 3. Dallas — was in a literal shoot out with Dac and lost in OT.. (did give the team the lead w less than a minute to go) what I am seeing is a QB even against elite teams who has shown flashes of that “it” factor to win games on that last drive of the 4th quarter. Hard point any victories because well most of those been blow outs. Now I could be wrong and this is poof gone next year but right now I am seeing someone who has the potential be a great clutch QB.
  19. Ugh I hate advanced metrics.. that stuff ruining sports.. (more BBall than anything else) but ugh I hate all the metrics.. half the time they go against what your own eyes see. Lol
  20. I should have said both teams have been terrible against the run especially in losses. Jones right now is the best IMO he can be. He isn’t the freak athlete of Mahomes, or the Cannon arm of Allen. His skill set is accuracy and being extremely smart. Some say he has a weak arm, but how would you know? The pats playbook has always been short to intermediate passes. That said when D figure him out if and when he gets to the top 10 level.. we’ll that’s a good issue worry about them lol first let’s see if he is as good as every Pat fan hopes.
  21. I doubt you watch many Pats games. What makes me THINK he has a much higher ceiling is simply how he looks after a mistake. He doesn’t dwell on it and he moves forward and continues to fight. The best example I have of this was when he threw the pick 6 against Dallas (Diggs) the very next play he threw right at Diggs again for a hugs TD pass to get the Pats the lead back.. that’s a trait you can’t teach being able move on from a mistake.. He also seems to be reading defenses better every week, heck he was better at it by week 3 than Cam was all last year. (He literally called out Cleveland when he saw them line up said “You got us this time”) Now will he ever be a huge game breaker with his feet? No but I see his football smarts and the ability to read the D better and get the right play called at the line. But again only time will tell.
  22. The difference is unlike last year the talking heads have a team they want talk about in NE. The Phins were boring and well self sabotaging by putting Tua in instead of riding Fitz.. this year they can have “return of the evil empire” or “The Dark Lord strikes back” so much more fun and brings viewers in… The Bills are still a damn good team and should win the division. They have it right there for them to take. Jones is a rookie, playing as well as you can expect for a rookie. Is he a game manager? Maybe but isn’t that what you want your rookie QB to be? I don’t know what Jones will be 3 or 4 years from now but right now he is better than I thought he be. The difference on Monday night will be who stops the run better IMO. Both teams looked AWFUL against the run.
  23. Dude, it’s all for the money! You don’t believe me look who the top watched team was the last 20 years.. NE. Why? Because people tuned in to cheer against them. why is it so hard for you LOOK at the evidence and realize it’s much to do about nothing. Spygate — NFL black eye? Really? Was about taping signals from the sidelines instead of in the designated spot. It was NOT because they were stealing signals, teams been doing that since the start of football. Also was the perfect excuse to actually even the playing field and out mic inside a defenders helmet. Deflategate — About pressure inside the ball. Per LEAGUE RULES- equipment and Ball infractions are only suppose to be a fine. The league went on a witch hunt used a discredit lab for their work. Meanwhile ESPN LIES and says all the balls were at 10.4 PSI when the truth was only one the rest were with the natural gas law as stated by 13 other independent labs. so you see they made two MINOR things into a major scandal to work people up so they would tune in.. it cost them nothing and they made BILLIONS. see I am all about follow where the money goes.
  24. I am saying they would get motivation from a Patriot saying something like “we are going to smash them” or if the storyline for months was “they are to old” the Pats won the SB that year that was the big headline. (I know that because Brady mentioned it in the post game interview “not bad for old guys huh”
  25. Actually that was a lie made up on ESPN also retracted on late night. They had NOTHING on Brady. They got his texts and of course one leaked out had nothing do with anything to try stir things up. (Peyton Manning text.) What they had was 2 guys texting eachother and one getting agitated because Brady was bitching him out on how the balls were. They had nothing from Brady or his phone. I will never ever defend that one. That was a cheap shot and he should have been suspended for it. I just defend the ones I believe are wrong.
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