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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. I think you can still do it just not as quickly and must give the refs time to announce it. Funny how they have to change the rules because one coach didn't know them. IMO his whining it was cheating because he didn't know the rule is like saying that on say a flee flicker pass... Your the HC its YOUR job to know the rules or at least not get fooled THREE times by the same play!! Lost a lot of respect for Harbaugh after that game.
  2. Ahh I gotcha now! It is pretty good list, is Luck a top 7 QB?
  3. Yes it was, mind you I think it is hillarious how the Ravens cried over it then used it numerous times the next year. Oh and I seen the play run many a time in college football so hardly a new wrinkle... The Ravens were just caught unprepared.
  4. Well Edelman is 1/1 with 1TD as a "QB" lmao I kid I kid.. Before someone comes in and yells at me..
  5. Probably a better option than some guy off the street who doesn't know the system. And it's tops for 2 games.
  6. Teams have had streaks when they have won 20 plus games In a row... I am sure their is a number of great QBs inside those numbers. Beating Big Ben at 25% IMO is not a major accomplishment. Having Cam pee his pants in the SB , was. The second win was IMO a tainted game. I mean how many head shots did they get away with on Newton and in a 1 point game any one of those called could make a difference. Again I think over rated. And Luck and the Colts are a top 5 team.... In the draft. I really have not been impressed by the Broncos so far this year. But it is only game 3 lol
  7. Big Ben and the steelers O was a shell of its self in that game and almost pulled it off Pats and Brady -- that was the SB last yr... Came down to of all things a missed extra point.. Newton - Carolina -- vastly over rated... But I have never been a Cam Newton fan.. But his team is was over rated. Hell that 1st string O couldn't score on the Pats backups in the 3rd press's on game lol (a joke people don't go crazy)
  8. Thanks I found it, seems Big Wille M. Brought him in first and it isn't just patriots he is/was treating, but rather a lot of pro athletes. Seems this guy is rather persuasive.
  9. Those articles don't say much, but if you read between the lines they have this guy on the books for one reason.... TO KEEP THE FRANCHISE QB HAPPY! I agree with other responders he seems like a sleeve ball but you keep your star QB happy. Also did I miss the part where it said he gets the players healthy faster or how many player outside of Brady he sees?
  10. BB be looking more at 2 division wins give us a huge leg up in the division 4-6 weeks was for a separation not a sprain. For a sprain usually 1-2 weeks (per multiple reports)
  11. I disagree there, but different positions and a hurt throwing arm doesn't help the team more than the rookie... And game 4 is more important.
  12. Lol I think he and Romo are from the same college.... Great QBs but brittle... Lol But doesn't that come with experience? The feeling in the pocket that is.. I know exactly what you were talking about.
  13. Nah he isn't playing, it's all to make the Texans prep for him and Bisssett nothing more... I do see him returning for week 4 possibly.
  14. NOT arguing the QB part but Jimmy G got hit plenty in the Az game... Hmm wasn't Romo from the same school? (Eastern Illinois) IMO and MY OPINION ONLY Jimmy G passed the eye test looks comfy in the pocket and makes the right decision with the football quickly. (I think he was averaging under 3 seconds a throw) Tanahill after 5 years still holds onto the ball to long Fitz throws a lot of dumb passes and no arm strength Tyrod is hard to say he makes amazing plays but then misses wide open receivers in the middle of the field.. This could be Jimmy G to with more time but was Tyrod ever a quick hmthrower in the pocket?
  15. Start with the last one (good post by the way) there is NO RULE against the Patriots hiring a company that Brady owns. I knew about it but since there is no infraction to speak of ..as for the injured and extra players, never heard it even mentioned up here even once. As for Deflategate, I think we both can agree that horse been beaten to death, I will not convince you nor will you convince me.. I admitted to Spygate as fact. And I have never ever once brought up other teams cheating.
  16. Neither does the person making the accusations! FACT: NFL stated they control the headsets inside the QB helmet.. Stated after Pats v Steelers game when their idiot coach tried to start something... LOOK IT UP!
  17. Weird I rarely bring up my team, except when needing an example of defending them from stupid attacks. So it's obvious your basing your opinion on this one thread.. Which has really been derailed..
  18. I have never heard Flutie say that it read anything about it. How do you Prove a lie is a lie? You can't Prove Somethibg isn't happening. By far the most ridiculous argument I have ever had with any fan base
  19. What facts have been presented? A 10 year old article with an UNNAMED Source? I mean we know how accurate Mortensen is with his unnamed sources after all.. So as the accuser YOU are to provide evidence of wrong doing, which has not been provided at all an unnamed source from a reporter who has already been proven to have gotten bad information before from "unnamed" sources is hardly proof. NFL came out after last years Pats v Steelers game saying they were in control over the headset and monitoring signals into he headset.
  20. I am not going to argue with you, it's obvious you have your own set of "facts" that no matter how many times your proven wrong you will stick to. So go keep believing your silly lies because if you had ANY clue you would know how absurd your accusation is. Hint: Jimmy G was averaging less than 2 seconds before he grew the ball.. NO ONE CAN RELAY WHAT THEY SEE THAT WUICK. Brady averages roughly about 2-3 seconds but yes instead of being able read a D it's some person way up in the box seats radioing down in less than 3 seconds who to throw to.. DUMBEST CONSPIRACY EVER!
  21. You spend all day at work discussing conspiracy theories in football?! Wow that's an odd job. I also never asked you to explain anything, just saying relying on an article almost 10 years old and nothing ever came of it is rather well lame. But go ahead believe silly conspiracies theory.
  22. Yes and they keep such great records of said pressure. Oh wait they don't. Oh but they know the ideal gas law? Nope they didn't I know they know how fast someone can take air out of 13 balls! Nope oh I know this is it.. They released the true findings and never let any false information remain out there? Hmm NOPE. Deflategate was a joke, Spygate was legit. These delusion of radio waves.. Is just a silly conspiracy theory..
  23. See Denver D isn't as scary as last year IMO. Newton had ample ability put more points on them and failed miserably and well Indy kind of sucks!
  24. Ok I am going stop before I say something that will get me in trouble. But your proof is Mortenson and an OLD 2007 article. I can handle Spygate crap, and even Deflategate (to a point) but this!! COME ON MAN!!
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