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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Very true, and just because I THINK it will be a shoot out doesn’t mean the Pats win.. IMO My Pats need another good CB to really compete on D (Mills is scary at times) and well a true #1 WR. I consider this year a bonus year…
  2. I agree you give a half like that it will be hard for even a healthy Allen to will you beck to victory. BB and McDaniels will also play call better on both sides of the ball I don’t think the Bills D is very good against a well run O and accurate QB who uses PA passes
  3. I asked a question, asking him what he saw made him think they could beat the Pats in NE. Never said they couldn’t just what made him think that when the Bills were down 24-3.. (the Bills looked unprepared at that point too) I agree the Pats have one of the best coaching groups in the NFL. I believe BB is the GOAT as a HC.. I also agree if you give us Allen they probably don’t have a loss this year.(maybe 1) most of the losses were because they were so conservative early. (Imagine if Allen had a run game to allow him have time to throw)
  4. Actually a large portion of the fan base has ZERO memory of when the Pats were truly bad.. I mean 1-15 or 3-13 bad.. since 1995 they have had 2 years under .500 and well they are spoiled and don’t realize it’s so unusual have success for this amount of time.
  5. Look between the Bucs players white sleeves that doesn’t look like a hand but a football. That said I missed the pull the first time.. that said most teams don’t get a lot of calls against TB teams.. been there done that week 4.
  6. I doubt that. NO ROOKIE QB has ever made it to the SB and KC looks scary good again. I’d say KC has the inside track HF as I don’t see them losing and there are 2 games the Pats could lose Indy and Buffalo.
  7. To many runs for Allen today.. he was getting hit hard on almost every one and that’s not counting the hits in the pocket.. they should have run the ball more with RB.. they did work the few times they did it.
  8. Panthers have Cam Newton.. NEWTON!! As in fig arm… the Bills D should stop them completely. I could be wrong but come on they aren’t good.
  9. Again also looks like the balls right in his hands unless he is two totally different colors…
  10. I don’t understand why.. nothing has really changed if we lose to the Bills at home the conference still up for grabs.. silly be happy now.
  11. IMO if it’s questionable, have him miss the Panthers game as you won’t need a lot of points beat them and their D is decent.. not great but decent with pressure and they have some decent CB. I think the Bills D could win that game.
  12. It was nice get almost every call I won’t lie.. mind you now with a rookie we aren’t even getting some very obvious roughing the passer calls. (Jones more than once been hit hard and helmet to helmet w no call)
  13. Well ya different.. Pats didn’t get any PI calls on Monday either
  14. Why does it look like there are two balls in that picture?? That said I can’t even see his hands on the Bills receiver yet..
  15. These refs didn’t call many defensive holding calls, again though you have to expect get more flags against you when facing Brady led O’s.
  16. IMO the game went Buffalo way when they started running it a few times with the RB.
  17. 1. Most important —- Allen is the real thing and he almost willed the team to victory on his arm and legs 2. First Half — not one RB run the entire first half and Allen was getting killed by the rush. Very lucky they were not down 31-3 at half. 3. Allen was even impressive after getting hurt. Why I PERSONALLY hate QB draw plays open them up to more injuries. You have RB for a reason at least call on them 9-10 times! 4. Impressive second half by the Bills D holding the Bucs to 3 points.. (shocked no real PA Passes by Bucs.. but hey still impressive!) 5. The 4th quarter was all Bills and I thought they would get that TD at the end to win it.. have to wonder if Allen hadn’t been hurt they score there. 6. facing Brady you have to expect get every last flag against you.. and you pretty much did. last does anyone know the extent of Allen injury? He didn’t seem to have that burst that he had before he got hurt. All and all you should be proud of the fight in your Bills they never gave up.
  18. Can I ask based on what evidence you expect the win in NE against NE?
  19. Lamar Jackson also went down and is limping… what always scares me with a QB like him. He loses his wheels and he isn’t any good!
  20. McD could have chosen the wind direction as well to start the second half. He didn’t thus why the Pats had the wind in the 4th quarter. But Mcd DID have the ability to assure they had the wind to end the game.
  21. For a skill Position I agree, but a lineman? Hell I know one lineman (Mankins) played 8 games on a partially torn ACL and MCL. I honestly don’t see how a toe keeps you out of an important game?
  22. Makes sense though. They need to see if the rookie has anything to build off of and grow.. if not they need to draft a QB in the first round.
  23. I’d be worried if you had Tre White. You don’t like I said you needed 10 in the box stop the run.. the next matchup will be a shootout.
  24. They were idiots! Of course they were excited especially if they were a nail biter like Monday night. Sadly my teams fan base is filled with well overly privileged fans who don’t remember the early 90’s or the late 80’s.
  25. They averaged 3.5 yards a carry.. you had 9-10 guys in the box.. Again in regular weather you couldn’t do that and if you did Borne and Henry amongst others would burn you. Again your D did NOT do a good job stopping the run when you realize they needed 9-10 guys keep it at 3.5 yards a carry.. in normal weather the Pats score every drive (unless of course someone drops a pass or fumbles etc) your D doesn’t scare me or any team with a run game and a QB able make accurate throws. the next game probably is a shootout.
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