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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. I missed that one! But then again after that drubbing I didn’t wanna watch any football lol. Holly is just a homer announcer.
  2. I don’t think Brady is ever going to retire! Lol actually I wouldn’t be shocked if he signed a 1 day contract to retire a Patriot next year… I mean he does have a huge Fox contract to go to. Although I’d love him be the Pats OC. Lol
  3. Look at all of Cam’s hits he got wrecked even in preseason games. I saw that when he scrambled against the Pats and Hightower hit him and had him almost land on his head.. man never slid. I have never seen Allen slide either but I have not seen a lot of his games.
  4. I actually thought Jones was smart taking the intentional grounding there. It saved a safety possibly if the refs saw it wrong. (I do believe it is where the process of the tackle started as that’s his forward progress is the 1, so no safety.) He also probably did it so he didn’t get duplexes again by the Bills D. Lol (shocked that wasn’t flagged with how the refs been lately when you hit a QB. No I don’t say it should have been just saying how they been called lately that usually gets a flag.)
  5. I am not talking about him taking off when the play breaks down. I think calling a QB run outright with him is going to shorten his career. I agree slide or go out of bounds is crucial all it takes is one bad hit and his cannon arm gets destroyed.. it happened to Peyton, and Newton just to name two that I can think of. So protecting himself when he can is needed.
  6. Elway — Great stats. Didn’t win 1 SB till he stopped running around and they used a true RB. (0-3 with his “athleticism) Also only scrambled when the play broke down Young — 1 SB win with a STACKED team. Only scrambled when the play broke down Farve — 1 SB win and by far the most over rated QB of all time. Again rarely scrambled and I believe has the NFL record in sacks.. no idea why you used him! Rodgers — 1 SB AND HE NEVER EVER had a play where he ran the ball unless it was a QB sneak or one of those play action naked bootlegs at the goal line. The last 2 won nothing and as the rest never had a play called for then just to run. You see your examples were poor. Until recently NO COACH would run their QB on purpose in fear of losing them. That’s a new thing with usually a QB with bad mechanics and poor accuracy. Like Josh Allen first year ir two, not now.
  7. That’s a small clip. It’s like a 2 hour show. They also said later this was the only way the Pats could beat Buffalo is in a wind storm. Holly also a footy pajama wearing Pats fan. AKA he thinks they can do no wrong.
  8. Actually I don’t! I actually like Allen! I love good football what I want is my team be good enough to actually make Allen and the Bills WORK for the win. Right now they don’t even have to break a sweat. Lol I honestly believe using him like a RB when he is super talented as a QB. (Unlike Fields and Jackson) will make his career shorter. I also feel like that after seeing the Pats hit him like a penyatta last game. No QB can survive being hit like that.. ya ya he loves it but sometimes a coach has to protect a player from himself.
  9. I think the Jets game could be difficult. Specially if your O line is hurting. Their pass rush is better than NE and well the Pats were living in the backfield all night. Yes I know Allen can make plays on the run but their secondary is also LIGHT YEARS better than NE. This game IMO will be won or lost by Buffalos D because the Jets O is not as good as NE, that or they are still hexed by BB. Lol
  10. Outside of Buffalo I don’t see a potential loss in that group.. unless Miami totally implodes.
  11. Not what most of us mean. We are talking about the Bills playing him like he is Newton or Lamar Jackson. Having him run the ball and get recked constantly. The sad thing is he is a better QB than both of them and he could be derailed by one bad leg injury. We saw how Mahomes was with a minor leg injury. (And yes he is probably the only QB in the NFL perhaps better than Allen) I agree! But that’s if it’s only his legs, Newton arm got destroyed by the nasty hits he took. He had a noodle arm by the time he got to NE.
  12. A coping? Or perhaps we see how other QBs who run like Allen have fared. The fact is their careers were shortened because of injury and they couldn’t adapt their game to be a pocket passer. Could Allen buck the trend? Maybe but it’s not coping point out his style has not fared well in the NFL.
  13. That’s not a survivable long term way to play QB. Like I said I knew I’d hear “this id s football, and Allen is Tough” which is true but so was Cam Newton. Look how short his career ended up being before injuries took their toll? He played the same way as Allen only difference is Allen a much better passer than Newton ever was.
  14. Good Point! The key is the Bills should do all they can to keep Allen healthy! Yes even at 70% he is better than most QBs.. it won’t be good enough against KC, Miami, or Cincy.
  15. If your O line plays like last night against the Jets, you may just get Allen killed!My point winning if you win that game but Allen comes out hurt your chances of beating Miami is slim to none.
  16. If that was/is the case and it ever came out the Bills be in soooo much trouble! Your at the top or near the top of the mountain so the punishment will NOT fit the crime..
  17. IMO the Bills need either A. Get the O line healthy or B. Need do roll out with Allen. Last night he got hit HARD a lot. I know most here will just go “he is Allen he can take it” which is mostly true! But NO QB can stay healthy getting hit like that and so often.
  18. 100% question will your O line be healthy for the Jets game? They have an amazing pass rush and a very good secondary… their weakness is a meh to god awful O. the truth is 3 of the next 4 games will be rather tough games for the Bills.. and the 1 lay up could be hard if their starting QB is back. So hardly an easy run for the Bills.
  19. S it just me but it seems he went off the rails around the same time he got that nasty hit against the Bengals? I mean he was weird before then but more like a little boy never grew up not this. I wonder how severe his CTC(?) is.
  20. Dude it’s the rule! Meyers never saw Hamlin coming he was finishing the catch while the other Bills player (Poyer?) was trying to break it up.. then Hamlin came in and hit him in the shoulder with his helmet. Which I think someone else pointed out you are not allowed to do anymore. You can not lead with your helmet. Please don’t take me defending him as me saying you’re wrong. You can very well be 100% right! The whole O just looks like something a HS coach wrote out on a back of a napkin or something. That’s why I want O’Brian with him installing an Alabama like O we would truly see who Jones is.. I think our “coordinators” are so bad we could have Mahomes or Allen back there and maybe have 2 more wins.
  21. Helpless as in unable to defend himself from the hit. Which he was. Again the right call, and maybe no need for the ejection but it was definitely a hit to the head of a defenseless defender… (no I don’t think he meant to hurt him or anything just happens) I just want him as the OC. He be a gigantic leap forward from dumb and dumber. He also would bring in a similar O to what Alabama runs so we will truly see what we have in Jones. Last year he started good and like a lot of rookies ran out of steam late. This year he been horrid but the play calling been so obvious the opposing D have been calling them out. (So how do you blame the QB for obvious scheme and play calling issues). With him here we know right away if Jones is or is not the answer.. which IMO is the most important question.
  22. That’s the million dollar question. They have some great #2’s and 3 receivers (Parker, Meyers) I don’t know enough about College know who a good top WR would be. As for FA depends on who is truly available. Lmao that was last year. He got rather ripped in the off season.. he was primed make a decent jump with any semblance of a cohesive O plan in place. (Just because he is primed doesn’t mean he would but he had everything set up that way.) then they trade their top Guard, Wynn goes backward (which I didn’t think possible) and Savage is just that on the O line, add in Brown looks old now and we’ll it’s a death trap behind that line.
  23. You do know I was being tongue in cheek with the Brady thing right? First Brady would have gone ballistic on Patricia and thrown his headset into the stands and told him sit down and shut up and watch and learn.. Jones just showed his frustration, no time behind a banged up O line and WR who were not getting open on terribly designed plays. Again I am reserving judgement on Jones till I see him with a true #1 WR. Look at every top QB this year they all have an amazing top WR or TWO. What does Jones have?
  24. Will say what I always say about Jones. It’s to dang early tell. He could be a bust or he could be good. I don’t think he will ever be too 10 but he could be a serviceable Starting QB with a good team around him.. hell I like see him just once with a top WR. I am sure you were like everyone else about Tua as well and this year he is an MVP candidate..
  25. Lol I felt he was channeling his inner Brady. I think Brady would audible out of every play call that man sends in.. he is so BAAAD and then tell him take the head set off and he has it from here. Oh speaking of Brady the rumor here is he may come back and help mentor young Jones for a year.. lol
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