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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Maybe someday the Chargers will learn you still need a defense to win in this league. Also Herbert has great stats but I always consider that game a W for the Pats because BB owns him.
  2. See I think Sanders be a more fun QB if they picked a QB.. heck right now I’d be giddy with the tackle from ND being picked by them in April.. the O line has been horrid.
  3. Basically BB seat is hot. Kraft feels he destroyed Jones development last year and forced him to hire a real OC in O’Brian. If they start 0-4 (which is all but guaranteed if they lose to the Jets) Kraft may tell him this is his last year and then Promote Mayo to HC and make Groh GM. But that’s my guess and opinion and as my wife says I am wrong a lot.
  4. Not as much as Lawrence Taylor, I mean I knew who he was because he destroyed my Pats QB constantly. But outside of the teams he faced he wasn’t known like Taylor was.
  5. Disagree about Marino, I think in todays game he been killed behind what would definitely been a faulty line. (I don’t think anyone has a good line anymore) They changed the rules about corner backs holding and “mugging” receivers after the Colts whined about it after getting smashed by NE and Ty Law intercepted everything Manning threw including his lunch money (lol) Bruce Smith was special and IMO would been a household name if not playing in the same age as Lawrence Taylor.. Kickers are definitely better, but the rule changes have helped them too, I am sure what the Pats did last week will be written up and made illegal for next year as an example.. (also not allowed now to leap frog over the center.. )
  6. Sad thing is right now Josh is probably one of the few good QBs in the league period. Most are average to below average. (We Have Allen, Mahomes and Burrows who are Elite, Jackson is average (as a QB) and Hurts maybe.. then everyone else.. (not counting rookies)
  7. I get your point about Allen. IMO that was holding the Bills back the fact he HAD to play Superman to win. Hopefully for the Bills those days are done and the team has a more balanced offense. As for CMC he is just amazing as is the wide receivers on SF. Purdy is the perfect QB for them because he doesn’t try to do to much because to go with a loaded O they have the best D in the NFL.
  8. McCaffrey is the best all around RB in the NFL when healthy. Everyone was afraid to trade for him because of his injury history the last 2 years. Also Allen has NOT been Superman the last 2 games. 1 he was just bad, the second he took what the D was giving him. But no Superman so far this year..
  9. I will be shocked if the family doesn’t sue the Dolphins and Patriots along with the NFL siting something like wrongful death caused by not providing proper security.. or something like that. that said 10k is nothing and something he easily could have donated himself to start it
  10. I am old enough, and Jim McMahon was, even for the 80’s, an average to below average QB.. they won and told him just to not to mess it up.. mind you his ego was huge!!
  11. Allen would be a bust if they had drafted him.. that is a QB death zone lol
  12. I hope his family gets some kind of definitive answer caused his death. If he had no known issues it would seem the confrontation brought it on.. right? That’s dumb if they took it down for that reason, especially since every witness also says he is sucker punched by someone else . All in all an incident that easily could have been prevented.
  13. That’s why I said they didn’t even go for help. Doesn’t take much to go get security. Especially when (if the reports are right) it was 2 on 1.
  14. An Update: the man’s Name was Dale Moody from NH and it is now being reported it was a couple of dolphin fans who hit him (they are saying brutally beat him) and caused his death. What makes it even worse is it happened in front of his son and the people at the stadium instead of helping him took out their phones and taped the incident. God people disgust me not only the men who killed him but the ones not even going for help to stop it. Everyone tapes everything but god forbid you do something g to stop it. (Sorry for the rant)
  15. So true! And it seems it’s getting worse. Like I have said before back in the early 90’s the Bills fans were probably the nicest fans of any fan base I ran into at old Sullivan stadium. But even Jet fans vm back then never got so angry as to fight.. mind you we stunk like badly stunk back then so not many Pats fans in the stands then lol.
  16. Now now now.. allegedly!! Lol but seriously I was thinking that’s when the unraveling began.. now he seems to be spiraling.. although the NFL didn’t seem to think he deserved any fines for the face masks or bumping the ref.
  17. Man am I ever glad that my Pats didn’t make the deal to get him. Seems he is unraveling.
  18. I have read it was a dolphins fan and also read it was a Pays fan. So I am not sure which it is, mind you Pats fan, dolphins fan… a fan of U2 it doesn’t matter. There was zero need for what happened.
  19. Lol I wanted Flowers, I knew he was going be amazing I watched him at BC he was the only weapon they had. That said Gonzalez was the right pick, he is going be a top CB I think. As for the Pats O, Mac Jones right now is ranked HIGHER than Allen. The point? It’s 2 games and we don’t really know what any team is yet. I mean it be different if they Pats were destroyed 40-3 by 2 top teams but they were not.. Exactly, any given Sunday!
  20. The Commanders have a good D this year or at least it looks like it after 2 games. Bills should be fine as long as Allen plays within himself and doesn’t turn the ball over.
  21. Bills win the division, the Dolphins will be second and have the highest ranked O in the league. (But their D will be exposed), Pats will be 3rd as I think the Pats D is better than the Jets right now, but also think the Pats O is a LOT better even if they can’t run the ball. Jets end with a top 8 pick.
  22. Fun banter back and forth is part of the experience.. I have a Canadiens fan that I did that with for years when I had Bruins season tickets at my disposal. We joke around about how crappy the others team was then always end up saying “ the loser buys dinner tonight!” As you can see we ended up as friends. Lol I never will understand getting so angry at something that’s suppose to entertain you and help you forget your own issues for awhile.
  23. Lol the Pats O Line is a mess right now. The Pats passing O been decent, the problem is they can’t run a lick behind that line. The line isn’t great for pass blocking either as Jones is the most pressured QB in the NFL right now, has the 2nd lowest time to throw, and is tied for the most drops right now, but still top 10 for TD, Yards, 1st downs, and PFF Grades. Now imagine the line is healthy and they could run the dang ball.. lol Oh and that rookie corner kept Hill at 40 yards for the game, sadly our starting CB on the other side (Jonathan Jones) went down injured) as did the backup (Marcus Jones) but they still kept Miami at 24 points for the game. So for once I actually think they should be able to handle Diggs and force someone else to win the game for Buffalo. (The Bills have the talent to do it it but will they?) Also I never said be afraid.. just that he has looked very good going against 2 top tier WR already. the point is no game is “East” heck the Jets game without Rogers should have been “easy” right?
  24. I saw it on Pats Pulpit. The dolphin fan was punched twice in the face then slumped over in his seat. (I don’t know how to share the article lol) so I would agree sounds like Manslaughter.
  25. It was reported he was punched in the face. They MAY Say that brought on the heart attack if it was a heart attack. Again no idea why you ever need get physical in a game. At 53 someone being a jerk to me I just go and grab security and have him kicked out.. I’m too old for that crap.
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