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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Miami goes as far as Tua takes them. You pull all these stats and thump your chest about beating them stats wise.. meanwhile on the scoreboard the games were very close both under 7 points. like the Bills had twice the number of yards than Miami in week 3 but scored only 19 points and lost… ok it was disgustingly hot.. but 19 points with over 400 yards… that’s hard to do. lmao your going bring up the wildcard game where they had what a 3rd string QB playing? And yet the Bills at home barely bet them by 3 points? point is they are a very talented team and you could have lost to them in the playoffs, which would have been embarrassing.
  2. They are. I figure they beat the Jets and Cowboys.. have a dogfight with the Eagles. (Only because it’s Brady day for the opener) and have their typical bad game in Miami. So I expect 2-2 or 1-3 to start.. if they managed a 3-1 start (pull off a huge upset against Eagles) I’d be shocked.
  3. First, division games are always tough. They barely lost to Rogers with a BACKUP QB playing last year and with no true OC. The Jets D plays just well enough to lose and I have faith they will continue do just that. As for the Dolphins their whole team rides on Tua’s health. He stays healthy they challenge Buffalo for the division.. I don’t see him staying healthy and that’s not his fault the O line is still bad there. Buffalo is Buffalo right now and I wasn’t expecting a win against them.. I expect a 3-3 in the division. I could be wrong, wouldn’t be the first time, but like I said to begin for him to get fired he would have to have a 2-15 type season.. and he is still to good of a coach let that happen.
  4. I am expecting 9 at a minimum this year for wins. I expect the D to be too 5 this year, and have my fingers crossed the O can be between 15th to 20th in the NFL.. do that and 9 wins should be easily attainable. I say this because last year, with a terrible O and a D that was not good against good QBs they lost 5 games by 7 or less. Two of those against good QBs in Bengals, Packers and 1 with a freak WR in the Vikings. My point is as HORRIBLE as that team was last year they easily could have won 9 or 10 games, heck even week 18 was competitive against the Bills.. I dare say I was afraid they may win it but thankfully the kick return team wanted early vacation.
  5. Good post! A few things though. BB is only 19 wins away from the all time wins record, what you showed was just the regular season wins. When you add in playoffs he is 19 away. (So he will probably get the wins and loss record the same year) Kraft has already stated he wants BB to get the wins record as the Patriots coach. They not like eachother but Kraft likes historic things happening with his team(s). Ugh a lot of Pats fans never knew what it was like NOT to be in the AFCCG game practically every year. Think about it anyone under 40 has only really seen success and are spoiled. The only fans lost were never truly fans they were just front runner fans.. aka band wagoners. Boston Market is very tough, but the Red Sox are garbage, the Bruins are going to be in a full rebuild with Bergy and Krecji retiring. So as long as the Pats are competitive then BB be fine and the team one of the top 2. He can not have a repeat of last years team. (While a game away from making the playoffs the team was terrible) BB IMO has 2 years to break the record then Mayo is going to be HC. I think that’s why Mayo stayed. Kraft told him that BB has 2 more years then it’s his job.
  6. I want them be good. If they are competitive and fun to watch (unlike last year) I’ll gladly give him one more for the record then bring on Mayo.
  7. Confused… how is it bad coaching when your players openly admit they did something stupid and they were even told not to do in the Vegas game? How is it bad coaching when the player doesn’t have common sense to protect the dang ball near the goal line? How is it bad coaching when players are in position but fail to make the tackle? That’s just poor playing on the players part. Now last year I was giddy happy they didn’t squeak into the playoffs because that meant he would be forced to remove dumb and dumber from coaching the O. Now that was arrogant on his part. Now let’s look at Cleveland. He took over a team that was 3-13. His first year improved that to 6-10.. followed by two 7-9 years. Meh at best.. the NEXT year it all came together and they went 11-5 and made the playoffs and won a playoff game! the next year Modell announced before the season they were moving the team and they fell flat on their face at 5-11. Most would blame the owner for that but hey BB was the HC and got fired for it. I also notice you fail to mention he went 11-5 and 3-1 when Brady was unavailable either from injury or suspension. I was most impressed with the 3-1 as he went 1-1 with a rookie QB who was not ready for prime time at all. My point is he is/was a great HC if not the greatest. IMO he is now 70 and he doesn’t have the passion and or stamina for it anymore.
  8. I was counting playoffs. He needs 18 more wins to tie and 19 to break the all time win record, including playoffs. I THINK he can do that in 2 years. He won’t coach long enough to get 30 more wins in NE or anywhere else.
  9. OMG! You sound like one of the talking heads. First who care what he did in Cleveland.. a lot of coaches fail their first try.. without Brady he is roughly .500 BUT if they don’t go SUOER NOVA stupid in Vegas or don’t blow the game against GB or I don’t know stop Buffalo from returning 2 kickoffs for TDs.. he makes the playoffs 2-3 years without Brady and if a certain QB didn’t fumble the ball in 3 separate games on the 2 yard line they make it 3 out of 3 years. My point? With Brady they could survive some mistakes without they can not.. (mind you last year was on him)
  10. BB will leave as soon as he sets the record. (Probably next year) He will retire and they will name Mayo as the new HC. They are not going to fire him unless they go like 2-14.
  11. Difference is Rogers >>>> Wilson. Mind you the Jets are SB or bust and I expect a huge bust. I don’t expect them to make the playoffs either.
  12. I wasn’t talking jail time.. I’m talking she should have to suffer consequences that last just as long like for example say her salary is garnished 25% for 10 years and given to him.. our jails should be for violent criminals not stupid kids like this. But her penalty should last as long as his jail time could have is my point.
  13. so she had an excuse MAYBE to lie. That’s just some large horse pucks there. The fact is she ruined the reputation and possibly career of someone for her own SELFISH reasons and she could have gotten a person sent to jail for a long time for something they didn’t do! There is no good excuse for what she did, she should have to face serious penalties for the entire length of time he may have had to serve in jail.
  14. I doubt he files a lawsuit against the Bills. NFL contracts are at will and only the guaranteed part is just that guaranteed. I am thinking he is doing all this so he can get another punting job in the NFL.
  15. What’s really annoying is Brady could have had Metcalf his last couple years here.. heck he may have stayed having a top WR like that on the team. (Edelman and Metcalf would been a scary duo with Brady)
  16. That wasn’t his only issue. He gets zero separation on any route and just wasn’t good.
  17. AFC East predictions: Bills win the division and go to the AFCCG. Dolphins and Jets finish 6-11. Rogers retires at the end of the year. Pats finish 10-7 led by Kendrick Bourne break out season of 1400 yards 12 TDs. He then signs in the off season with KC and immediately says how NE isn’t fun. BB responds with a mumble no one understands.
  18. I never understand how the offense gets blamed for blowing a 27-0 lead. I mean in the 28-3 Pats SB comeback that was 100% on the coaches outthinking themselves and making terrible play calls. I mention that because I wonder if that’s part of Herbert issue, he has terrible coaching?? I don’t see enough of their games to know and when they do face NE they look horrid.. (and I am talking Newton and Jones Pats not Brady)
  19. Speaking for myself I dislike Jackson because he has not been available the last 2 years for the playoffs.. Herbert stays healthy.
  20. I may be wrong, but I thought he was a potential 4th or 5th rounder if he came out this year.. I saw Mayer (my parents are huge ND Fans, I am more a BC fan and hate the fact Flowers is a Raven lol) they played top teams and he always looked good both blocking and catching the ball in coverage. I only saw Kincaid a few times so I don’t know him as well, IMO he wasn’t a complete TE as you stated but damn can that man get open and catch the ball. I like both of them l wont be shocked if both are hugely successful since they both have good/great QBs getting them the ball.
  21. First they are both capable of either being amazing or busts. Also what did I say that was “slobbering” about him I just stated facts! He was amazing with sub par QBs, Kincaid had a QB that will actually be drafted before the 7th round. I also disagree I think either Kincaid or Mayer been a great fit in Buffalo. I mean the potential for Kincaid is Kelce, and Mayer is Gronk.. Your GM just took who he thought was better.
  22. Lol that’s a misspelling of epic proportions on me! I meant Michael Mayer… kid was unbelievably good in ND a great catcher and blocker. He did amazing with mid level to meh QBs his entire College career.
  23. First I will say the Patriot way is dead for 2 reasons. 1. Brady was about 60% of the way and BB 40%. When Brady left, BB also well just didn’t want to work as much. (Who would in their 70’s). As for the practices, that’s why so many NFL Players said NE wasn’t “fun”. (Which I always hated, my job isn’t fun either and I still had to do it and damn I am not paid millions) IMO the Bills will break through eventually, it will just be a lot harder since the AFC has so many good teams with good to potentially great QBs. (You be in the SB every year in the NFC IMO)
  24. Probably the main reason why no team has beaten the offer of 7 million from Minnesota so far. A lot of teams just don’t want the drama, or can’t afford the distraction during camp.. and the ones who can really don’t need him.
  25. Bills passed on Meyers too.. lol I kid but I saw both play and Meyers would IMO make a more immediate impact than Kincaid.
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