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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. He looked early to me.. again I’m biased and just an opinion
  2. The one on second down that happened after the Bills fumbled the ball back to NE (after Jones got picked by White) the CB never looked back and clearly interfered (IMO obviously) with the WR. Like I said it didn’t change the outcome. At best the score ends up 35-28 bills.. (at best!)
  3. Really? I’m blaming our Special teams for the loss.. I mean the refs missed two obvious penalties (the off side by Buffalo on the Pats 3rd possession. To make it 2nd and 14 and the obvious PI in the end zone on Buffalo) but I don’t think they decided the game.. I mean I was ticked when they missed them at the time but I was more upset like I said with the special teams play than the refs.
  4. Good luck against Miami next week! Your Bills have a tough road ahead but they are talented enough to take home the Bills first ever Lombardi!
  5. Good game! Refs found the flags in the 4th lol.. not shocked by the outcome at all! Shocked by two Kickoff return for TDs I think the special teams coach may not make it to the airplane.
  6. Well they are peers. (Facepalm they both play in the NFL) what I was showing was that with competent coaching he looked decent his first year! Was it his best he could ever be? We don’t know because year two he had dumb and dumber. Also I was showing how inaccurate he was about the games. He was like “well we didn’t punt 2 games” true, but that had nothing do w Jones and in game 2 (regular season) their stats were rather equal.. the difference was D. The playoff game the Pats D stunk and Jones stats were very similar to Allen first playoff game. weird how defensive people get when you just show the facts. I have never said he be as great as Allen is.. just pointing out with good OC and coaching he looked good.
  7. Wow! Your evidence is comical. I give facts from last year showing with a good OC he was ok.. was it his ceiling? Maybe but we don’t know! So instead of giving FACTS of importance you pull up a DUI from when he was 18. Like we all have not done something DUMB as a freshmen in college! im signing off because that was such a sad character assassination attempt.
  8. Umm the 2nd game was regular season final score 24-10. The last drive Allen threw the ball right into Jackson’s hands at the 15 and he dropped it with less than 2 minutes to go. Was an easy pick 6. Also that game: 22/36 195 yards 1 TD — Jones 22/33 223 yards 2 TD. -Allen Wow what a difference (face palm) Thanks for the playoff upset I forgot.. but your memory is faulty the Bills had a huge lead and lost it in the fourth quarter and then lost in OT to a FG. Also: 1st playoff game: QBR: one 75.8 the other 69.5. Both QBs let down by their D. One had 0 TD passes the other 2 TD. improvise.. lmao Mahomes improvises and had Hill and Kelce to throw to.. Allen improvises has Diggs to throw to.. Burrows.. oh wait he doesn’t improvise much but has Chase and Higgens there.. it’s easy to “improvise with elite talent around you.. Pats have decent Talent but no elite talent like the top improvising QBs.. Now I don’t know if Mac is going be a top 15 QB or a bust.. I want see a real OC with him again like last year where his stats lined up nicely as a rookie and his play in the playoff game wasn’t bad.. the D sure was!
  9. They should have made that game a neutral site if it happened (assuming Cincy wins tomorrow) they got hosed by the NFL not considering the fact that if they won they be the 2nd seed.
  10. Maybe when if we had a competent OC or O at all.. but they don’t and our D has an extremely hard time stopping your O period since the wind game last year.
  11. Last year? They won 1 game and they were a dropped INT from taking the lead with less than 2 minutes left in the second game. Yes it’s his fault you never punted that game but yet they were within 1 score late… (sarcasm) even though Allen and your O dominated. The playoff game was squarely on the D shoulders they never stopped the Bills O once even for a FG and I think that AMAZING INT by the Bills on the first drive hurt Macs confidence as a rookie in the playoffs.. How did Allen look in his first playoff game? (Asking I don’t remember lol and stats don’t always tell the hole story) so see with a competent OC the Pats were competitive on O… again that playoff game was on the D… terrible terrible D game. That’s sarcasm right? I would love see 1 TRICK play by this OC or one creative play even!
  12. Question.. because I honestly don’t know.. did you ever have an unqualified OC or aQb Coach like Patricia and Judge? I honestly don’t know but these two have zero experience on the O side of the ball and they are legit garbage! Mac could be bad or meh we don’t know yet.. we would if we had competent OC and WB coach
  13. No, means the play was that poorly designed. Maybe the open person was suppose be a decoy and never an option but the ones meant go to covered.. or like I said doesn’t feel he has time get to his third read.. he has shown glimpses of amazing accuracy and ok arm strength when he has time.. But needless to say he was the best option in his draft outside of the first pick.. and well the crazy trades for Wilson and Watson look like huge huge mistakes. They needed a QB they drafted the second best available that year and better than any from last years draft it seems too.. and they didn’t mortgage they future to trade for a supposed stud QB. Point is Mac is the best option they have right now unless they somehow trade up get Young if he slips some..
  14. Qb coach is Judge.. also incompetent and never been a QB Coach.
  15. Mahomes — the #1 QB to many in the NFL, until last year the only person ever to beat him in the playoffs was Tom Brady. Allen — Great QB and most have him as either 2 or 3 for QBs. The team and Allen seem to get a little bit better each year but has a tough bill climb as he deals with #1 QB in Mahomes. Burrows — Top 5 perhaps 3 or 2 depending on the “expert”. Seems to have that Clutch Jean come threw when needed.. made the SB in his 2nd year.. if you think about it this could be the new trio in the AFC. We had Brady, Peyton, Big Ben with the Ravens popping up every so often lol. Maybe now we have Mahomes, Allen, Burrows who will be more successful? Only time will tell.
  16. Lmao he is, that doesn’t mean you see the field well if your more worried about your protection or unsure where the play calls for the ball to go..
  17. I hear that up here too, and most state that’s on coaching and film study. That was Jones strength at Alabama but this year he regressed.. the hole O did. Besides where they will be drafting they won’t have a good shot get a great QB unless something weird happens.. I mean if Young slides to whatever number the Pats are drafting you take him but I doubt any good ones slide like that.
  18. I never complained about McDaniels last year.. I do believe his resume was made because he had Brady as QB.. but I think he would agree.. I also don’t think we are so far apart about Jones, you THINK his rookie year was probably his ceiling, you could be right, and if we had competent OC we would definitely know 1 way or the other by now. What I want is O’Brian as an OC and he comes in implements an Alabama style O and if Jones isn’t better or gets worse we know you were right!
  19. I agree about his dirty plays. I don’t understand the one to Apple at all, I can believe he thought the ball was loose the week before and was going for it.. I also don’t think he is top 10 but top 15 if given good coaching and I don’t know an elite WR like a Jefferson, Diggs, or hey Kelce.. weird how ALL the elite WBs now have at least 1 elite WR.. I think Jones is better than Tua potentially… and look what Tua did with Waddle and Hill.. and Tua is no elite talent..
  20. Umm Jones was decent for a rookie last year. He wasn’t lights out but he was ok.. Do you disagree that Patricia and Judge are not competent OC and have regressed the O even more? We could have Brady back there and the O still look horrid. I’m not saying Jones is the answer but he is far from the biggest problem.
  21. Again an unfair comparison. Trubisky had a real and decent OC for 2 years and stunk. Mac had 1 his rookie year looked good, didn’t have one this year looks below average at best.. I am not saying he is good or bad just that we don’t know until he has 2 years with competent coaching.
  22. I think he meant emotionally out of gas. bills 24 Pats 14 Bills cost to a victory and the game is never in question..
  23. Ummm ya everyone knows Jones took a step back this year, in a vacuum you would say what YOU are saying. The problem is it isn’t in a vacuum and the problem is they are running an offense that the D for the first 12 weeks in the year were calling out the exact play they were running. How? Our OC are awful and never been OC before.. add in terrible o line play and well you get the mess which is this Offense. Now give the O an actual OC and it still looks horrid, then you look at the players.. (I mean we have an OC who refuses to use Bourne on a regular bases.)
  24. Lmao you’re happy grammar police.. lol Most rational fans know one thing about Hones. That is we don’t. Know anything because any potential growth was stunted by incompetent OC coaching. (The owner agrees) now next year (fingers crossed) when we get a competent OC we will know one way or the other on Jones. Anyone saying he is great or sucks is just giving what they are hoping for.. (FYI he had a GOOD year for a rookie last year he took an obvious step back this year.)
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