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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. mYou mean the Pars would have found a way to count as 3 teams in the playoffs? Really? Wow.. That be a neat trick!
  2. Dude, I didn't think they were going to win!! Just like I didn't think they win in 1986!! Now the tuna owes me $200 for the 1996 fiasco! Lol
  3. Pfft I create a time machine I'm going back to 2001 the week before the SB and laying a crap loaf of money on the Pats to win lol
  4. Yup amazing how fragile the human body really is, to this day I am shocked he didn't retire at the end of that year.
  5. Hmm you may be right, I do know they said it almost killed him. Hard to imagine as they hit looked hard but not dirty in any way.
  6. Ugg they are cocky even when they suck, and they can't carry a god football conversation PERIOD.
  7. God I want the bills to get better! You guys are more fun talk to when your cocky! ☺️
  8. No, and FYI it wasn't his leg but punctured a lung.
  9. Didn't he say that tongue in cheek like, if they bet the Texans tonight?
  10. I wasn't expecting him to be ready, I think the earliest we can hope for him was week 4. Brissette is an unknown, must have driven the Texans coaching staff nuts as they don't have much tape at all on the kid. He looked decent against Miami going 6/9 93 yards with 2 drops. His biggest issue is lack of touch on the shorter passes, and I am sure they will keep it simple as him reading D is not up there yet. (A rookie he is going miss stuff) True, but what I meant is I been spoiled if Brady plays it's usually a W, just like back in the day when Kelly played it usually meant a W..
  11. Right now with who is playing, I would agree. But if Brady was playing I still would expect a W. Is that being cocky?
  12. Lot of quick passes with a healthy dose of Blount up the middle.. The Pats D needs earn their money this week. This game IMO has be low scoring for the Pats to win. (I can't remember the last time I have ever said they lol)
  13. 38-21 Cards.... The Cards still out to prove week 1 was a mirage and they are a SB Contender.
  14. If the Pats win that has be the biggest upset of the year so far. A rookie QB with 3 days prep beating THAT D! Pats one hope is that our D confuses Osweiler enough get 2-3 turnovers for short fields..
  15. I was wondering, do you guys think if he had stayed your playoff streak would have been broken last year? He had the team going in the right direction just had a terrible O.
  16. I figured as much. Now 10 days from tomorrow I have my fingers crossed
  17. Only stat that jumped out at me is 7 more losses for Levy with BB being in the league/division 4 more years.
  18. Not really accurate. On every O play the receivers are expected be able to read the Defense and adjust their routes accordingly. (So blitz you do A, zone you do B etc) that's the reason why so many WR fail in NE. Or at least that's what we are told lol
  19. Very true, the key is does the D know what you are doing and if so are you good enough to still beat them doing it.
  20. Levy was a great coach!!! But I can't read your stats on my phone as its all garbled together, that said I am not shocked they are close at all. Although hasn't BB been in the division longer than Levy was? (I'm asking I honestly don't know)
  21. High risk making a trade for him, he could easily be busted again and be suspended for another year. And since its been like 1 1/2 years has he kept his hands and or speed?
  22. I don't think it will happen. They already don't have a first round draft pick (Trade for QB) so the best they probably offer would be a 3rd or 4th
  23. A few reasons. One being on the most part you guys on here have good football conversations. (I have the same thing on the Colts board bunch good peeps) another reason is my own teams message board is filled with a bunch of kids who never went threw the bad times so saying anything even slightly negative (like saying the Pays will have a hard time winning Thursday w our 3rd string QB) turns ugly fast. That and so many have no clue about football and just blind sheep. I myself been a fan since the Tony Eason days... And still remember the bashing they took via the Bears (I remember at the very beginning being so hopeful when they got a turnover, just see a guy break his leg and the game go to hell lol) So basically I look for good football conversation and here and the colts forum are two places I been lucky to find them.
  24. That was one heck of a long rambling of jibberish. I am sorry but maybe you missed the MUKTIPLE helmet to helmet on Newton that were not called. Am I wrong that if ONE of them was called the entire outcome of the game could have been vastly different? Tainted meaning, they got lucky and they were not necessarily the better team that day. As for BB losing home field? Are you talking about last year? If so they were not healthy Edelman and Amandola were hurt as well as half the Oline was out on IR.. So no clue what the heck your talking about there! Or why that had anything done what I said. But I must say " Yes feel the anger, let it fill you..." Lol
  25. Well he was my starting RB on my fantasy team, between him and Ivory both my starters are gone... Sigh.....
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