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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. We will see about Jones, he and O’Brian have history and well BOB does better with pocket passers it seems lol. The main issue needs be fixed is the OLine otherwise it all doesn’t matter.
  2. Umm David Andrews didn’t retire. The only 2 retirements they are expecting are McCourty, and special teams Captain Slater. The Pats biggest weakness on O are both tackle positions. Wynn never lived up to his 1st round draft position, and Brown had a terrible year. I believe that both of them had the most penalties for Tackles. (Which is sad considering Wynn missed like half the season.) Add in the pressures they give up and it was a nightmare. Unless they fix this issue they could have the next Moss and Rice out there and it be useless.
  3. I didn’t know that the tweet to most people be like I said sounds like a dumb “you’re on vacation” jerk type thing.
  4. I don’t think thats a shot at Anyone. I mean we all have used the phrase “On 3” it’s how they do the chant in the huddle on the sideline. (Like family on 3) so you go 1 2 3 FAMILY… it’s a football thing.
  5. Based off of what evidence do you see only 8 wins for the Bills? I see 12-14 wins next year for them UNLESS you lose Allen then we’ll I can see 8 or fewer wins..
  6. Not going to happen! Just been announced up here Bill O Brian is now the Pats OC. Which makes me happy, means we will finally know what Jones is one way or the other.
  7. They may not. But that may be because of the limitations of a rookie QB. If he does I am sure someone on here will say Purdy will never be an NFL QB because he doesn’t have a canon for an arm. Lol
  8. We will see if that remains true if the 49ers make the SB.
  9. Ok I didn’t have a horse in this game but I had a few thoughts on it. 1. Running Game - The Bengals had it and the Bills never even tried to establish it. Now in normal weather I can understand this but in snowy conditions like this at least try keep the D honest. 2. Screen passes - like running the ball the Bills didn’t sue this till late while the Bengals did it to perfection the entire first half. 3. Pass Rush - The Bills were making Burrows move in the first half but he always seemed to find an open receiver when he stepped up in the pocket. Allen was harassed all day, I say that was helped a lot by not doing any sort of run plays or screens. 4. injury excuses — Yes the Bills were down 2 DL but the Bengals were down 3 Olineman. Should been advantage Bills. 4. Bills looked Emotionally exhausted and just looked tired and out of steam. I say that was especially true of Allen who has to have everything be on him for the O to work with the way it’s called Lastly Bills fans on here have lost their minds! Allen is still a top 3 QB, The Bills are still a very good team, and this year just seemed to show Allen running out of steam after getting hurt. So to quote Rogers fans here need to RELAX! You still have many more good years ahead.
  10. Sorry, Jets do Jet things! This year they had a great scary D.. next year they will improve the O somewhat but the D will regress.. Dolphins — have 2 great WR and an OK QB. They need make a decision soon on Tua and Waddle will need get paid in a couple years… they still need to improve their D. Pats — we will see. They were horrid on O with a terrible O coordinator. If Bill O Brian is the OC they will at least find out if Jones is good or not. Scary how the best O player was the RB. I just don’t see it, also Lamar Jackson is a running QB who can’t throw. He goes to the Jets whose O line stinks he be injured in game 2.
  11. Sooo it’s on ONLY the QB to move the ball? I mean they could have called screens or I don’t know a few more running plays in the first half? Or I don’t know maybe the D could have stopped Burrows once in the first quarter? Allen had a bad game! But so did everyone else and especially the coaching staff! I’d definitely think of firing the O coach and replacing him with someone who remembers they have RB.
  12. Huh? The AFCE in question? Jets— This team can’t pick a good QB if one bit them in the butt! Phins — Tua is 1 concussion away from retirement and their D is meh at best. Pats — Have a good D but an O that is dis functional on its best days.. The East shouldn’t be an issue next year, and again the Bills issue is Mahomes and Burrows in the same conference. It’s like Brady, Manning, and Big Ben in the past.. right now the Bills playing the role of Big Ben..
  13. I’m a Pats fan and I found your post be downright hilarious! The Truth is Allen, Mahomes and Burrows are the 3 best! The true problem for your Bills is those other 2 are in the AFC and you need get by them to make the SB. What’s the difference right now? A few things: 1. Burrows and ALL that WR talent is on rookie contracts still. That’s good for a couple years then they will need decide if keeping the O together is more important than a good D. 2. Mahomes is a great pocket passer as well as a scrambling QB. He IMO is the best QB in the NFL. He has a great TE and ok WR he makes look better. I expect them to lose next week with Mahomes hurt and their D isn’t that great. 3. Allen — has to carry the running game as well as passing it to keep the Bills O moving everything runs threw him Erik’s, unlike Mahomes and Burrows who have very good RB that they use. Now I don’t know if the Bills have terrible RB or that they just don’t believe in them but way to many games end with like 15 or fewer runs with a lot of those being by Allen.
  14. The Bills were missing 2 starters on their D line while Cincy was down 3 starters on the O line. That should have been advantage Bills. 10 Runs for the entire game, in a very snowy game is beyond mind blowing. That said the last 3 games the Bills seem to me to be out of steam. They could have lost all 3 and the Pats and are not that good period this year and the Phins without Tua been toothless.. My point? It seems after the terrible injury the Bills never fully regrouped as a team and just seemed emotionally and physically drained.
  15. They are wanting tie the Pats who had 8 straight 13 in 16 years record lmao.. I kid but Mahomes hurt his ankle again in this game…
  16. That was a heck of a pick! One handed grab like that and the lob was on target if he doesn’t make that play. Jags are at least a year away from being a real threat but give Lawrence a true threat WR and they will scare people on O.
  17. He also played when P Manning, Big Ben, and A Rogers were in their primes. Also the 49ers in their prime had a joke division too.
  18. Aren’t all the greats lucky? He also got unlucky, Eli escape act, the helmet catch, the dropped INT by Samual in the perfect season SB. BB not playing Butler against the Eagles. So my point is lucky and unlucky usually ends up evening out.
  19. I agree on the D, but the eye test it felt like the Giants O played better.. and well last night Dallas looked like a machine after the 1st quarter.
  20. You’re thinking of old flutie. He had a very good arm coming out of BC.. I know I watched those games made me a BC fan lol.. Also Brees was said be 6 feet most will tell you he wasn’t it was a generous measurement lol
  21. Wasn’t Brees below 6 feet? He was pretty good! I also think Flutie in todays NFL have a pretty good career.. but that goes work.
  22. Levis looks like a really good NFL style QB based on what I have seen of him. I’d be tempted to take him if I was the Pats if he was there at 14.
  23. That’s assuming his knees held up for an entire game. Jackson style is goi g make Gina flash in the pan QB .
  24. This wild card weekend been odd.. Jags v Chargers — I expected the chargers to roll and they did early but somehow blow a 27-0 lead. Jags win 31-30.. 49ers v Seahawks — Yes the final score looks like a dominate game by the 49ers but the Seahawks hung in till the 4th quarter. Bills v Dolphins — I think a much closer game than most expected,. This game made zero sense but proves division rivals are hard to beat twice in a row. Bills hold on to win. Giants v Vikings — another close game and the Vikings lucky horseshoe finally fell out of their butt. Bengals v Ravens — another division rivalry and the Ravens held on to win. (They were trailing in the 3rd quarter) I can’t remember when every game was so competitive like this on WC Weekend! What made this weird is every game was close and competitive but so far only 1 underdog won! You would think it be more 50/50..
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