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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Meh I am of the mind Bonds as well as. Clemons were the faces given to something EVERYONE was doing in that era.. on a level playing field where no one was using their stats be the same.. but that’s how I feel.. at least they made baseball fun to watch.. now it’s like watching paint drying. We are all allowed opinions.. What do you call Brady going to court then? He lost not on the merit of the argument but based on the fact the CBA gave the Commish the power to suspend anyone for any reason and for any length he sees fit. Wether right or wrong he can do it. (FYI Brady won the first case he lost the appeal.) also only 1 team has ever ever filed a lawsuit against the NFL..
  2. Ahh thank you another lie the NFL spread they knew was false. First, they had zero rights to HIS PRIVATE phone and he was under no obligation to tern it over to them. They knew this, the only reason they got the equipment managers phones was because they were team phones.. those phones showed zero communications about This with Brady. For a good example be like your work asking for your phone from last year and you saying “I have a new phone I don’t have the old one.” Which could be true or false. second they got everything they requested off the phone via the cloud. Proof? The stupid leaked text message about Manning that started an uproar for months.. it’s amazing how everything is on the cloud.. so you see yet another lie that the NFL told that was never corrected by SI or anyone else.. Again had ZERO to do with the integrity of the game, other teams were never punished for the same issue in the past and this was al about parity. The Patriots were good for to long and the NFL and other owners hated it.. Thus the bogus sting operation.. I mean come on! It’s so obvious a caveman would see it.. lmao I always wanted say that! Lol
  3. He was the perfect fit for the Pays, which is exactly what everyone thought. Pats Nation? Are you going on Pats boards? Because most of us are happy with him and see a bright future, and like EVERY QB in the league now he needs great WR around him to succeed and reach his potential.. whatever that is.
  4. He is a kid, who played pretty well for a rookie this year and has played more games than any other rookie the last few years between his senior year and rookie year. (Burrows would been the same his rookie year if he hadn’t gotten hurt) I think he needs some time off and time in the gym
  5. Lmao kid has played more games in 2 years than he has in his entire life.. not like that would put a strain on him or anything.. ugh the Jones hate is just weird..
  6. I wouldn’t mind Kraft offering him the chair under BB with the knowledge he will take over when he retires.. I liked Flores I think he is a good coach who went to a crap organization from owner on down.
  7. Ross will probably get heavily fined and lose draft picks, I would guess at least 1 first rounder if the NFL finds Flores credible. (Integrity of the game) I see Giants facing whatever penalty the Rooney rule gives out for violating it. Snyder may be forced to step away from the team and Banned from stadiums. If the allegations proven true.
  8. Ok Brady wouldn’t go to the Bills, especially after the way he always roasted the city when he was a Patriot. That would be all over the radio and TV… only place less likely would be the Jets.
  9. Maybe say every team has to have 1 minority assistant coaches. (That means 1 out of all the position coaches,DC,Special teams coaches, and OC and HC.) So if nothing else maybe promoting getting more QUALIFIED candidates to be a HC in the future? It’s just an idea.
  10. You finished 8-1 and missed the playoffs by a game.. and the season at 9-8. Again I can’t think of 1 coach fired after 3 winning seasons.
  11. Can you name 1 HC who was ever fired after having back to back winning seasons? I know the Lions fired a coach after 1 winning season and replaced him with Patricia.. (dumbest move ever.. and to Flores point a black coach who never got another chance )
  12. Gracefully? Only a moron owner like Ross would fire a HC that had the team going in the right direction. Mind you I’m glad I want Miami to join the Jets in futility and just be my Pats and the Bills fighting for the division.. but Flores was hosed and everyone knew it.
  13. I stand corrected, but again the owner never ask him! He knew what he was getting and he probably felt with retreads he would have no chance.
  14. That’s not his job to do, as HC it’s his job to win games.. fans may want a tank, I know I did the first year Brady left.. but by no means should a coach or owner try to tank.
  15. Fitz magic usually last a few games.. besides that, he wasn’t in Miami for year one where Flores won 5 games at the end of the season with a JV Team.
  16. Am I the only one thinks maybe BB told him more and maybe stated he bring him back as a coordinator. (I’m sure BB wouldn’t mind seeing the shield being tarnished)
  17. If he quit the Owner probably would have made sure he never got another NFL job, as it appears now it seems he did that after firing him anyways. He was the best HC candidate out there and yet hardly a sniff.. it does smell rather off..
  18. IF the text from BB was 3 days before Flores was to interview, at best it was a violation of the Rooney rule.. I am more concerned with the allegations he levied against the Dolphins Owner.
  19. If any of this is true, especially being incentives to throw games that makes Miami look real bad. The fact BB sent him a text 3 days before his interview that the Giants were hiring him makes the Giants look bad, and perhaps in violation of the Rooney rule? Denver? So being hung over and unprofessional isn’t illegal and his own complaint doesn’t say they dismissed him out of hand. this all said none of this is illegal, there is NO law stating you have to hire anyone for reason or even interview in good faith. I have gone on more than one interview where they already decided on an internal person to fill the job.
  20. Read his scouting report… the BIG HUGE DIFFERENCE… “character issues” as well as “needs a clean pocket to operate”… yes he had accuracy issues but unlike Allen is a pure pocket passer.. and that’s the point.. every QB drafted as a QB by NE is just that a pocket passer.
  21. Mallot was nothing like Allen. He under performed in college and was a disaster his senior year. He was no real athlete with his legs either.. only comparison may be he was suppose to have a cannon for an arm. I just don’t see the comparison?
  22. Don’t forget I mostly saw 3-4 games tops and mostly highlights or lowlights depending on the week… Maybe say this again, I am not saying Allen is bad or even average NOW he isn’t he is top 5 now. I was talking about when he was drafted, I also don’t think he would have drafted Trey Lance if he was there at 15 instead of Jones. That doesn’t mean I’m right it’s my opinion based on the style QBs he has had success with and drafted. Mallet was a project but he wasn’t a first rounder, and he was low risk.. high reward.
  23. Dude you could be right. I’m going based off his record when drafting QBs.. that’s all I can go on anything else just speculating, I for one thought Allen looked awful year one and could go either way. I again say if he had a lesser coach he would have had a harder time becoming who he is today..
  24. Again he never would draft a QB like Allen.. Sorry that hurts peoples feelings on here but it’s just true.. look at the type of QBs he has drafted and NONE were like Allen coming out of college..
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