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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. He still be a Texan if they had not traded him. Outside of Watson he played with a lot of God awful teams. My point? He will go where he gets the most money GUARANTEED. That probably won’t be NE because well BB just doesn’t do that very often.
  2. No I am saying he would be that’s why JuJu wouldn’t be facing the top CB. He would be Parker would be the other outside receiver. He and Thornton would be the slot receivers.
  3. My point is it depends what is around him. If DHop joins NE as well he will be facing every teams #2 CB and should do better than he did in KC where he faced the top CB. Also Mac stunk last year for a couple reasons 1. We had dumb and dumber as OC’s. 2. He was pouting and unhappy about it.
  4. Last year was only JuJu and well the Future HOF TE. They had nothing else really on O, Mahomes just made them better.. JuJu may have DHop, Parker, Henry..
  5. Very true about cellar dwellers! BUT they should have a top D and as I mentioned before with him added they would have a very good skill position O group. He may feel by joining them he makes them a contender. Heck with him added all 4 AFCE teams be tough outs for anyone else in the league. BB had them a win against Buffalo away from making the playoffs 2 years in a row.. and they should have been like 2-15 last year!
  6. Haven’t all the contenders said they will pass? I THINK It’s between NE and Tennessee . I’d love him in NE but wouldn’t be completely upset if he didn’t come either. He is the difference between 9-8 and 10-7 neither of which is good enough for the playoffs this year IMO.
  7. I would be excited because then we would know with absolute certainty how good or bad Jones is. The D is improved and the O would have good WR dHop, Parker, and JuJu add in Henry and the New TE not to mention Stevenson and the O has enough weapons to be “decent”.
  8. They may make him sell the team. I mean he had payments to make and a 1k fine to pay and refused and disputed the inky payment he made.
  9. Let’s be fair here, BB would have made your D better and you would definitely have made it to the SB and not lost to the Chiefs with 17 seconds left…so you definitely gone to 1 SB with him already.. I don’t know if you win it but you get there.
  10. People say that? I’d be more likely to say the Bills D finds a way play just bad enough to lose in the playoffs. (So far)
  11. I didn’t see this posted, but with Rogers from Indianapolis now being under investigation for hundreds of wagers with numerous ones on the colts and the suspension of a group of Lions players for gambling on games and Ridley for a year.. Why are they being so dumb? Isn’t it obvious to everyone that if you gamble on the game you destroy the integrity of said game?
  12. I think things will be more game to game because playing your CB up on Waddle and Hill and the Bills will get smoked by one or both of them. Against a team say like the Jets and or the Pats and you can probably excel doing that.
  13. I think a minimum of a 1st be needed to get him. IMO the Bengals would be a good fit for him. They need more D talent to compliment that O talent.. and we’ll best to win now while in the rookie contract window..
  14. I understand people who have a second favorite team. In the late80’s and early 90’s I still loved my Pat but I had the 49ers as my second favorite team. Why? Because I loved watching Rice, Montana and Young. Mind you I wasn’t a die hard fan yet either, I just started watching and caring about football in 1986. So maybe fans that do that haven’t found their team yet? I don’t understand the ones choose 1 player over the team.. I cheer for the laundry not the individual player lol
  15. Actually was his third year he played 15 games the most he has played his career.
  16. For Harris it has been an issue as a pro. I think he had one healthy year in NE and that’s it. That said I wish the Pats had resigned him because he was a very good complimentary RB to Stevenson.
  17. Very True. As for this who knows what it was. Did someone practice at Gillette when they were not suppose to? Or something more serious? No one knows.. my GUESS is a group practiced at Gillette which is a no no now.
  18. You do realize your Special Teams last year won you the Pats game at the end of the year right? Also a bad punter and or kick off specialist can lose you a game as well. Special teams are still important.
  19. Not shocked they want the Jets to be good. I mean the Jets will mess this up somehow and end up 7-9 or 9-8.. but I understand the NFL wants both NY teams be good it’s a huge market.
  20. You are right he was an icon back then. Doesn’t change the fact he should never ever have gone to the HOF. He was not a great QB and his one SB win was all because of his D. I myself wouldn’t want talk to the man as unlike you I find his ego was a billion times bigger than his talent. I myself would rather meet Hockey players, they don’t have body guard and if you mouth off to them they will beat the crap out of you personally lol.
  21. Ok, they had 3 more 1st downs, and 13 more total yards. AGAIN the D won the game for him. You point to time of possession but failed notice every other state was practically even which means.. OMG the TO made the difference.. The Colts tan for more yards and Namath had 30 more yards passing.. (the total yards effected by the 2 sacks) So it wasn’t Namaths Quarterbacking skills, but rather his D’s ball hawking skills that won that SB. If they didn’t bail him out the final score been 31-7 and Namath would be a trivia question like “who was the scrub aQB who guaranteed victory and got his butt kicked”. Kind of sad that’s the best QB the Jets ever had till they got Rogers this year.
  22. He had the ball back 5 times and that O only scored 16 points!! They got all that time because the D got the turnovers.. they also were lucky that they didn’t change over to Johnny U earlier otherwise they probably lose.
  23. My point was he was SB MVP Twice.. SB 13 and 14 where they scored 35 and 31 points. That usually makes most people say “ok he is good enough be a HOFer”.
  24. I’ll defend Bradshaw in this way. Unlike Namath, whose D won him that one SB. While Bradshaw won 4 and was responsible for a couple of them..
  25. The schedule this year is pretty hard! Eagles, Cowboys, Chiefs,Jets, Chargers and Dolphins are all hard games and that’s almost half the schedule.
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