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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Gabbert is a true hero. Takes courage to run towards the crash and not away from it.
  2. Schottenheimer was damn good coach! As for Sid Gillman I had to go Google him as I had no idea who that was! LOO
  3. Not this year. Like I said before the team LOST 4 games they should have won. I think Kraft sees that and will just make BB change a few things like OC. Now if BB refuses to listen or budge then I could see Kraft showing him the door.
  4. I 100% agree with this, only thing I’d change would be the start date for Brady was after the 2007-2008 year.. let’s face it getting Moss for a 4th and Welker for a 2nd and a 7th round pick we’re steals! After that BB didn’t give him much to work with.
  5. The problem Is to many of them act like BB and not themselves. Also the Patriot way is simple.. have a great QB and give him average talent on O that he can lift up while spending more money on the D and special Teams.. the scary part is I can’t think of a great Young QB who doesn’t have at least one elite WR/TE with them..
  6. Damn! That’s a travesty! He wins 2 SB and is SB MVP and isn’t in the HOF.. that’s the case then Eli Manning better not be elected in either. Still say he was an elite QB for his time with the Raiders…
  7. I agree on Watson being to soon. He hadn’t played in over a year, it will take time for him get back into the swing of things and build chemistry with his WR. As for Wilson he looks like hot garbage and has no such excuse… he may get a little better but it seems obvious that he was a System QB in Seattle.
  8. Saban is his only success I can think of.. what’s odd is he has a few GMs from his coaching tree.
  9. Tom Flores won with Jim Plunkett a HOF QB . Gibbs I will concede.. lol I always thought Theismann was a HOF QB but I was wrong.. As for Mac Jones I couldn’t fairly judge any QB with the O this year, we could have the second coming of Brady and he would look crappy in this O. (Not saying that is what Jones is, just saying how terrible Patricia is.)
  10. Ok you can’t count his seasons in Cleveland. MOST coaches fail their first time… In NE without Brady he has the chance (a long shot at that) of making the playoffs 2 out of 3 years without him. This year hiring Patricia was by far the most arrogant thing ever! But if he hired a real OC next year, which I think the Krafts will insist on.. the team could be decent.. (Hell they LOST 4 games they should have won this year with even a semi competent O game plan.)
  11. Only way BB is gone is if he retires. The Krafts won’t fire him this year just make him make changes, like hire a real OC. If the team is bad again next year then they may let him go.. but not until then. (That’s my opinion of course) Ok I’ll play. Name ONE HC who didn’t have a HOF QB that is or will more than likely be. In the HOF?
  12. Blew a 14 point lead against NE and looked like hot dog poo for most of the second half.. wins because NE does something even dumber than the butt fumble.. the fact is the team could never hold onto big leads.
  13. I’d be a lot more afraid of Mixon that singletary. As for QB? First Allen is a notch below Mahomes… I don’t think you can say they are equals with Mahomes going to 2 SB, and already being a league MVP.. Also I think Burrows and Allen are even.. I’d be hard press to choose which one I’d want more. (I’m not biased neither one is or ever will be my teams QB) They are both great QBs and like I said IMO I’d be hard press to choose which one to draft if I was a GM. Mind you not like it’s a bad choice whichever one you choose.
  14. Does Tua have to think of possibly retiring? I mean 3 Concussions in 1 year is pretty bad. I mean that hit people are showing looked mild at best.
  15. Everything you say is true, I just think if a RB Is going to make a difference it be Mixon more than Singletary. I have seen more games where your run game, not counting Allen, is inept this year or if it is working the Bills don’t stick with it. Besides it’s an opinion
  16. This should be a good game. If I was to break it down: QB: EVEN. Both are elite and can take over a game. RB -Bengals — they actually run the ball with Mixon who is a good RB OL — Both are suspect IMO. I give the edge Bills DL — even LB — Cinci Secondary - Bills I predict a close game.. a winner by less than 3.
  17. Ugh! I was always talking about coming out of college! Coming out of college Jones was a better fit than Allen. COMING OUT OF COLLEGE! People here forget that Allen was considered a raw talent that may NEVR DEVELOP. He was hardly a sure thing. AGAIN at his age he would not take a project QB. The fact some here take that as insulting Allen is hilarious.
  18. Lmao then you don’t understand how being a head coach is better than being an OC.
  19. Lol no he is to dang small! That’s all the Bears did in that game was deflect pass after pass of his. Your spoiler is based off of incomplete information. I want see him with hopefully O’Brian where there are no excuses for bad play by him.
  20. lol sure! I mean I know the rumor is O’Brian be coming in and implementing an Alabama type O which would give Jones the best chance to succeed. Did you hear different? Maybe but he showed some flashes with McDaniels who I think would love to have him over Carr.
  21. NE — Will hopefully hire a real OC like Bill O Brian and find out once and for all of Jones is good or not. Denver — They backed up the armored car filled to the top with cash for Wilson so he will get year 2 at least. Indy — Needs an O line and WR, he be dumb go there. Houston — Will draft the QB first overall. NO — they could be a fit but are definitely on the downward trend. Jets — Make the most sense. An elite D with a strong running game and good WR who all they need is a game manager QB who doesn’t mess it up.. They could’ve challenge the Bills with a competent QB like maybe Mayfield.
  22. Well except this year. Wilson is the ONLY major hole on a rather good team.. That D may be the best in the AFC. He also was with the Rams for like a hot minute before he played against them. Have to give him credit for playing well against a decent team when he barely knows the playbook.
  23. Huh? Both of those takes by phin fans are terrible! Lamar would make them worse, and Allen, who IMO needs to learn to slide more, is definitely a great passer who can run as well. mind you there is no reason why that O fell off such a cliff like it has. Seems their old coach was right about Tua being meh.
  24. I hate being misquoted. I said in a draft class a player like Allen that was considered Raw and needed time to develop to reach his potential is not a QB that BB would draft. The fact a few people on here have their undies in a twist over that is odd! It isn’t saying Allen isn’t great now, just that BB doesn’t have the patience to develop a new QB in his 70’s. Seems some here think that’s a hot take. Lol FYI I think I was proven correct on that by the sheer fact he wouldn’t even get a real OC and chose his two DEFENSIVE Buddies to run the O.
  25. It was but not called. Still Stevenson needs to just go down. The call was just to get the clock running again so Cinci wouldn’t have had enough time to come back and win it. For once Patricia called the right play. Sadly the player tried do to much.
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