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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. The way the TEAM played on Thursday I am not shocked they dropped to 30. With The Pats having the 3rd string QB IN FOR Thursday I see a short stay at #1 for them.
  2. I was so waiting for the "football for dumbies" lol (see water boy lol)
  3. Except the head set is shut down via the NFL who controls them before the snap. God I love these conspiracy theories, can't just be a QB smart enough pick a teams D apart nope must be cheating.. Sigh
  4. Hmm I probably should ad who would be your coach as that would def determine what type of QB you would have.. (So has be a coordinator or an out of work HC right now) so I would hire Josh McDaniels as I think he is ready for his second shot as HC and could do the job.
  5. Hmm I didn't think of that, but then who would you have as your WB for that fill in year or would you draft one to start?
  6. No BB will not tolerate stupid penalties. The Pats had A safety, whose name escapes me, who made it to the pro bowl that year BUT since he had like 5 leading with the helmet penalties he did not make the team the next year. Hell he traded Randy Moss back to the Vikings for draft position lol
  7. That was my hesitation on Jimmy as well, and Tyrod per bills fans, doesn't see the middle of the field well. But they are better than the other options in the AFCE right now.
  8. You have a choice of 5 QB's Tryrod Tanahill Fitz Jimmy G 3rd pick in NFL Draft this year (probably get the #2 QB out of college) If it's the ND QB (Kizer) at 3 I would take him, otherwise it would be between Tyrod and Jimmy G. My reasoning is this they are both young and have a HUGE Upside, while Tanahill is mediocre at best and gawd awful at times, and Fitz is just to old and well no upside.
  9. I think if what you are thinking was true someone would spill the beans by now... Especially since the refs been screwed more than once by the NFL.
  10. IMO no one would be complaining if 2 things had happened: 1. Watkins wasn't so injury prone. (Which he wasn't in college so Whaley had no way knowing this IMO) 2. You had a QB who can get him the football.
  11. You do know the LEAGUE shuts down communication between the sideline and QB right? You do know THEY have full control over the communication right?
  12. Very true, I would ad the QB has to be able to make quick reads of the defense as 80% of the plays the ball is out within 2 - 3 seconds. Eavesdropping? You mean the paranoid league which can never find anything? Sort of like the headset crap, which is controlled by the league and set up by the league... But sadly people say "Pats are cheating" sigh
  13. Wait your going to steam roll the Cards, but only win by 4 against the Pats who will probably have the third string QB in there? Huh? Did I miss something?
  14. Ya Denver was a train wreck for him, but even BB wasn't the best his first time out as HC. As for Rex, lol I can believe that, he seems be a man stuck in his ways. GROUND AND POUND who cares if it only gets 1.5 yards a carry lol...
  15. McDaniels is an amazing OC, one of the best in the game I don't think people give him enough credit. Also not everyone would work pretty sure Mallet was cut because he was just bad!
  16. If they sign him it will only be to make Big Gronk happy... And putting him on the practice squad to develop.
  17. Based off THIS year so far he is 1 I think he had the best QBR rating in the NFL (or at least that's what I heard on the radio) that's not to say he is #2 behind Brady as he has not had enough starts but he is def the most promising after Brady. Or am I wearing my patriot glasses here?
  18. As a fan I was hoping for 2-2 and let Brady do the rest.. I think 3-1 is possible still...
  19. It very wel could be, I think it all depends on how our rookie WB looks this Thursday against the Texans. If we somehow manage pull up a huge upset and beat them then I don't see Jimmy G hitting the field. Without him I am expecting a low scoring game. Something like 24-17 or lower.. With him at say 90% I feel he would get us to mid 30's in points...
  20. He was on fire till he got hurt. And figure they will do all they can to get him ready for the Bills game. I also have no idea who has a better secondary you or the Phins... I know their front 4 are nasty.
  21. Just an outside observation here... What always got me about Buffalo since 2000 is a lack of a consistent vision of what the team wants to be... In other words 1 year you go out and sign a top WR and instead of building on that threw the draft (QB,RB. Oline) you ignore it draft for D then the ownership et al are shocked when the WR fails.. (That was an example of what I meant not what you all did). Another point being if you fail in year 1 with the idea it is s utters and you try something new in year 2... Most things suck the first year but some continuity and coaching year 2 can be a huge difference.. Just my opinion.. And yes I can be wrong, my wife tells me so daily lol..
  22. Brissette played well 6/9 92 yards and 2 of the 3 Inc were drops.. Guy has a gu. For an arm.
  23. The Bills can NOT play the way they did against the Jets otherwise Palmer and their O will drop 50+ on you. Rex HAS TO get pressure on Palmer and get in the face of their WR. I am not sure if they can: Cards 31 Bills:10 14 points off turnovers for the Cards.
  24. That be Edelman as of right now lol.... I expect them be ready for the Texans, and attack their weakness. Let's not forget the Texans have no idea how to defend Brissette as they were expecting Jimmy G who may be back for week 4
  25. Thanks guys, I try not to be a jerk. I think week 4 will be a great game if the Bills play up to their potential. IMO they always seem to play their best that 1st Pats game.
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