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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Lol no they agreed to it I’m sure. Also it isn’t rigged I never said that! I said they promoted the Pats as the VILLAIN! They took something small and insignificant and blew it way out of proportion to get them hated.. anyone knows me here knows I embraced the dark side my team came to be known as.. I call BB the Emperor and Brady Vader.. lol it’s actually good for the league because everyone wants a villain.. made the good guys more fun cheer for like the Colts and Broncos… or especially the Giants.. NO victims here and again it isn’t rigged the outcome is unknown.. they just want increase viewership.. I mean before them the best bad guy was the Raiders.
  2. Lmao now you wanna dig into it. Spygate.. made a huge deal over where they were filming.. (which actually fixed the NFL for the better by having plays called into the D like the O) deflategate over PSI in the ball, which was filled with lies by the commissioner, a Lab that was discredited years ago, and my favorite disinformation never corrected like ALL the balls were very low.. when in fact only one was.. So yes you fell for it hook line and sinker.. fact is everyone did it and it only mattered to make people like you Hate the pats more so you would watch the playoffs even if your teams out of it just to cheer for the other team to beat them. Now you may not have but the ratings prove a lot of people did. Lmao read into what the actual “cheating” was: Spygate — was about WHERE they filmed not that they were filming. (Most people fail to remember that) Deflategate — As I pointed out was blown out of proportion and was done poorly.. good enough get people want to hate them believe than and for their fans to easily discredit.. brilliant really! NFL thanks you for accepting their choice of a bad guy.. Now that the Pats are no longer Elite who will the new bad guys be?? Hmm my money is on the Bengals.
  3. Ahh a man who bought the NFL Propaganda hook line and sinker… lol I mean it only helped increase people watching the games the games aren’t rigged but if you don’t think the NFL sets up teams be the bad ya and the good guys you just aren’t paying attention!
  4. I dare say Scar was by far the most important. When he retired the first time was when the Pats lost by 2 to Denver and Brady was hit like a piñata that game I always thought of Scar had been here that year the Ats have 7 SB wins and not 6. Out O line been Meh ever since he retired the man was a o line genius!
  5. I agreed with everything till you said the commissioner in Krafts pocket. Ya the harshest punishment TWICE in NFL history with the second one being open for discussion with how the NFL did it. (commissioner lying, using a hack lab, lying about getting the data from Brady phone). I don’t consider that being on the pocket, but I do believe the NFL exaggerated everything to make the Patriots the villain of the NFL to pump up watch numbers.
  6. This is true! What is also true is Brady ALWAYS took less than fair market value on his contracts. So they always had more money to spend on other positions. I truly fed Rogers as great as he was kept his team from winning because of his insane contracts, I also think the Colts would have won more if they spent a little bit on D.
  7. I know he isn’t a flashy name but he drops few balls thrown to him and he is a first down making machine. He wouldn’t break the bank. I am hoping my Pats resign him but a good chance they don’t. What is your opinion? I think with a QB like Allen and an O where he isn’t the top WR he thrive have 1000yards and say 5 TDs.
  8. Which proves stats don’t tell the hole story. Interesting fact Manning came into Gillette after having 2 perfect games and lost.. what’s my point? Stats mean nothing in the end..
  9. What garbage is that for NE? They go with an unknown instead of Ringo for CB?? I hope that’s not the case heck I hope it’s a OT instead and get the kid from Georgia in the 3rd.
  10. Umm how would this fix the O line? I mean your O scored 10 points against the Bengals and with Von Miller coming back this seems like your putting a lot of money on old players..
  11. I only know the Merrimack Valley well in the area. (NE Mass) I know 2 varsity kids got full scholarships division 1 and I think a 3rd did as well.. but I wasn’t really caring since my sons only a freshman and I just want him having fun learning and having a great HS experience.. if we are honest the chances of a scholarship are small for everyone and making the pros even smaller.. so have fun and make life long friends.. my point to the original poster is HS don’t originate anything most are just running a little more advanced pop Warner play book. (The South is the exception as they are fanatical about football)
  12. I rather he have fun, it’s HIGH SCHOOL! As for teaching him I couldn’t ask for better coaches. They had him watching film for the freshman team and told him to focus on the O line of the opponent. Then they would talk and discuss where they saw weaknesses. It actually helped make him a better student.
  13. Texas is the exception for football. Up here in the NE all HS have them play both ways. (At least in Ma/NH/ME) My son plays Division 1 so nothing higher HERE.. and they do get kids move up into Division 1 schools as well.. (I know a few got scholarships to schools like ND, BC and Virginia this year.. and like 4 other schools I don’t remember and a bunch division 2..) but also that wasn’t really my point the point is HS is nothing like College.. and College is nothing like the Pros.. all big jumps..
  14. they went 8-4 on JV! (Face palm)again with all do respect.. ITS HIGH SCHOOL!!! FYI my son as a freshman played on both freshman and JV.. Their JV team had just 1 loss till the playoffs.. does that mean they have some Magic elixir for the NFL? NO it means they played better as a team and get this.. we’re more talented than the other teams in HIGH SCHOOL! don’t you get it scheming things when you have clear difference in talent is not the same as when the other teams have roughly the same talent level! No new ideas come from HS they come from college where they are truly invented.. 99% of all HS not located in Texas are a run first offense with a very limited route tree. Why? Because they are kids whose first priority is school and they don’t have time to learn a ton of different plays.. in college they do.
  15. All HS have players playing 2 way ball. That’s because they want them to develop more. For example my son BEFORE HS was RT and DE now he is RT/RG (all O line except center) and LB (he has 6 years experience as a freshman used that made him a Captain on the freshman team.) So until college all kids play two sides of the ball then if your lucky a school gives you a scholarship for one side. Umm ok. You do know the skill level in the NFL is like crazy high compared to any other level right? All coaches if they are good watch film and try to attack the other teams weaker players. Like having Diggs line up in the slot to face the teams 3rd best CB.. or having your RB run a route against a much slower LB.. etc.. Also vastly different coaching Kids and full grown men.
  16. Umm you coach to the talent you have on your team. BB is always pretty good at this on D (not so much on O) The NFL copied College because that’s what the talent they had coming up was good at. If suddenly pocket passers are prevalent they will switch again..
  17. I forgot that was the AFCCG in 2021 I thought was division round.. I stand corrected. Sigh the rest is excuse making I heard so much from Colts fans threw the Peyton years.. sadly your wrong about this for Allen, the Bills had the better Defense than the Bengals this year, as for coaching I don’t think the Bengals are any better. The true difference is the. E gals drafts better than most everyone else and has a lot of young elite talent out there on O. Those 3 WR are awesome but their O line is definitely inferior to the Bills O line which wasn’t very good either. The truth is the Bengals the last 2 years have excelled in the playoffs.. The Bills were 13 seconds last year from being repeats in the AFC Game.
  18. That be a close call for me. Just because Burrows has that swagger about him that seems to make the people around him play better. Mind you both are great players but to say Allen > Burrows right now is premature.. Burrows in 2 full seasons has gone to the SB once and the AFCCG game twice… Allen hasn’t made either yet.. Is Allen more talented? Yes, so was Peyton to Brady, hell Rogers had more than both and we know which one is the GOAT.
  19. You are right Allen is considered top 3. You are wrong about Hurts. The top 3 are Mahomes Borrows Allen
  20. Has nothing to do with Allen’s WR. The Bills have to learn to win when Allen has 175 yards 2 TD and 3 INT day. Yes the Pats have done that when we had Brady, the Ravens did it a lot with Flacco.
  21. That’s what I been telling people. The Bengals are going be scary good till the bills come due. A lot of rookie contracts coming due and they still need a real O line to keep Burrows from being killed.
  22. Lol first it’s way way to early to determine this! As for Allen his issue right now is the team has yet to make it so they can win even on a bad day for him. Before anyone says “no team wins when their QB isn’t good” that’s not true the Colts won a SB with Manning playing less than awesome! He made key plays but had a meh game for him.. The Bills need to be able to do that in ANY game for Allen. If for no other reason to get the pressure off the guy a bit.
  23. Elway is Maybe 3, Mahomes shouldn’t be there. YET. Brady Montana P Manning Elway Marino
  24. The Tuck rule was on the books for years! (A bad rule but it existed ) They didn’t create it for Brady, heck they called it earlier that same year against NE.. I also doubt refs gave a dang about Brady his 1st year as a starter. Lol Also umm he played in Tampas O which was a different system than NE and won a SB. Also with his speed he wouldn’t start on Pop Warner for Safety.. thankfully he is the greatest QB of all time.. I never heard anyone else’s D tell their coach No when to huddle up and say “ Nah we are going to sit and watch Brady win this.” Lol
  25. The Eagles have an O lineman who has an arrest warrant out for him for kidnapping and sexual assault. Seems every year at least 2-3 players have some awful accusation and warrant issued for them.
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