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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Lol first Jones barely played in the preseason.. (so wasn’t hit a lot that be Zappe who got hit like a pinyata) second Reiff had been moved to guard because he had been so horrid at tackle. there is a reason they made 2 trades for OT because outside of inconsistent Brown the RT was a turn style in the preseason.
  2. Well let’s break down the position battles: Jets D Line v Bills O line — Advantage Jets Bills D line v Jets O line — advantage Bills Jets secondary against Bills Receivers — slight advantage Jets/ push.. it’s close. Bills Secondary v Jets WR — Advantage Bills Running Backs — advantage Jets wild cards? QBs who will show up? Aaron Rogers — has Father Time caught up with him or was last year an aberration? Allen — he is a top 4 QB, but he sometimes gets into trouble when he tries to play hero ball and with the Jets secondary that could be fatal. outlook— I wouldn’t bet on this game period. My Gutt says Jets in a close one but the Bills could easily win it truly comes down to how the QBs both handle the other teams too 10 D.
  3. If Allen stays healthy I see him being top 4 QB. I think the Bills will go to the AFCCG game but come up just short of the SB. I think Lawrence is going to light it up this year and be the media darling.
  4. I see 11-6 and Bills win the division, they lose a couple of tough games late and at least 1 game where they have a clunker. That is a game where everything goes wrong. They go to the divisional round and win over KC and lose in the AFCCG by a FG late.
  5. Lol I misspelled it because the e is right next to the w and I have fat fingers lol.. and Burrow just sounds wrong in the sentence.
  6. I don’t know special teams killed the patriots week 18 in Buffalo lol… My point was that without the guys on the line doing their job you could have Brady,Mahomes or Montana back there and they would still struggle. If I am not wrong the weakness for the Bills is the O line, or at least what I hear here all the time.
  7. Can I just add the Patriots do not have the success they had without Scar, the Offensive line coach. They had dominant O lines till he retired . The first time he retired and that’s when Brady almost got killed by Denver in the AFCCG ( BB convinced him to come back) then he retired again after 2018 SB win and the O line been meh to bad since, so has the team. May that be the piece the Bills are missing on O?? Point well taken!! FYI Brady gave his team the lead with 2 minutes or less to go in every SB except for the last Eagles SB. Which just proves your point it takes more than just 1 man or side of the ball to win.
  8. Wow! That is some research there! Can I just add another. The SuperBiwl against the eagles : Brady: 505 yards 3 TDs 105 QB rating.. They lost that SB because the D gave up 40+ points. Defense can win and lose championships. (Or the chance to even go to the championship Bills .13 Seconds left to go with the lead and the D couldn’t stop the Chiefs)
  9. Lol the voices in the ear has been disproven and stated by the NFL as false as the NFL HAS CONTROL OVER WHEN THEY GET SHUT OFF. The under inflated balls part also proven false because they fumbled LESS after Deflategate. (Look up the stats) I love how you say “gifted” when they still had to execute and score the points to win/ or make the play on the ball and intercept it. I understand not liking the guy but such hatred is just not healthy.. let it go! You have the new beast of the East in Allen enjoy it
  10. My bad, for some reason I thought it was 2018 he joined the Bills. But he probably made a difference in 2019 for NE, another option for Brady besides Edelman.
  11. Well his other option was to go to NE and play with Brady… So his career arc would been very similar to what it was.
  12. That’s because he could never ever say a Michigan QB was better than him a ND QB. Lol that said this topic is dumb.. so many great QBs never win a SB. Some never even make the dance.
  13. Not a good example… the Lions were/are a dysfunctional organization. I like the Marino comparison.. hmm does that make Shula a lesser coach since he never won a SB with Marino? Lol
  14. Time. Brady when he first entered the league was told “just don’t screw it up!”. After 10 years Brady saw every possible defense. He also had an amazing football IQ like P Manning.. I don’t know how Allen’s is but not everyone is super smart in reading defenses most are well average at it. OMG! The Bills were gassed and it was obvious.. I mean it took a huge performance by the O to beat the Dolphins who had a THIRD string QB starting that game and it was at HOME!
  15. Umm maybe because he has to go through Mahomes and Burroes to even get to the SB. also comparing Allen to the GOAT just isn’t fair! Brady was one of the best ever reading Defenses in NFL history. He also was not forced to carry the team when he first started, the Pats D carried the team and let him develop. Allen been the man since day 1.
  16. I like the sun retiring commercial with him in it. “Can I take a selfie Mr Marino?” Lol
  17. Then you would first get fined then eventually suspended for doing such a thing. Not allowed to publicly call out the refs.
  18. Stafford always had a god awful team around him! There is a reason why the 2 best players in Lions history both retired in their primes.. lol
  19. Had Rogers ever had a division that was good? I am asking I can’t think of one elite QB or team in the Packers division.. maybe the Vikings but they haven’t had a really good QB in forever.
  20. Ok, umm The Jets are going to be pumped super high and if the Bills play DISCIPLINED they should have a huge lead at half while the Jets make numerous dumb mistakes.. Have the Dolphins ever beaten the Bills with Tua? So why are you worried now? The worst the start is 3-1… The Bills will be fine and make the playoffs, I want to see, like I am sure most non Buffalo fans are as well, if they will wilt again or not in the playoffs.
  21. What did you miss? Jets — got Aaron Rogers and still have one of the top D in the league. A lot of experts are expecting them to make some noise. Dolphins — Got a better DC and added some D talent. Their season will go as far as Tua health takes them.. They could be very good as well. your also facing KC,Cincy and the Eagles. I also think a lot of people/experts saw how the Bills faded badly down the stretch and are expecting a step back. Will they… I doubt it.
  22. Brady always took way under market value while he was in NE.. never fully guaranteed but he left a LOT of money on the table so the team could build around him.
  23. You could be right about Jones. It’s hard for me to tell yet considering last year was just a train wreck on O. Mentally weak? I don’t know what you mean by this but guessing because he got angry in games at the coaches incompetence in getting plays in on time? I am not expecting much this year my one hope is we know one way or the other if Jones can be good or not. He showed a lot of promise his rookie year and like I said last year the O was run horribly and everyone on O was complaining.
  24. It was year 2 for Brady.. but I get your point. A lot of Colts fans said it when they had Manning too. Also to add to your point he kept a 6th round QB around when the Pat’s had their 1st round Franchise QB. (I think Bledsoe just signed a huge contract at that time too)
  25. Actually with a good OC having two different style QBs wouldn’t be that big of a deal. If anything with the O line we have right now having someone can run for his life may come in handy!
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