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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. While they could easily lose the next two. What makes you think Jones would be ALLOWED to try and do to much. First the Pats will run again on the Bills and if the weather isn’t awful your not putting 10 in the box to stop it. Indy run game scares me but not Wentz.
  2. It was the 4th quarter against the wind he missed the kick.. it just turned the 4th.. that’s a case where the old vet Folk knew better what to do than the strong leg young kid.
  3. The 4 and 5 play drives your D gave up 2 17 yard runs.. the second Harris hobbled out of bounds hurt and unable to continue.. the truth is, when you needed a stop they gave up a 14 play drive for the FG.
  4. Phillips was serious… they actually thought he tore his ACL.. thankfully it seems he escaped a major injury. DE? You talking about Judon? I was scared of losing him he is the best rusher we have one of the best in the NFL.
  5. Philly won that game because BB refused to play his top CB in Butler. They had some really awful CB in that game (shudder)
  6. 2. I hope your mom recovers fully, my dad had a coupled bouts with cancer and is in remission (and he was in his 70’s) I pray your mom does too. Congrats on your baby! As for Covid My entire family is just now getting out of quarantine and my wife and I are finally starting lose the dang cough.. Enjoy your holidays with your entire family and find enjoyment only in this silly thing we calll football. (I rather watch my son play who absolutely loves the sport and always watching film.)
  7. I felt the Bills had that one locked up till Tre White went down. I wouldn’t be shocked after last night if the Bills got a heavy dose of Fournette followed by PA to Gronk. The Bills should be able score on them, their secondary is wicked banged up!
  8. Didn’t they show a replay of that and while they moved they never went over the line of scrimmage?
  9. All losses should be considered that. Both teams have that what if game. (I’m still annoyed Harry was to dumb get away from the punt. Lol) it was a sloppy game last night.. play ten times it probably goes 5-5.
  10. First I wasn’t complaining here, I was showing how both sides can do the what if game. Second Bryant was nowhere close being out of bounds and even Allen himself was acting like he was in bounds with the leap and stretch for the first down. I have no idea what your seeing. As for ruffing the Passer I saw ONE that could have been landing with his weight on him but it’s a judgement call and it didn’t go your way.
  11. Pats win out they win they win the division as well.. matter fact Pats can lose two as long as they beat Buffalo in NE. But both teams hold their own destiny.
  12. Exactly, what IF Harry wasn’t a fool and actually got away from the punted ball. (TD Drive) What if the refs don’t call a rather soft and awful personal foul and it’s actually 4th and 1… ( FG drive) Both sides can do it… weird stuff happens all game.. (I had put money in the swear jar for both of those lol)
  13. Well the same goes for the Pats. Both teams hold their destiny in their own hands. The difference is the rematch is in NE and the Bills also have TB to play and NE had Indy.
  14. If NaKeal Harry isn’t a Moron and touch that punt pats win 14-3. Also let’s face it the Bills were gifted the FG as well by that horrible personal foul call. (Pushing Allen out of bounds when he leaped in the air.) Point is both teams could have had more and or less points.
  15. It was also the first time he has ever played in that kind of weather. They and Jones both didn’t know what he could do. Since the Bills D couldn’t stop the run till the 4th quarter they didn’t need to. Com ok eating 70% of your passes is deadly accurate…
  16. Well how many good AFC teams are there this year? NE, Buffalo, KC, Ravens… then a bunch of others.. the Pats did beat up the Browns D which is I believe too 10 in points allowed.. I agree, but does your D stop the Pats more than once if it’s a balanced O attack. Yes Jones doesn’t have a cannon but he is deadly accurate and in normal weather you out 10 in the box he will burn them. Mind you I don’t see the Pats D stopping the Bills much either in good weather
  17. He saw it all the way. He has really good hands too. He broke on that ball better than the WR did. The stat sheet says he wasn’t wrong..
  18. On the hole he didn’t, but he got lucky on one pass.. Jackson normally catches that and runs it back for 6. But on the hole his throws were good when he had time.
  19. Keep your head up dude! Bills could have won tonight. A couple plays break differently and it’s a totally different game. In3 weeks we have the final matchup for the division.
  20. The play in the end zone the fans want PI but when I rewatched it it looked clean if anything Knox pushed off to get open a bit. Don’t know what the fans saw there. Also can someone explain to me the logic of not going for 2 to tie the game at 8? I thought for sure they would.
  21. Lol NE can be just as bad as Buffalo.. could be a dang Blizzard that day.. lol
  22. Hey your D can’t stop the run when you knew it was coming. Imagine if they mixed it up.. like I said 38-35 type game in good weather. Your D without Tre doesn’t scare me in the secondary and well your front 7 can’t stop the run by themselves.. so yes a shootout..
  23. They never had to throw. They had a lead all game. Any other coaching staff I’d agree but not this group they knew what they wanted and were not going to do anything to hurt Jones confidence.
  24. Oh in good weather I think it’s a shootout.. because your O weapons are dang good and well the Pats can run and set up PA as well.. in good weather it’s like 38-35
  25. Yes I do. Why wouldn’t I? Tonight they smashed the ball against the Bills but with the wind they just didn’t want to risk it.. but could he have completed more? Sure and as a dmfan I was like just one PA Pass PLEASE!!
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