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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Nope, he was elevated on Thursday. He is like our 6th CB when they are all healthy. Jonathan Jones is out for the year thus why he gets elevated every week practically.. Bryant is not a part of the 52 man roster. He isn’t even a top 4 CB on the team heck he is suppose to be a safety. Again stop! No one knows how good or bad a rookie WB will be in the future. The truth is he had an excellent rookie year and teams have a ton of film now to make him uncomfortable. The team had a 7 game winning streak and the last 2 he had the team poised for a 4th quarter comeback win if the D makes a stop.
  2. Diggs was a superstar before he got to Buffalo and he wanted to prove something as well. Beasley also was a good WR before Buffalo and remained so with Buffalo. McKenzie lol your OC deserves credit for because he saw Bryant (our practice squad elevated CB) on him all game.. that wasn’t Allen making him look good, that was our less talented CB doing that. Lol ( and your OC calling plays for him) (the other 2 I don’t know) No, most QBs get happy feet and stop looking all over the field and lock into 1 receiver. Allen still looks over the field his problem is he will gun it 5 feet over their head when he is uncomfortable.
  3. I’m not shocked. Judon is a great player but he does extremely stupid things when he gets frustrated and he was frustrated yesterday. (He played like crap I thought but then again so did the entire D)
  4. BB and McDaniels are light years better than anyone coaching in Cleveland. They will adapt Jones game and get him the help he needs in FA to bring it to the next level. Weird thing he struggled but: 20-17 with 2:25 and 3 time outs left and just need the D stop Indy one more time.. The D failed.. (were trailing 20-0 going into the 4th) 26-21 with over 7 minutes to go and all he needed was the D just to stop Buffalo ONCE to have a shot to win. (Was 17-7 at half) if the book was written somehow the D forgot it in the second half. My point is unlike a lot of young QBs he doesn’t give up and hang his head in defeat he fights back and has that ability make the team believe in him. That was more true in Indy than Yesterday.. Yesterday if the D makes a stop Harris runs it down the field and scores the game winner with just seconds left. Harris was the Bills D kryptonite yesterday.
  5. Actually he is an good passer! He isn’t awesome where he elevated his WR and makes them better than they are at least not yet. But there aren’t many in the league right now who are… Brady use to be able to do that, but not anymore. Rogers has always needed a Superstar WR just like Allen does now. Hardly makes Allen awful saying he is like Rogers now. He just isn’t like Manning and Brady in their prime. Does Allen have accuracy issues? Yes when you get him out of his game and force him to play differently. Hell even yesterday he threw a couple ducks… imagine this place if Jackson holds onto the ball in the 4th and the Pats ended up wining the game 28-26 they would want his head and blame the D for a collapse as well even though both played well. (To those who will take this out of context I am giving an example of how even Bills fans throw Allen’s accuracy under the bus.)
  6. Wow! BB didn’t commit a lot of resources to Offense when he had a BETTER QB than Allen, so why would he for Allen? Allen does have accuracy issues when forced to stay in the pocket and throw under pressure it’s been proven this year twice by Indy and Pittsburg. Hell he threw a couple ducks yesterday! (Only a couple) LMAO He built the line and D with TE because he knew whoever he drafted the teams play was going to mirror 2001. Allen is a great QB but he doesn’t elevate the skill players around him, he is not a Manning, Brady, or Breese, at least not yet.
  7. Well someone lost now didn’t they because their D didn’t make the other team punt once… maybe what I should say is when your teams D makes zero stops outside of one on the 1 inch line. Your not gonna win that game.
  8. Lol I was literally just teasing the person said Allen just went to another level and took the game over.. damn my jokes must be falling short thought for sure saying Mind ninja woulda worked.. hmm maybe I shoulda said he did a Jedi mind trick lol Weird? Everyone who isn’t a Bills fan is saying they hit on QB. Weird how that is isn’t it? Without Brady in NE He is 27-20 hmm that’s a winning record.. and that’s with 3 years with only 1 of those 3 beings below .500 year.. hardly terrible.
  9. Very simple, I see poise and accuracy late in games and when the game is on the line. I see a QB who when he does make a mistake doesn’t let it bother him and he will literally go out there and attack the same CB that just picked him off. I see a QB who will throw it to the open man.. that’s all I want. I don’t need one who will take off running or who can throw behind the back passes.. I want one that can handle the pressure when the game is on the line.
  10. Very true, but look also at Cam Newton. He took a beating, one the MVP then got hurt and never recovered. My point is, Allen could be fine if he lost his wheels if he adapted his game, but running like he does he could get hurt like Newton who is just as big as Allen.. (I mean in less than 5 years Cam went from MVP to a boarder line backup) Also I am kind of tongue in cheek with Allen to make the point we don’t really know what Jones is yet.. and some of these people think Allen is a HOF already.
  11. You saying that would like me saying to you when Allen was a rookie “a typical bust QB pick by your Bills. Same old Bills” point being you have no more clue how good Jones will be than anyone did when Allen was meh to bad year one. So please stop with your less than expert analysis of him.
  12. I’ve seen the hits Allen has taken the last 6 weeks. Those are awful hits! Allen like so many others rely on his legs be good if he gets a bad wheel the wheels fall off his game. (Also was kind of being sarcastic to the quoted post) Farve — aka over rated only unbreakable record most INT Young — wasn’t the same after he lost his wheels.. hmm odd. Kelly — pocket passer never truly ran.. so terrible example for Allen. Look Allen keeps taking those hits instead of sliding his career will be significantly shorter. That’s not hope or brag that’s simple common sense, the more you get hit the more likely to get hurt.. why do you think RB careers are normally short? Dude, I literally said the Bills O was unstoppable. I’m sorry if adding the fact that even when Allen made mistakes they slipped right threw the Pats D hands hurt your feelings.. but it was also true. Mind you the fact you can’t read sarcasm is scary. I was being sarcastic because the post I quoted thought Allen went on another level. He didn’t! You will be good as long as Allen can be a threat with his legs as well as his arm. Once he becomes less mobile the Bills days on top are numbered., Unless he grows in pocket presence and accuracy under duress while in the pocket. (Now watch someone going find fault with stating this..)
  13. Not always, last 2 years been pretty decent. (Dugger,Onwenu,Uche from 2020 and Jones,Baremore, Stevenson from this year)
  14. Agalor is going to be cut, (that saves then 4 million I was told) and they will pay too dollar for one of the 2 top FA WR. I am thinking Allen Robinson. Meyers, Johnson, Brown and Phillips be back. White and Gunner possibly back as well. (On a 1 year deals) I think McCourty retires. I wouldn’t be shocked if they tried get Mathieu in FA. Someone WAY overpays for Jackson. (After last two games bye bye bye) They move up to draft top CB and they take at least 2 in the draft along with a LB. Late in the draft (5th and 6th round) they will get the o lineman. Still think Allen will have a long career? Lol (eye roll) No he wouldn’t. Lmao if you think that then you obviously have no clue how BB operates or how he believes things work. Fact is he wouldn’t trade that because Allen would SUCK with this team. This team has no superstar WR, and certainly none that will hide any inaccurate throw flaws he may have.. I think people are hilarious who believe a QB can be good anywhere. The truth is they are all system QBs and not all QBs work in all systems.
  15. Did he do a mind ninja trick on Jackson to drop both INT? Was Allen watching the Pats v Indy game last week and do that ninja trick on him again their twice? Lol Allen was amazing, but the D allowed him to get away with whatever few mistakes he made.
  16. Lol My poorly made point was I’d only take a QB I knew would thrive in the system as good or better than Jones. I don’t know how any other QB besides Brady,Jones, and Newton look for a full year in this system. 1 was great, 1 was beyond bad, and 1 showing promise. Now is he a SB winning QB? With BB and McDaniels coaching him possibly.. heck with just BB it’s a good chance. I wish Jones had just one year sitting behind Brady to watch and learn from the best at his style of play.
  17. Well this is only year 2 of a rebuild for the Pats. They have a good TE and a couple decent WR (Bourne and Meyers) and what appears to be a decent young QB. What they are missing is that Superstar WR the Bills have (Diggs) to open things up. This game, that wasn’t the issue for the loss. The D just couldn’t stop the Bills O, and unless the GOAT was back there I doubt the Pats win. IMO the D holds the majority of the blame for this loss. I’m really upset at our top corner being a real dud the last two weeks.. (4 dropped INT and burnt badly for a TD by Diggs today)
  18. Nope, that doesn’t mean I am envious. If I could swap QBs I’d take Brady back. I know for a damn fact no one stacking the box like this with him as our QB. Lol but why be envious? I watched the GOAT run things for 20 years, watched one year of horrid QB play and now see a Rookie that shows promise. im going enjoy watching the games and see what happens. Lol I was kidding I over estimated my team.. aren’t we all guilty of that at times?
  19. We didn’t need the ‘85 bears D we just needed one that made the Bills punt 1 or 2 times. No team is going to win a game their D doesn’t make one punt happen.
  20. The Bills were the better team today, plain and simple. I am glad my team never gave up and fought back into the game. (I swore because Jackson has dropped 4 INT in 2 weeks.. someone is going to overpay for him) My Pats are where I thought they be 10-11 win wildcard team. Agreed, I blame the D more because this team was built for them to win games and well they couldn’t stop anything Allen was doing today. (And as I pointed out our top CB had been dropping way way to many INT these last 2 weeks, 2 of the biggest games of the year.)
  21. Comparing Jackson to Wallace is like me comparing Dugger to Tre White.. Jackson is our top CB and he dropped 2 easy INT today the first he got burned for a TD the very next play. point is Jackson is wanting Gilmore type money but unlike Gilmore seems to puke all over himself in big games. (He dropped 2 last week as well) So more of a “I am so angry with him I want to strangle him” than what if..
  22. Preaching, I swore when Jackson dropped a game CHANGING INT in the fourth. we will disagree on what lost the game.. I’d say the D not forcing a punt was much more problematic than 1-10 on 3rd down especially when they converted on like 4 fourth downs.
  23. Bills. Got gashed by Harris a lot this game. (Over 108 yards 3 TD’s and 5.7 yards a carry) It hurt not having Stevenson (the 2nd back) not saying it changes the outcome because the Pats D couldn’t stop Allen & Co. I agree to early tell if Jones be good , bad. Or great. I think for a rookie year where you put your team in a spot to tie or take the lead late in the fourth if your D makes one stop in every loss is pretty good for a rookie. (Fumble by Harris, missed FG, D unable stop Dac with 35 seconds, down by 8 to NO, 22-17 to Indy, and today 26-21.) My point is right now he doesn’t seem to poop himself when it’s pressure time in the fourth.
  24. I predicted a shoot out as I didn’t expect either team stop the other. I was half right. They probably score 28 if Jackson doesn’t drop a dang easy INT.. so I wasn’t terribly far off, I also did the prediction before I knew Bourne would miss all week of practice and Agalor be gone and we wouldn’t have Stevenson.. I probably would have said 28 lol… (I kid I love my team so I over guessed)
  25. Last I checked it took the entire O to be successful. That said the O did make it 26-21 with 7 minutes to go and the D still couldn’t find a way to stop the Bills. Again I am much more upset with the Pats D performance than the O’s. I missed large stretches of the game. (Busy with family) so I missed that play. Judon can be a dirty player when he gets frustrated.
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