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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Umm no, that’s the Chiefs and Bengals, especially the Bengals for the Steelers. People face KC they make it their SB. When they face the Bengals they are a measuring stick. Now teams don’t overlook the Bills by any means but outside of the AFCE no team IMO thinks of them as a measuring stick especially in preseason.
  2. Most have the floor at 7 and the high at 9. If the O plays well they could go IMO of course 10-7… like anything else anything can happen that’s why you play the games. As for the other QBs I would say they won because they had competent OC, I would dare say last year with O’Brian or McD they win 10 or 11 games.. last year the fact they won 8 was mind boggling.. the O was pop Warner level bad!
  3. You may be right. Jones had a very good rookie year, he was the best rookie QB in his class. Last year he regressed, IMO because he had dumb and dumber as coaches. I agree this is the year he has to show he has “it”. I am expecting a rebound season for him, how good will he be? I don’t know.. but I want to know this year.
  4. Lol that’s the other issue, Bill is NOT an elite GM. He can cook he is just bad at picking the groceries now.. lol as for Mac Jones, he had a good rookie year then BB stuck him with dumb and dumber and they neutered the one big advantage Jones had coming out of college.. his brain. Now if Jones stinks again this year I will agree with you.. but last year was all on BB Ego.
  5. I disagree. I think like everyone else now in his 70’s he has slowed down and well perhaps the game passed him by a bit. But his body of work shows he is the GOAT IMO of course.
  6. OJ want anywhere near as insane as Hernandez. I mean Hernandez killed a bunch of people. (Allegedly)
  7. I said based on how THIS was written. I didn’t say you were wrong I was just stating based off of what we read it appears be straight up blackmail.
  8. That depends HOW he demanded it. If it was threw an attorney your right, but by the way this was written he was trying to blackmail them to pay by threatening to hurt their reputation.
  9. Thanks! But I am really scared if you think someone in his 20’s is “older” lol. Those players are all good, and well one unproven. The fact is you could have Allen at QB with Jefferson and Diggs at WR and King Henry in his prime and it mean NOTHING if the Oline stinks!
  10. Correction, they dumped him but wanted him back at their number which was closer to what Zeke got with NE. RB are getting really crappy money (NFL Salary wise, I’d dance a jig for 6 mill a year) and I wonder when the pendulum starts swinging back the other way for them.
  11. I think Zeke be a good 3rd down back and a danger catching it out of the backfield.
  12. Umm wasn’t just his life. It was the families life as well during that time. Sad he is suing them now. They took him in when he was living on the streets
  13. Umm Zeke IS the backup. Plain and simple. He is there to keep Stevenson fresh.
  14. IMO he be great for pass protection and catches out of the backfield.. I don’t see him running the ball much I am thinking third down RB.. and yes Stevensons is a beast but they needed someone else in there to take the Carrie’s down for him.
  15. Lol I think every fan base feels that way about the local color guy for an opposing team. Solan is a pretty smart guy but he is DEEPLY invested into the Pats, he usually knows things before writers with the team. (Not always but it’s scary how often he does) as for Sanderson he was a huge homer.
  16. Lol that was a hard game to watch. The most exciting Offensive thing to happen was seeing Malik look like the true 3rd string QB and perhaps second string after seeing Shorty Zappe fail miserably behind a GOD AWFUL line. The rookie D players for NE looked good, but any why couldn’t the Pats draft Tank? If for no other reason his name alone!!! Lol
  17. Lmao your Jelly is showing! (I kid) but come on man! No one going out that down! That’s nothing compared to what Cromartie had/ha 14 kids so his payments are high and well his pull out skill is obviously BAD!
  18. First, you have to be miserable to be a Jets fan, it’s a requirement for admission. Lol Second I expect the Bills to blow the doors off of the Jets week 1. I see 4 INT with 1 returned for a pick 6. The Bills shock the Jets and run all over them for almost 300 yards between cook, and Harris with Allen scrambling for like 40 yards. Final score? Bills 27 Jets 10
  19. I would say here and Forums.colts.com use to be very good but it really has gotten slow in there now very few people post regularly anymore.
  20. Hmmm I bet Mayfield excels in Buffalo and Allen would be the footnote.. Think about how good Mayfield looked his rookie year with a terrible team around him. mind you I think Allen Benifited from a better run organization than Mayfield at the time he was chosen.
  21. They are but they were not first round picks Jimmy was a late 2nd and Brissett was a late third. It shows he still could evaluate talent later in his career. The one thing he ALWAYS stunk at evaluating was/is WR talent. Which when you don’t have a top tier or GOAT at QB you need at least 1 elite WR. Lol I hope you send flowers to Asante Samual for that! I was so ticked when he dropped that INT..
  22. Brady was a large part of the success. What people forget sadly is: cassell: went 11-5 with him as the starter. JImmy G/ Jacoby Brissett: Went 3-1 and the 1 loss Brissett the 3rd string QB had a broken thumb. My point is he went 14-6 when Brady was out. IMO like Brady, Father Time has caught up to BB as well. I believe change will happen but not for another year.
  23. I am just not sold on Rogers. I think if things dont click right away he starts sulking and giving half efforts AGAIN. As for the Jets is there a QB they ever had that was truly good. they kill QBs like the browns kill football careers. (Do not mention Namath, IMO he is the most over rated ever!)
  24. LOL it would have been embarrassing because they had a rookie Skylar(?) Thompson playing QB for them and he was a 7th rounder at that. Ok think of it like this if Buffalo had lost Allen as well as your backup QB and were down to some rookie you never heard of and came within 3 points of beating KC. Would you say that the teams are pretty close talent wise and that the QB factor was the deciding fact in the loss and if you had Allen you would have won easily? (Thats what most NON Bills fan see in that WC Game.) Mind you that was the second week in a row I thought Buffalo just looked tired and slow. I mean they let NE hang around and well my Pats absolutely stunk last year. In the end anyone look at the two squads and on O your close to even with QB the Bills have an edge but WR the Phins have the edge. The gap is closed for now. Valid points, I think they beefed up their D this year if I am remembering their moves correctly. I still think they will be good on 0 as long as Tua stays healthy. I just don't know if he can.
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