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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Lol Somehow you got your feelings hurt by me saying the Bills are a top 4 team. Oh and of course it’s my opinion because I am thinking the Bengals are going push the chips all in while they still have all those rookie contracts to try and win 1 SB before they will have to break the group up. The Bills have a damn good team, sadly the AFC has something like 6 teams that could contend for a championship. (Bills, Bengals,KC, Baltimore, Jets, Phins, ) with a few up and coming teams (Jags,Chargers, Browns). So this isn’t any easy gauntlet for any team.
  2. That is not WR1 type money. It is more on par with a 2 or 3 type money. As for Meyers I wish they had signed him over JuJu just because he and Jones had chemistry.
  3. I expect the Jets to falter and wouldn’t be shocked if the Dolphins falter as well as I expect Tua be injured early.
  4. Last year I am glad they missed the playoffs otherwise Patricia may still be here. That said that roster was horrid and was 1 win away from the playoffs and a winning record.. the first year without Brady was also a year they lost Edelman really early and then he retired before Jones started. So you were replacing not only Brady but your top WR. (And Cam Newton was just beyond bad as a QB.)
  5. Not really, but it shows IMO how good of a HC BB is. The roster in most coaches hands be a bottom 5 team and I could see them winning 10 games w O Brian focused on the O and BB on the D. Also I am a firm believer once you get into the dance anything can happen.. It would be like a 7 million cap hit next year if they cut him and it isn’t that big of a deal for them cap wise.
  6. Regress? Average would be a huge improvement over last year. Lol That said it all depends on Jones, he showed in Alabama he can excel with great players around him so he won’t hold them back IMO. I think, and I could be wrong, the Pats will be a playoff team this year not a SB contender but a playoff team again.
  7. I am a Pats fan and I agree obviously. My reasoning is 2 fold, the O was beyond bad, I say worst in the league bad just by the eye test, and the D had no true top corner (they may now) and we’re torn apart by good QBs and THAT team was 1 win away from the playoffs. (They don’t completely choke that Raider game away they play the Bills twice in a row.) So I believe (hope) with a real OC and 2 TE capable of catching the ball as well as serviceable WR the O could be middle of the pack. The D with the infusion of young talent and BB being able focus his attention there should be even better.
  8. I am guessing the guarantee is the signing bonus he got which would actually lower his cap hit this year. I could be wrong but that’s my guess.
  9. Ok he isn’t bottom 5, nor is he top 15. But he is IMO 16-20. Last year hurt everyone on the offense. Also don’t forget he has played with top end WR in college and at least 2 have said they preferred Mac over Tua.
  10. I don’t think he wants ANY of the teams that want him. The Pats may be the best option of the 4 because, per talking heads, he has a deep respect for BB. (And to the Jones comments on here, the man has played with a lot worse with the Texans.)
  11. Lol the Colts got lucky that year! “Bug Eyes” Caldwell drops a perfect pass to ice the game for NE and they went and faced the (snicker) Bears in the SB. I don’t think the Bills will need that kind of Horseshoe up there butt to win their first SB.
  12. This makes zero sense for the Pats to do. They have 3 young RB, 1 who is a proven while the other 2 showed flashes last year. Why spend 5 million on someone just keep them from seeing how good the kids are.
  13. You are ASSUMING this. I also doubt it because then it becomes Vague and any vagueness Benefits the party that doesn’t write the contract up. So there is zero chance that it is written into the contract. Mind you all sides realize it can renegotiate to change the terms. When it’s beneficial to the player it is easy and fast.. Also if it was as easy as people here think they would do it almost all the time.. it isn’t most contracts never change threw the life of the contract in the NFL.. Also how did a DHop thread turn into a thread about contracts??? Lol
  14. It’s a contract, they can’t change it without him agreeing to the change. That’s just the law you must get their sign off to do any changes even ones that are positive for the other party otherwise you could be considered in breach of contract. Besides that it’s just common sense you tell the person you’re changing the contract and most people (because we are people) give a reason why. Not every person runs it like BB and is as nice as sandpaper on sensitive skin.
  15. It did with Brady up here in NE. They would always ask him restructure for these reasons. He always did. Isn’t that what I said?that was the or part.
  16. Is it plausible they told Diggs they wanted to restructure his contract so they could had the ability to sign a difference maker? Then they failed to sign said difference maker? Unlike what the other poster said they did need Diggs to agree to restructure his contract and they had to give him a good reason why or they gave him a crap load more money as a signing bonus to get him to agree and create more cap spce.
  17. How is that a terrible take? People may not agree but Jefferson is definitely elite.
  18. They have it to Tanahill when he joined the Titans and had a very good year. While Jones only be his third year his first year he was a “Pro Bowler” so returning to good form would put him up for consideration I was thinking. ( I always felt it should go to someone who was injured and came back to perform well myself.)
  19. I would say on offense not sticking to any sort of run game. Teams would give you the run but for whatever reason your O would insist on passing the ball. I remember the Colts with P Manning had the same issue for years till they won it all in 2006(?). I agree the Bills O relies too much on Allen, especially running the ball with him. He is 10X more talented a passer than Jackson but I swear your run game is based around Allen just as much as the Ravens around Jackson.
  20. Ok just MY OPINION: 1. Bills - Best QB, should have a better D with your HC taking over play calling. They really looked exhausted last year come the playoffs, they find a way rectify that I have them in the AFCCG. Dolphins - ONLY if Tua stays healthy otherwise they will flounder around .500 at best. Pats - Adding a real OC will help make the O at least respectable again, if the get DHop it could be pretty good. (I am expecting Jones be in the running for comeback player of the year) The D got a youth infusion from the draft and I expect it be pretty good with Mayo running it with Steve B. (I think Mayo is the HC here when BB leaves) Jets — On paper they look amazing, but it all relies on Rogers. I expect them to fall flat and be well the Jets. They fail make the playoffs and still end up giving up a first to the packers as Rogers plays every game. Again my opinion and I could see the Pats as high as second if Tua gets hurt again, which isn’t hard to believe. I see the Bills as the class of the division with the Jets and dolphins having a house of cards that will tumble down and the Pats just not even close to there yet. Also last year, which they looked absolutely awful, they BLEW games against Minnesota, LV, and GB. They also lost the final game because Special Teams. This year with a competent O I am thinking they play better and they win a lot of these games.
  21. It’s been reported up here the guns were packed in his checked bag.. so he wasn’t trying to carry them onto the plane. Still very stupid just wanted to clarify it a bit
  22. Is it really a hot take? Jets — great defense and supposedly were a QB AWAY. They now have Rogers now, and are the media darlings. My take — This is the Jets the will screw this up and finish in 4th place. Dolphins — look like they improved their D and that O is scary good with 2 GREAT WR and an OK QB in Tua. My Take — Tua last 4 games before he sadly gets another head injury and they struggle and barely make the playoffs. Pats — their biggest change is actually getting a real OC to replace dumb and dumber. The D was top 3 last year but anyone watched the game saw they did awful against good QBs. They did beef up the D threw the draft with a potential Stud CB and some good LB who may be able to cover people. My Take — they win 10 games if DHop signs and Jones win Comeback player of the year. They miss the playoffs by a 1 win AGAIN. Bills - (not saying as it seems any breakdown is scrutinized way to much) last year they had a great regular season but IMO Ran out of steam in the playoffs. my take? They win the division and lose in the AFCCG to Cincy.. basically the Bills are SB contenders and win the division but IMO fall just short of the ultimate goal.
  23. They got 8 last year with no real OC and a D that was only good against bad teams/QBs with no true or potential true CB1. That was all BB pulling wins out of his butt and if they didn’t blow the Raiders game they make the playoffs both years with Jones at QB. (And that O last year was beyond horrid.) so as I said 9-10 wins is the top end based on the schedule.
  24. IMO getting a true starting tackle opposite Brown. ( if he plays) is needed more to see what we have in Mac than another weapon. I think the weapons and a real OC will help a lot as long as he has some time and isn’t getting killed every time he throws
  25. What makes this even dumber! He literally tweeted at the NBA player who just got suspended for flashing his guns on instagram. Saying how he was so dumb doing that.. he showed some promise his rookie year but still got suspended by the team for his conduct.. I don’t think he survives this. (He wasn’t even our best CB drafted last year lol)
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