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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. A broken ankle isn’t the same thing as a tear in your ankle. Since they are saying it is a major High ankle sprain.. (which I never knew was a tear ). I broke my ankle to and walked back up 3 flights of stairs without crying..
  2. Taking the Allen of today is a no brainer… just like taking TB12 of 2006 would be. People forget Allen wasn’t considered a sure thing, but rather a raw talent that needed time to develop. While Jones was considered good but not with a high ceiling. IMO at his age BB takes Jones.. doesn’t make it smart or right.. just what I think he would do… (he doesn’t have time to develop a QB)
  3. True, but even good to great teams have that game where they dominate but just fail to finish off drives. That’s what happened to the Bills today.. they couldn’t finish. It’s just 1 game..
  4. I hear ya! The report is now they think Jones has ligament and tendon injuries on his ankle, which XRays won’t show. If that’s the case.. “with the 5th pick in the draft the Pats pick” lol
  5. Ravens you have to cover Andrews, he killed the Pats today. That said it sounded like Jackson was under instant pressure so I can see you guys stopping their O and well Jones and the Pats put up 26 points on their D… so Allen should have a field day w Diggs on that secondary.. (Parker had 155 yards)
  6. Lmao if I am honest Mac Jones is an average to MAYBE slightly above average QB.. what might make him slightly above is his Football IQ WHICH Patricia and Judge are not using this year.. I am all about helping friends, but we all agree friends don’t let friends get our starting QB killed lol. and thread got derailed.. lol ok my point stands that one loss doesn’t ruin a season
  7. He doesn’t have the time or patience (IMO) to develop a QB like Allen now.. He definitely did when he drafted Brady and kept him as our 4th QB way back in 2000. It’s probably time for him to retire, I mean he is in his 70’s.
  8. I was talking about if they were in the same draft. Allen was a RAW talent while Jones was a more finished product coming from his Pal In Alabama.. it’s an opinion.. I could be wrong just what I think he would do.
  9. I am thinking he retires after this year, or hoping that’s why we have Patricia and Judge on the O and not O’Brien.. 2 additional seconds and you have a chance at a long FG for the win.. that’s tough..
  10. Lmao Ok we just say “athletic” lol dude! It’s an opinion.. neither right or wrong since we will never know. Sheesh.. think I insulted your mom..
  11. Ya I THINK he has had the least amount of time in the pocket of any passer this year so far. (O line just sucks but we have 2 morons running the O)
  12. I am, I still say he would want Jones over Josh. That doesn’t make it right or wrong just an opinion. Lol we all have them… I can’t remember a time BB even seriously looked at a mobile QB.
  13. Any fan of any team mocking an injury are just trolls PERIOD! Thankfully the X-rays were negative for a break but IMO the team isn’t going anywhere this year so sit Mac till he is totally healthy and either start the old vet or the rookie… why risk a worse injury, Jones hurt his back last week and ankle this week.. the O line going get him killed. (Looking at you first round bust Wynn!) What they say and what it is aren’t always the same.. besides we assume it was only the leg hurting him, he hurt his back the week before being hit like a pinyata.
  14. First I didn’t get to see any of the Bills game as I was at my sons football game cheering him on. That said losing in Miami isn’t the end of the world, remember the Pats lost I wanna say all but 3 times in Miami with Brady and that didn’t change how the team ended up. My point? Your Bills be fine, IMO will still win the division and depending on health at least an AFC Championship game. (FYI I KNOW MY pats suck right now. I survived the early 90’s.)
  15. Don’t forget the Tavens O also fell asleep the entire second half to allow the comeback to happen. Just one long drive eating a ton of clock and getting any points at all and they win.
  16. Different year, different team.. Again I also said “hard to tell” l. Besides last years D wasn’t terrible! The Bills team was just that good, and IMO should have gone to the SB.
  17. Umm I said in 2 games.. the Phins did just go off on a supposed Playoff team today. that was last year, it isn’t the same defense, I also said it is hard to tell so far.. but they look good..
  18. Sigh.. he isn’t trash. He has taken a step back because he doesn’t have competent O coaches.. doesn’t help our rookie WR is out (he was the only thinG on O looked good in preseason)
  19. Right now it’s hard to tell.. averaging 13.5 points a game pretty good.. also I trust BB make the D pretty good, it’s the O that will hold the Pats back this year because we have two morons running it. (I also think BB is retiring after this year but no proof just a gutt feeling)
  20. Lmao they only scored 13 against the “terrible”Pats D.. the Pats O sucks not the D.
  21. The Ravens are hyped up every year! I keep hearing how great a QB Jackson is but if you stop him running he is a below average passer STILL! Jackson beats you with his legs. That said the Ravens D got shredded this week.
  22. First this is the Bills division to lose. That said, the Pats O isn’t very good, but the Defense looks good so far. Only 2 TDs against 2 teams, one of which has a ton of weapons on it. The Pats could beat the Ravens since they don’t have a real QB, and the Packers since they don’t have a good D or a WR. Oh and the O sucks because we have Dumb and Dumber running it!
  23. Sorry dude didn’t see it I did look.
  24. Just heard the news of the shooting in Buffalo. (I stream everything so I didn’t hear about it till I saw it on Facebook) I hope everyone here is safe and just know everyone is thinking and praying for Buffalo. Some things transcend a silly sport and this is one of them. Again thoughts and prayers to those who lost anyone in the senseless shooting.
  25. I don’t think you will get it because it isn’t a Dome stadium in a cold weather market.. you imagine a SB there between say the Rams and Tampa Bay in a middle of a blizzard. Lol Also all built with Krafts money not a dime of taxpayer money.. and the state still screwed them because all he wanted was the roads to be upgraded and fixed.. which they didn’t do. Lol
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