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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. I doubt that! If you can't get to Fitz you think your corners going stop the Arizona WR?
  2. OMG Fitz has to be the luckiest SOB ever! Two fumbles in 8 snaps and they recover both!! Wow!
  3. Drafting D yes! That D was/is nasty! On O that's when the GM steps in.. Mind you BB has both powers so no separation here.
  4. Hmm my prediction bills: 10 Jets : 7 All points caused by turnovers.
  5. IMO you have to give the coach a lot of weight (no pun intended) when it comes to drafting as it is his system you are drafting for. That said even the best screw up the draft and the coach makes the GM look like a genius by making lemonaid with those lemons he got. Lol
  6. Lol except when you guys were going to back to back to back to back SB my team sucked worse than yours does! He'll except for 1986 they pretty much sucked since I can remember till 1996.
  7. I am a LONG time Pats fan since the late 70's I had the Patsy label on my team for like ever... For us that didn't change till Kraft became owner. So trust me I understand the frustration.
  8. That is a very logical assumption, unless both our tackles are still down. (We had no Volmer or Solder last night so another reason he was in blocking usually Chandler jones )
  9. Doesn't mean you couldn't make the dance and upset my team. The Jets did it once why couldn't the bills??
  10. Lol you had me worried then I remembered you guys had picked up Gronk Little brother lol. I am sure he will land on a prescribe squad somewhere....
  11. Ok I can't believe how many people are thinking the year is over because you lost to the Ravens. First the Ravens D is VERY VERY Good! They only had issues last year when their leader Suggs went down for the year. Second your teams D stifled a rather Good QB in Flacco who does have a few weapons to throw to and he'll giving up 13 points is amazing! Third you were on the road against steam that until last year was ALWAYS in the picture for the SB and IMO probably will be in the hunt again this year. Now if you guys lost to Cleveland I would understand the panic.. But sheesh this was the Ravens!!
  12. Brady was hit a LOT last night and he was peeved at his own line even was yelling at them to "play with some BLEEPING PRIDE!" he was ticked off.
  13. lol exactly I can cut off a piece and its still good.... just I think Manziel issue can be cured over time... with the right team behind him. (like a denver,GB, NO, etcsomewhere where they can sit him for awhile to learn and smarten up)
  14. I will take a tplayer with Manziels issues over a Hardy issue any day. And I dont see Hardy playing time deminished at all.
  15. I disagree. now they still will not know what they have and will cut him and he will go somewhere else where he will sit on the bench and learn while getting sober with support from the team. He has shown talent and flashes being a good QB, and Cleveland stinks so bad they cant afford keep screwing up on QB picks.
  16. He does, but benching him for falling off the wagon?? be like being suspended from work for the same thing just dumb. Now if his play suffered then you do it but he has played very well for them and this is just a dumb dumb move. No, he went to rehab on his own resolve. It is not unusual for alcoholics to fall off the wagon especially early on.
  17. Wait all because he went to a party and had a drink? when did the browns become the MORAL police? talk about a franchise you go to kill your career.
  18. I saw the one in the Giant SB where Brady got called for it even thought there was a guy right there... the refs inconsitencies are annoying. And there is where the JUDGEMENT call comes in. the ref has to determine they feel he was doing this.
  19. 1. it ws the first game without Edelman, who is Brady security blanket (no it isnt gronk its E) and Amandola was doing well but losing him AND Dobson made the Pats O that much simpler defend/ 2. this was the first game where these 5 Olineman played together at all this year, To say it was a hot mess would be an improvement. 3. If Amandola out for a long stretch, then yes Pats O is in trouble, but I think the Pats D can keep them in any game left fo this year. 9E do back for the playoffs.)
  20. great screen shot, clear Holding and an easy call... shocked the refs saw it lol
  21. We get it the Refs SUCKED! its kinda ol news now lol
  22. Well, Buffalo got a perfect storm , First game with No Edelman, and Oline playing together for the first time as well. Add in losing Dobson early then Amandola in the 3rd quarter and any QB look bad with losing that many weapons so quickly. (the play calling also showd this with the run heavy 4th quarter.) But the Bills executed the plan masterfully! all credit to them, like 1 billion times. I litterally loled at work!
  23. Great work, and I am sure there is a ton of holding on both sides that did not get called. The refs were just BAD Last night.
  24. I THINK, It is because they were at the line to snap the ball so stopping the clock would not help them or hurt them. (I believe.) Game was called very weirdly.
  25. The whistle was BAD, so was the late hit on Brady, the missed PI call when Lafell wasnot allowed to get back tot he ball and I dont know how many times Chandler Jones was held but I lost count lol.. But in general it was gawd awful both ways, I mentioned the missed Late hit on Taylor, the time running out at the end of the game.. etc
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