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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Analytics destroyed baseball, I don’t want it to do the same to football. Some analytics fine but let’s not lose the common sense that makes football enjoyable.
  2. The entire D line.. they need stop the run and make whoever is QB to vomit on themselves and make mistakes.
  3. Ya because they scored 22 points, and needed OT to win and the Chargers left a MINIMUM of 9 points out on the field by being dumb. Your right it’s because I am use to a coach not vomiting all over himself when big decisions are needed to be made.. maybe your use to your old coaches always making dumb ass decisions like that.. I mean I remember them from the late 80’s and early 90’s but I never backed them. give credit to who? The Chiefs because the other teams coach was a moron?
  4. He was stupid, IMO. Your D has held them to 10 points in the first half.. you go and kick that FG show some faith in your D. I get it in the very beginning but by then your D been very good and you CANT HAVE A MOMENTUM CHANGING action like that. Was totally dumb!
  5. I mean I am use to seeing teams do this for like 20 years. The coach commits on himself trying to outsmart BB and ends up costing his team a victory.. that’s what it feels like happened here.
  6. I hear you. If this was LAST years KC O I would understand, but unless you’re the raiders this years KC struggles to score.. at a minimum they should have taken the 3 just before half to make it a 7 point game.. that was just stupid!
  7. Almost every team can say that I mean for example “The Pats could be undefeated except for New Orleans if Harris doesn’t fumble 2 games away and well one dropped INT away.. lol the fact is they all happened and their record is what it is.
  8. Am I alone thinking Chargers lost this game more than KC won it? If I was the owner of the Chargers I’d be calling the GM and HC into my office and saying “ok I see going for it once on 4th down inside the five but three times? What the hell were you thinking!?”
  9. Lol ya that penalty I still can’t figure out how they thought it was late or out of bounds.. You never would make a run against a Brady/BB team like that because BB would have adjusted after the second TD. It’s amazing how many coaches can’t adjust on the fly.
  10. It’s the better game to miss. Their O will cough the game up for you and you only need someone back there who isn’t going to do anything dumb.
  11. Carolina has a very good D. They would have a much better PPG if they had an even semi competent O. That said I say this is the game the Bills need their D come up big and for the O just to play smart and NOT give any short fields to a rather terrible O.
  12. Before doing all this, why not just make being a ref a full time job? This way they can learn all the rules and exactly what the mean and when and how to enforce them. Why you have part timers doing a job that can change a game is so dumb!
  13. Dude, I watched the last 3 Bills games and Allen took a LOT of hard hits. Hits he wouldn’t tKe if the Bills had a run game not relying solely on him. Allen has the talent be good even when he does slow, (unlike the other 2QBs on the list)
  14. Big difference is Titans can survive without He Ty, and have proven such. Ravens and Bills are up a creek without a paddle without their QB. (As any team would be) so again RUN the RB do sweeps with the WR.. do screens.. QB Draws only shorten a QB career and or gets them injured and missing time.
  15. Top 3 are QBs and oddly enough last week Top 2 got hurt.. Maybe run the QB less use the Rb or WR EVEN instead.
  16. I am not very well liked on that board. I been mini banned many times for many reasons..
  17. I have tried be on patriots boards, it rarely goes well for me. I love my team but I love football too and appreciate great play. For example I just got a 3 day “vacation” from patsfans.com for saying the Bills still worry me and Allen put on a show yesterday. They Mod said I was making people angry for no good reason. Lol
  18. You should beat Carolina, but their D isn’t an easy W. They give up the second fewest yards in the NFL. The key to this game is the Bills D making Newton and their Offense look pathetic and getting TO. the second Key is making sure Allen doesn’t get any more hurt than he already is.
  19. Talk about taking something out of context! Lol I would think anyone reading “Pats beat the colts you need them to lose to Jags or Miami” would see the quoted where they stated Pats didn’t have to lose to Indy.
  20. Never take them lightly.. I just know Harris will want to prove he is better than what they saw week 1.. he will have something to prove and well he is a dang good RB .
  21. I was so impressed by Allen almost willing the Bills to victory. He seemed to ignite the D to play better as well.. the injury definitely slowed him in the game.. way way to many QB Draws and way to many hard hits on him this game. If I’m the owner I am thinking “why is my star QB being abused like a pinyata?”
  22. Pats beat the Colts you need them to lose to either Jags or Miami. I don’t see that happening this year. Not with this D
  23. Very true, I may just have to much faith in BB, because I just believe next year he will hit on even more frat picks and get 1 or 2 impact FA in. I think they hit on the most important position in QB in last years draft.. could he regress or fail improve? Of course but who wants think that way and besides he has the most important thing for a QB.. smarts.. (or at least I think Football smarts is the most important thing lol) No problem I put it at the end because I wanted hit on how impressed I was with Allen before anything else.
  24. Did you not read the entire post? I clearly said when facing a Brady led team you are not going to get the calls.
  25. You don’t think Trubisky could win that game for you? I mean the Panthers O is awful but their D can be scary good at times.
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