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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Sigh called terrible O coaching! The other teams were literally calling out the O plays, the media actually got hold of that before the Vikings game and BB admitted it’s been going on for SEVERAL weeks. Hard to execute the play when they know what’s coming. Last week they changed it up was more the OLD patriots O and look at that they moved the ball and scored a lot and probably have more if not for drops and Aghalor slowing down on a perfectly thrown deep ball. Last night the O calling was pathetic again! They had 1 drive where they called it like last week then they went brain dead.. Amazing how a Bills fan can’t tell that O coaches can make or break a QB. Hell look at Gino Smith now, he looks amazing in Seattle.. but looked like hot garbage in NY Jets. Why? COACHING.
  2. Really? He wasn’t last year and this year he has more O talent around him. Sorry but very bad is Wilson, and Young.. he is ok and shown flashes of being very good.
  3. Wait! You had a backup left tackle in?? The Pats had the 3rd string aka the guy they just signed off a practice squad playing RT all night last night. a LT playing with the Flu or some kind of bug and a center who has a severely bad thigh injury.. So I guess it’s a bad look on your D Coordinator. The Pats Play calling helped your D a lot. For whatever reason instead of staying to the quick passes and moving the ball down the field he went screen happy and made things very difficult. Oh and the for-mentioned O line issues negated the run game pretty much.
  4. The play got me was the opening drive 3rd down and he is scrambling and he shovel passes it to Singletary? For the first down just before going over the line of scrimmage and he got plastered as he passed it.. I was like Damn the D can’t buy a break! Allen did amazing last night.. (still can’t believe the jump and throw for a TD..)
  5. I agree with this assessment. The injury I think is a reinjury of the shoulder that Meyers as been playing threw for awhile.. Meyers may not be the most talented receiver but man he has heart! (Bills be crazy to not try and get him if the Pats dumb enough to let him hit the open market. He be open almost all the time with Diggs getting doubled so much)
  6. Whisper “Bruins goalie coach is Awesome!” Bruins always have a good to great Goaltending because of him. You are right though, lol maybe if the Pats are bad a bit I can afford go to more games again! Lol I wonder if that happens in Buffalo with the new stadium? (Pricing out the real fans so the stadium isn’t anywhere as lively as it should be)
  7. Allen took some hard hits last night. Uche for my Pats had his best game. (He forced the fumble) Ya at least Allen is mobile and can make up for the bad O line. Jones needs a good O line or at least an O coordinator smart enough to throw short quick passes. Sadly my Pats have neither.
  8. Defenseless as in he can not do anything to protect himself. That will be called every time. Also don’t forget they didn’t go and watch it in slow motion or see stills when they made the call. In real time action it looked like helmet to helmet on a defenseless player. (OMG I feel dirty I am defending the refs eww)
  9. There is a reason I had a lot of free space in old Sullivan stadium lol. IMO People got interested in the Pats when the Krafts bought the team and actually cared about the product on the field. I do believe there has been a waiting list since 1996 for season tickets. Sadly fans like myself can’t afford season tickets anymore so I get to maybe 1 game a year maybe 2. I was thinking traveling to Buffalo at the end of the year.. but Buffalo in January seems insane.. lol People up here are rabid Hockey fans. (I am one of them the Bruins are making the Pats season easier to take lol) I would say most up here till recently were rabid Red Sox fans and Celtics fans. We are lucky having 5 pro sports teams if you count the revolution in Soccer. Pats O line is bad! Had a practice squad guy starting at RT, and well Brown has been god awful all year.. I also don’t understand how Andrews was able to play his thigh injury was considered really bad when it happened and was suppose be out for the year. (I give the man a pass for any issues he caused ) my point is.. the Pats O line is horrid right now.
  10. The hit just isn’t allowed in todays NFL. He is a defenseless receiver who put his head down trying to secure the ball from the first person hitting him. I hate how people make it sound like Meyers did it because of the coming hit. He didn’t he did it to secure the ball.. the Penalty was correct, I don’t know the rule well enough on the ejection part. I don’t think it warranted that as I said I don’t think he was trying to hurt Meyers. IMO if that’s ever the case the NFL should make it a completed catch.. so as to not reward the dirty play. AGAIN I do not think he meant to hurt him.
  11. The hatred for the Jets is a personal thing for me. I have hated them since I was a kid. Let’s just say their fans in the 80’s and 90’s were the biggest butt heads I had to deal with in the old Sullivan Stadium. i have never seen such arrogant fans in my life whose team stunk! I want their misery to last forever. I never have had an issue with Bills fans. You guys were always awesome even when we truly SUCKED! You were fun to tailgate with and even when you were at your peak you were not jerks and for myself I enjoyed the Bills v Pats game even when we get destroyed. dolphins Fans were ok as well. Although the way they talked about Marino I expected him to turn water into wine and walk on water lol. They were arrogant bandwagon Pats fans of their day without being anywhere near as good. So how can I hate them? Lol
  12. It’s awful! Doesn’t help we had a practice squad player starting at RT. I think he did ok, IMO the play calling was beyond awful! Way way too many screens. This year is toast for my Pats I am hoping for Bill O’Brian for next year.
  13. 1st I didn’t think he was trying to hurt Meyers. I thought he was just trying lay down a hit stick type hit. (Like you said to dislodge the ball). Meyers was trying to secure the catch with both hands.. I think the hit aggravated the shoulder injury that Meyers was playing through that he got last week.
  14. First a good win by Buffalo. So here are my observations: 1. it looked like it was going be a long NO PUNT night again at the beginning, but as a Pats fan holding the Bills O to 24 points was a win. 2. Bills D was amazing tonight! It was almost like they knew what play was being called. Did the Bills steal the Pats playbook? No you just go O coaching for dummies? Ah same thing! Lol 3. Bills secondary was flying around tonight and just didn’t give the receivers much room work at all. 4. Game was over when the Pats got 0 points off that strip sack. They needed something there have a chance. 5. that personal foul at the end of the game seemed kind of silly to do. I know it’s football, but the game is over no need try lay the stick down on someone. 5. Both O lines looked bad and a TON of holding calls just ignored on both sides. God what a difference a mobile QB makes. Good luck guys and please don’t lose the division to anyone else especially not the dang JETS!
  15. That’s not true! He threw a few nice long passes last week. But we have thing 1 and Thing 2 running the O so the game was over at half with those morons..
  16. Just 1 freaking punt! That’s all I ask.. lol.. also Allen was amazing on that last TD I thought he stepped out I was wrong he jumped just before and threw the ball..
  17. Damn I am shocked, and Andrews is warming up.. that injury sounded bad a couple weeks ago.. I hope he doesn’t hurt himself more coming back to soon..
  18. The Bills D should look like monsters tonight up front. It looks like both starting tackles and the starting center be out for the Pats. What’s even worse is the backup RT is also questionable.. lol may be a long night for Jones.
  19. There are two good reasons for the O struggles… called Judge and Patricia. Or as most here call them Dumb and Dumber. But that game and the one against the Vikings Jones looked better each game. The Vikings game he made some nice throws, Still can’t believe Agahlor slowed up on a perfect pass that would have probably tied the game up on 4th and 12 at least make it 1st and goal from like the 2.
  20. Oh I am positive! Heck they think now are HARD times! Please! Team made the playoffs last year! Hard times is wondering if they will win 2 or 3 games that year lol.
  21. Lmao he also is probably the greatest QB to ever play the game! He is definitely top 3. I don’t think it’s fair compare any other QB to what he was able to do.
  22. A lot of Pats fans have never had hard times till now as far as football goes. I mean anyone under 40 barely remembers the Parcells Era with the Pats never mind the worry that they may move to St. Louis before Kraft bought them.
  23. Andrews was hurt pretty bad 3 games ago. A bad thigh injury, the backup did ok against the Vikings but definitely a serious issue for the Pats. (Andrews was reported (by media not team) be out for the year two weeks ago but has been practicing which is odd)
  24. I am not going with one particular player.. I will say whoever is responsible for keeping Judon out of the backfield.. they do their job like the Vikings did the Bills win easily. They do not it could be a very close game or a Pats win.
  25. Your TE be covered by Dugger who is pretty good. Your mismatch is our LB on RB they will not be on your TE or any WR. (I hope) I expect the Pats D be like they did with P Manning. Daring the Bills to run the ball while covering all the receivers. Figuring the Bills like the old Colts won’t have the patience and will throw into double coverage. Will it work? I doubt it we don’t have a HOF CB like Law or Gilmore back there anymore.
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