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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. So annoying? I was one of the few here telling you guys NOT jump off a bridge after your week one loss. I watched Your game Thursday and commented on that. Almost all said I did not do anything bashing but just pointed out what I saw. Also believe it or not I don't hate the bills ( I only truly hate the Jets) and I even rooted for your guys in the last 2 SB appearances.
  2. If he had not gotten hurt today I think he drops 50 on Miami. Jimmy G going be a good QB in the NFL. I think our D can stop your O pretty well. I think it will come down to mistakes in week 4.. Like I said I see 24-17 game or lower
  3. Your chances went up a lot with Brissette. But with BB and McDaniels I expect a good game plan and a defense to force a few turn overs from Tyrod. I expect a score like 24-17...
  4. Very true especially if your not putting safeties deep to help your corners as well. A recipe for disaster. That's what got me, the game plan never changed.. You get 14 points start the third.. One on a broken play and the other on a Fumble... The Jets punted what twice? Once because Marshall literally dropped a 30 yard completion? The Offense had 1 drive and that was at the end of the game and that showed no urgency to it. Kelly had to be screaming at his tv if he was watching.
  5. Continuity means crap.. I stew for a bit and would call the GM and Coach into my office on Monday and and say very calmly. "I have never been so embarrassed in my life as I was Thirsday night." Look at Ryan " you call yourself a coach and that's how you have this team prepared for a DIVISION RIVAL! Completely unacceptable! My 9 year old son knew what plays you were running on offense. MY NINE YEAR OLD!" Then turn to the GM " what are you smirking at? I seen better football talent on American Idol than you put on this roster! Why the hell is Salas a top 4 WR OPTION HERE? Those corner back cover as well as Donald trumps Tupee they were not fooling anyone!" Then I stand up look at both of them " I suggest you both work together because if I don't see drastic improvement you BOTH better get your resume ready! Now get the hell out of my office!"
  6. Some reasons why a coach wouldn't think "wow only 20 months" 1. The team has regressed under Rex. The Bills were on the cusp of making the playoffs before the old coach resigned. 2. Your D went from top 4 to bottom 3rd of the league. 3. Team has become undisciplined. They take stupid stupid penalties 4. Your O line has improved and if you get a young QB from college and say pick up a Bradford (for a year) the O problems could be fixed a bit. Those are off the top of my head.... So Rex brought his firing on himself. Also the Bills could very well beat my Pats in week 4. No Brady still, no Nincovich, a patch work O line I'm sure still.. And one game does not make Jimmy G. A scary QB.
  7. Phantom? Do you miss the guy being taken down by the Jets O lineman? It was actually a good call...
  8. Not many RB get 4 yards a carry unless their O has a pass offense that allows that to happen.
  9. Imagine what he be like with a Rogers, Bree's, Brady throwing him the football? I bet 1000 + yard and 8-9 TD's
  10. What I would do if I was GM: 1. start looking at options to replace Rex, more than likely for next year. More than likely it's going be a coordinator. For some reason too coaches shy away from Buffalo. 2. Look for real WR coming up in the draft and possible free agency. Salas should not be a top 4 WR on any team! 3. Start shopping some pieces for draft capital.. First to go would be Darius. What good is 1 good pass rusher if the rest of the team isn't good. I would try for a 1st but would accept a 2nd and a raw talent say at CB. 4. Call Rex and Rob in and say if I see a performance like last night again they are both fired on the spot.
  11. Very true, but with your top player being a pass rusher, wouldn't LOGIC be to call some Blitzes to make up for him not being there... There is bad coaching then there is "WTH are you thinking" coaching last night was the WTH type..
  12. Read above. They can change a game but your coaches knew for awhile now he was out. There is no excuse why they didn't have the team ready and in a position to win even without your best player..
  13. Good teams no scratch that well coached teams win even without their best player on the field. Hell the Pats did it week 1 without Brady,Gronk, both starting Tackles and without Ninkovich on D in a SB contenders house... So it is double if the team is coached up.. Rex can't do that.
  14. Recojes, believe it or not the Bills have every team a blue print on how to beat the Jets D. Their front 7 is good but give any good/great QB 2-3 seconds like Tyrod had and they will take apart that weak ass secondary.. Revis is a shell of his former self IMO
  15. Good coaching puts the team in position to win the game. For example last night, never any safety help for the CB even though they were burned on almost every deep ball. I also don't think I saw one blitz all night to get pressure on Fitz. On offense, Tyrod looks so much better out of the pocket but not one design roll out the entire game. Also not one designed play to get the ball in McCoy hands in the open field. WE ALL know the man can catch from his days in Philly but for whatever reason no design play to get him the ball outside of running it. Now I will admit I am spoiled I am use to seeing well coached games and if we lose its usually because the other team is just better that night. I would like that for the friends I have here on this board as well. I don't think anyone gets that angry when the other team was just better but when your team just looks so out coached its dos heartening I know I remember the early 90's.
  16. 1 player shouldn't make a difference. What if he had been out injured instead of suspended.
  17. With good coaching, like an Arians or a BB, I think the Bills have the talent be a playoff team. (10 or 11 wins) a lot of Buffalo problems are probably like a god awful 2 minute drill, not calling any out of the pocket passes, or hell even having one of your speedy WR run the football on an mend around.... In other words your coaches lack any imagination and or ability command the team.
  18. I must ask why shut Sammy down? He got open a lot last night. Tyrod just never could get the ball to him.
  19. Problem I saw is that they Bills didn't take ANY option away from the Jets. They pretty much did anything they wanted.
  20. I so wanted disagree with you, but after watching the Bills performance last night... I could def see 0-4. Rams IMO are better coached so I say they win by 4 with th bills torturing their fans again by finding a new way to lose.. Say Tyrod on 4th and goal with 30 seconds left missing a wide open Watkins in the end zone to end it. I swear they fin d new ways to torture you guys every week!
  21. I wouldn't count the Jags as an easy W they hung tight with GB.
  22. You do know the Pats still would win with Tyrod for 3 weeks right lol
  23. Gilmore got beat a lot but IMO I would blame Rob Ryan for not giving ANY of the Corners Safety help all night. I understand it was the game plan, but when it doesn't work you need to change it.
  24. ok here is what I saw last night: 1. The final score was 37-31 but it felt to ME like the Jets Offense dictated the entire game. I want to say they finished at like 70% on 3rd downs. 2. The corners on Buffalo got beat deep so often I can't understand why Rob Ryan didn't put safety help for them. I think one of the announcers even pointed out that. 3. The Bills offense had opportunities missed. That interception by Tyrod was the RIGHT call but he badly under three the ball giving Watson no chance to catch it. 4. Your O line played damn well, and Tyrod Taylor holds the ball to long. 5. Even though the Bills were out played you could have won that game. IMO it was lost on a terrible 4 and 1 call. EVERYONE knew you were running it in THAT formation. I was like its to obvious it's going be a quick hit to Watson. 6. I have never seen such an awful 2 minute dill. I remember when the Bills created the hurry up Offense. 7. The Jets D doesn't look all that scary, a lot of missed WIDE open WR by Buffalo. I think Revis island got a bridge put in. But guys the Bills could have won even though they were soundly out played.
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