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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. BB has two of his kids on staff with NE and he doesn’t spend as much time as he use to in the office.. a lot of people say he has chilled out the last few years.. 39 wins I say 4 years… especially since I see Dolphins regressing AGAIN.. so have 4 easy division wins between them and Jets..
  2. Don’t forget it also includes any playoff wins.. so that’s why I thought 4… also you were off because it was 49 before the year started so 50 was close then.
  3. He isn’t going anywhere till he breaks Shula win record. After that he will retire the end of that year. So I say another 4 years?
  4. The GM is a former Patriot from office guy, bringing in Flores is just smart. He is a good coach and gets the most out of the talent given to him.
  5. I bet the Texans do everything they can to Hire Flores.. then Flores will do everything he can make Watson happy.. or he will do the same thing he did in Miami except get more 1st round picks..
  6. Wait you started a thread on something said after the Buffalo game in BUFFALO? I’d dare say everyone would agree it was a terrible game for the Bills. Doesn’t have anything do with Saturday.. Saturday the cold MAY cause more drops but that’s probably it.
  7. No, it was emphasized after Tia burned them AGAIN running the ball. If anything they will have a spy on Allen, it will be the job of the line to maintain discipline in their gaps. That made me sick that reality.. he is our starting CB.. god losing our #2 CB early in the year stunk.. (Jonathan Jones)
  8. Oh I am sure! But let’s be honest if they had kept winning he could have called the press ninnies and they wouldn’t have cared..
  9. Lol he didn’t get run out of Cleveland, I do believe they were Baltimore when he got fired.. people forget the moron owner announced they were moving before the season.. which torpedoed the season.. the year before they went to the division round of the playoffs.. pretty sure the Owner did it so he could easily move.. (IMO the owner made it so the roster was worse..)
  10. Haven’t seen it anywhere, they have said it on sports radio (George & Max and Zola’s & beetle) that they have heard he is playing threw numerous injuries. It wouldn’t shock me if he was hurt but since he wasn’t limited in practice it wouldn’t show up.. (also explain that HUGE glove on his hand last week) I could also believe he hit the rookie wall I mean 17 games plus 3. Pre season.. that’s a lot more than what he is use to.. I said “pretty good” because IMO there are no truly elite or great D’s in the league this year. IMO all of them have an Achilles heal and against the wrong matchup can be exposed. Like IMO the Titan are your D’s worse matchup.. with a great run game and 2 very good WR they be hard press to stop them. Now I can be wrong but that’s my opinion. (FYI doesn’t mean your team couldn’t win just that I think be very high scoring.)
  11. You know I hear everyone say how the media is drooling over Jones. It has to be the national media because the ones up here are absolutely brutal on the kid. (Adam Jones on 98.5 is the worst w him lol) As for “having fun” I meant more like no pressure since no one, in their right minds, think they will win this game. Doesn’t matter who the coach is. We have 1 top corner then after that it’s our 4th 5th and Practice squad guys. But IMO Buffalo has all the pressure, you have the better. Team and they are suppose to be SB Contenders.. meanwhile Pats we’re considered a fringe playoff team.. I think they will make it close and the D once again will fail to make that critical stop to give Jones the ability to win or tie the game late. (See Indy, Buffalo, Miami etc.)
  12. I mean the man righted a ship that wasn’t torpedoed once but twice this year. First by their HC being a racist and an idiot then by Riggs commuting vehicle manslaughter with his car while drunk. I know I thought they were done.
  13. Fans should always have faith their team will win. That said if we had Brady back there and had lost 3 of the last 4.. I’d still expect to crush any team we faced! That said we don’t have Brady, we have a rookie who is supposedly playing threw numerous injuries and still an unknown asset for the long term. Meanwhile the Bills have an established QB who no matter whose list is too 7 in the league with a D that is pretty good. In all honesty the Pats are like what Big Ben said of the Steelers. “ we suck and they are great so we just need go out there and have fun.” Aka all the pressure is on the Bills..
  14. HUGE! Like I said a long shot for an upset. I’ll still yell and scream for one Saturday night, I doubt it happens though. lol the best rookie class in years for BB lol..
  15. I agree!! That is part of what I meant by waking up… took to many dumb penalties the last month or so.. (got away with a few stupid ones earlier too) I am going to cheer for my team and hope for the best. But I am not very hopeful, we have 1 very good corner, an average corner (if available) and well Bryant is a liability. I just don’t see coverage holding up with your weapons.. only hope is to get quick pressure and try force Allen into mistakes. (Not turnovers but like gunning it to hard and the guy drops it type mistakes) if Allen is on there is little to zero percent chance of a pats upset. Doesn’t help my feel for the game hearing that , SUPPOSEDLY Mac Jones ,per the talking heads, up here he is dealing with a hand, shoulder, and knee issue for the last month… no idea if true or not but what they have said on sports talk up here. If it is true it wouldn’t shock me with some of the nasty hits he has taken this year. (But makes a win even LESS likely)
  16. I expect a lot more blitzes and looks that appear to be blitzes this game. They need Judon to wake up from his one month slumber and Uche to have an effect as well but sadly without Barmore it may be difficult maintain their lanes. (I doubt he plays this Saturday). I also expect more man on man with Diggs getting extra love..
  17. IF that happens expect the refs throw a ton of flags in your game against the Bills because they want Big Ben go out on top… because that’s the only way they beat KC.
  18. Question… Does Allen put touch on his passes a lot? What I mean is instead of firing it in like a canon (like say Newton use to or Carr) can he take something off it to make it easier to catch in very cold weather? Just asking because I don’t see to many Bills games and the ones I have seen he zips them in (seen like 4 games 2 were terrible weather.) trying find any place for an advantage lol..
  19. Ok first unlike Gase, they completely dismantled the team his first year he had ZERO talent on that team. Yet he still won 5 games. Next year the drafted pretty well and they went 10-6 miss the playoffs by a game. This year go 9-8 and after going 1-7 make a huge turn around and go 8-1 the rest of the way… he has shown he is a good HC when you look at it with all the facts in place. Gase just sucked and destroyed a potentially good QB.
  20. And those are so rare now in the NFL!
  21. If Chicago fires Nagy he be real good there. D already solid, a good young QB potential (that he isn’t tied to so if he sucks you can boot him out) and a top WR IN Robinson.
  22. Uche missed most of the year with injury. (He had a few pressures the last couple weeks) Judon got sat for a lot of the game yesterday after getting a stupid roughing the passer penalty that extended a Miami drive. No idea what happened to Judon wouldn’t be shocked if he is somewhat nicked up.
  23. I think he deserves a HC Job. Outside of year 1 with the dolphins, where they sent anyone any good away in trades, he has had a winning record, heck I say winning his last 5 games in his first year with those scrubs shows he is a good HC. Just so dumb!
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